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  1. cheers for that, Like i said i am quite a NOOB at all this, could you break that down a little or did I do somthing wrong when I posted the code in the first place?
  2. Hi would you PHP fiends mind helpping me with an annoying aspect of my website. www.allaboutexotics.co.uk and try the login link at the top, and could help me why it chucks all that code back at me. I am using the $page = $_GET['p']; method case ' $p = 'main.php'; break; which displays the content in the main right div this is what its ment to look and work like www.allaboutexotics.co.uk/main.php works fine with adding users and logging in. I took the code from a tutorial i found online. PLEASE PM me for greater detail and questions Olly
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