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Posts posted by dave420

  1. I don't recommend hardcoding configuration options. Use an INI or XML file. But, if you insist on using constants, at least use CLASS constants.


    Wouldn't parsing an INI or XML file be rather expensive?  Wouldn't it be better to at least cache the output into something more immediately useful, say using var_export?

  2. It would probably be quicker to include the MD5'd ID in the database, if you're going to search it via MD5.  Otherwise your DB will have to hash and compare each of the IDs as it searches, which is going to be slower than just comparing strings.


    Why are you hashing the user IDs?

  3. I'd suggest to get XDebug installed on your server and then take a look at where your scripts are taking the longest, and then seeing what can be improved to bring those times down.


    If you're repeatedly generating (frying) content when serving a static (baked) file would suffice, then it's worth looking in to seeing if you can bake the currently-fried pages in an efficient manner, paying attention to knowing when the cache is stale, and re-generating it.


    Of course all of this depends highly on the work your site is performing, which is why I'd suggest profiling the performance to see if it's worth caching, and how to go about that sensibly.

  4. Thanks for the response!


    So you fry everything to order?  Have you performed benchmarks on this system - do you know how well it would scale?


    I find I'm getting more and more obsessed with performance and scalability these days :)

  5. Does anyone here feel particularly strongly about either method for generating content?  How about a solution that bakes semi-fried pages, allowing templates and objects to be combined in flat PHP files, ready for use?  I'd like to hear the thoughts of you guys and gals, if possible.



  6. Yes - don't use the anchor :)  The anchor is not sent to the server - it's used by the client only.  If you want to use pagination, I'd suggest using the query string.  You can just put the page number in the query string like this:






    (where no query string means page 1).

  7. Create a boolean variable before the loop, and in the while loop NOT it so it flips on every iteration.  Use that true/false value to change the content of a variable, say $colour, and then use that in the TR tag to set the background colour (using CSS).  Here's a quick example.


    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
    // loop through the rows outputing them as html table rows
    $colour=($rowState=!$rowState) ? "#FF0000" : "#00FF00";
    // $row["fieldname"] returns the content for the field in the current row
    echo "<tr style=\"background-color: $colour;\"><td>" . $row["MANNAME"]. 	"</td>";
       	echo "<td>" 	. $row["prodtype"]. 	"</td>";
       	echo "<td>" 	. $row["proddesc"]. 	"</td>";
    echo "<td>"	. $row["prodnar"].	"</td>";
       	echo "<td>QUALUBE " 	. $row["prodequiv"]. 	"</td></tr>";


    I'd suggest using CSS classes instead of changing the background-color directly, just for ease of changing it later.

  8. It sounds rather easy to achieve this.  PHP has everything you need to get this working.  If the interface is using HTTP, as it would be if it's web-based, you can use the cURL library to log in to the specific IP address.  I'd suggest making a script that is run in a scheduler (like CRON on a *nix box), which periodically checks the machines in order.  It can save that information into a database, and then you can make a basic website in PHP that accesses that information.  The benefit of this method is you will have an accurate history of what each box spat out stored in the database, should you want to graph it or use it in reports, or even generate automated email/sms alerts should something go awry with one of them.  You could make a table in the database that lists each machine's IP address (and a friendly name if you want, to make viewing the data more human-friendly), which could also be updatable via a web interface, so should you want to add a new machine to the system, you just enter in its IP address (and name it), click "ok", and it'll be automatically included in the next poll.


    Does that sound like something you could do?  It's easier than it sounds :)

  9. If you're not going to have metadata stored with the picture, use the directory structure to organise the files.  Then simply have PHP go through the selected folder to find out what pictures are in there, and spit out <img> tags however you want to in your design.  You can point those <img> tags to a script that spits out thumbnails (obviously caching them after generating them, otherwise your webserver might implode).  If you want metadata, I'd suggest using a database, possibly using the filename and path as the key to the entry in the database.  The only problem with that is if you move the file from one folder to another, the data won't follow it.  To overcome that, you could store a unique ID in the EXIF tags of the picture if PHP can't find one, which could be used as the key instead.


    If your user wants to update it themselves, the simplest way is to set up their FTP access and let them upload their own pictures.  It's easier for you and them.

  10. I would suggest using the MySQL function FROM_UNIXTIME and pass it the time(), as it looks like you're not inserting the date correctly.  If you want it in the format you're showing, I'd suggest putting it in quotes in the query.

  11. Well, it's not an exact expression - it still has to be matched against the string, bits of it captured, and then reconstituted in its final form.  I ran it through xdebug, and the preg_replace took up most of the time every single time I ran a test.  Regular expressions have quite an overhead compared to simply moving three bits of a string around using substr.

  12. ok... that one works for that... and no, i'm not setting it manually... i'm $string=serialize(html_entities($_SESSION[var])); then storing in the database... and its doing that on EVERY  entery...


    and yes... that does give the warning... but thats completly unhelpful lol it says that theres an error, but not why theres an error...


    Are you sure you're doing




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