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About jesushax

  • Birthday 07/30/1985

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    Hull, Uk

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  1. how would you do it? thanks
  2. what im trying to do is get the current url and split the url into what i call lvl1 & 2 for example domain.com/business/aboutus.php would return $lvl1 = business $lvl2 = aboutus.php then date level 1 and add the title to all the level 1 pages "domain.com | business" so the page title indicates the users is in the business section then on about us id have in the page title "domain.com | business | about us" you see where im going with it? so im stripping the url and creating a page title depending on which folder, subfolder or page the user is on
  3. ok i did both $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; echo $url; list($root, $lvl1, $lvl2) = split('/', $url); the $url; gave me /index.php and the error is still there, what you think it is? i cant think of any other way to debug it :S
  4. ah right i see thanks for taking the time to explain that to me how would i correct the error if the split is less than 2? an if statement?
  5. Hi all, just wondering what this error means and how i can solve it the full error is here and heres the code from titles.php <?php $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; list($root, $lvl1, $lvl2) = split('[/]', $url); //front pages if ($lvl1 == "about.php") { $title = 'Domain | About Us';} elseif ($lvl1 == "business_directory.php") { $title = 'Domain | Business Directory';} elseif ($lvl1 == "new_directory") { $title = 'Domain | Business Directory';} elseif ($lvl1 == "business_support.php") { $title = 'Domain | Business Support';} elseif ($lvl1 == "case_studies.php") { $title = 'Domain | Case Studies';} elseif ($lvl1 == "contact.php") { $title = 'Domain | Contact Us';} elseif ($lvl1 == "email_page.php") { $title = 'Domain | Email Page To A Friend';} elseif ($lvl1 == "meet_the_buyer.php") { $title = 'Domain | Meet The Buyer';} elseif ($lvl1 == "work_vine.php") { $title = 'Domain | Work Vine Newsletter';} elseif ($lvl1 == "working_with_developers.php") { $title = 'Domain | Working With Developers';} //sub pages elseif ($lvl1 == "links.php") { $title = 'Domain | Useful Links';} elseif ($lvl1 == "news") { $title = 'Domain | News';} elseif ($lvl1 == "admin") { $title = 'Domain | Staff';} //default else { $title = 'Domain | Business Directory | Business Support';} ?> Thanks for any help
  6. how so i do this? if the database isnt already in UTF-8? what will happen when i transfer it over? also is it the header that outputs the current page on UTF-8? THanks
  7. hi all i have a form, with just a basic text area that when the form is submitted it goes to a mysql database in the form if a user types - (dash) in the mysql db it comes out as — how can i sort this out? i dont mind it being a — but for viewing (meaning echoing the data onto a webpage) how can i turn the — back to a -(dash) thanks
  8. i all what im trying to do is i have a sql query that shows records ordered by their location but what i want to do is when the location changes to have a gap in the table so insert a new row, cant think of how to do it though maybe using a for each statement?
  9. ah right thanks for that info i wanted it to run client side, so i guess thats out the window i think ill just drop the idea and type in the IP for RDP or VNC then, just thought i could save myself 0.5 seconds by not typing lol Thanks though
  10. how would i do it this way? and for the running RDP on click is that likey to work at all?
  11. os would be vista or xp is that a problem that it might be either?
  12. can you show me an example of opening a command prompt via php and ive never created a batch file before so wouldnt know where to start with that :| any hints? Thanks
  13. hi all what i want to do is to be able to launch command prompt from a php link and use data from the link to ping an address so example i click ping(url ping.php?IP= this computer command prompt is launched and it pings the the ip cotained in the link, is this possible? i want to launch VNC and RDP from links to if that is possible? THanks
  14. hi all here is my code My UserLevel is Admin yet i cant see those extra li's! anyone know why? <?php echo $_SESSION["UserLevel"]; if ($_SESSION["UserLevel"] == "Admin" || $_SESSION["UserLevel"] == "Editor") { ?> <li><a href="/staff/news/default.php">News / Articles</a></li> <li><a href="/staff/directory/default.php">Business Directory</a></li> <?php } ?> THanks
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