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Posts posted by CLTaylor

  1. Just want to thank everyone who has tried to help. I have saved the files both in utf-8 and ansi and it has not made any difference yet.


    I tried adding the extra table at the end Mike, and what was strange about that is it made the skewed design show up in my htm editor the way it was on the server. Before, it was just on the server. So wierd.


    I tried putting the java around the includes like this:

                <td> echo <script> echo/* ("include/links.php"); echo */ echo <script> <br></td>
                <td><img src="images/left_orange.jpg" width="165" height="29" /></td>
                <td> echo <script> echo/* ("include/newsletter.php"); echo */ echo <script></td>


    and got this page as a result: www.menopauseinfo.org/index2.php

  2. Thanks for trying Mike. I'm posting the code here for you to see. My html helpers tell me I have an incomplete DOCTYPE, so I'm also including that.


    If you look at www.menopauseinfo.org/index.htm you can see that the page loads fine. UNTIL I had the .php includes which you can see at www.menopauseinfo.org/index.php


      <table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
        <tr valign="top">
          <td width="165" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
            <table width="165" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td><img src="images/left_red.jpg" width="165" height="27" /></td>
                <td> <?php include("include/links.php"); ?><br></td>
                <td><img src="images/left_orange.jpg" width="165" height="29" /></td>
                <td> <?php include("include/newsletter.php"); ?></td>


    Here's what I have for my head in case that helps.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic10.dtd.">

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


      <meta name="TITLE" content=  "Menopause | Menopause Symptoms | Early Menopause">

      <meta name="description" content=  "Menopause articles, resources and links so you can learn how to eliminate the symptoms of menopause">

      <meta name="keywords" content=  "menopause symptoms,hormones,estrogen,progesterone,hot flashes,night sweats,perimenopause,bioidenticals">

      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=  "text/html; charset=us-ascii">

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css">





  3. Thanks for the help, but my problem is I'm not a coder.


    Maybe it will help to show you the 2 pages I have created.

    This page www.menopauseinfo.org/index.php works fine


    But the minute I add the .php includes, I get this:



    Maybe someone can tell what's causing the problem now.



  4. Thanks for helping. Here's the code that appears to be causing the problem

          <table width="165" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


              <td><img src="images/left_red.jpg" width="165" height="27"></td>




                <?php include("include/links.php"); ?>





              <td><img src="images/left_orange.jpg" width="165" height="29"></td>




                <?php include("include/newsletter.php"); ?> </td>




  5. I'm developing a new site in Expressions Web and saving the files as .php.


    When I use the .php includes, it throws off my site design and I can't see how to fix it. Can someone please take a look at this page and let me know?







  6. Thanks for this answer, I will try it.


    But it does bring up the question, "if I rename all of my .htm files, will I lose all my backlinks etc. coming into this site?"


    That is a concern because this site has been up for 3 years, so does anyone know how to change "some settings" and what that means?

  7. Hi - I'm a newbie and need some basic PHP help.


    I have created a navigation.php file with the HTML links


    I use this code within the HTML source code to link to it


    <?php include("navigation.php"); ?>



    but it doesn't seem to be working


    Can anyone see what is wrong?

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