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  1. Hi, I have a database driven site that lists results when searched. I need to have a Tag/Flag button that will change when clicked to show that that result has been Flagged then store the result ID in a session or cookie so that after tagging 3 results the user can click display and it will show those 3 results on a separate page ready for printing. I know how to reload that particular result as to change it to show as flagged without reloading the page but I do not know how to carry the result ID over into a session variable without reloading the page? Please can someone help me out here... Sorry for my noobness... Thanks in advance.
  2. THANKS SO MUCH!!! I am instantly in love with jQuery!!!! WOW!
  3. Hi all, I query a mysql database and get values these variables now need to be put into a javascript function and then run that javascript function. I have tried running: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> // JavaScript Document function getXMLHTTPRequest() { try { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(err1) { try { req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (err2) { try { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (err3) { req = false; } } } return req; } var http = getXMLHTTPRequest(); function getServerText() { var myurl = 'java-jump.txt'; myRand = parseInt(Math.random()*999999999999999); var modurl = myurl+"?rand="+myRand; http.open("GET", modurl, true); http.onreadystatechange = useHttpResponse; http.send(null); } function useHttpResponse() { if (http.readyState == 4) { if(http.status == 200) { var mytext = http.responseText;; document.getElementById('myPageElement').innerHTML = mytext; } } else { document.getElementById('myPageElement').innerHTML = '<div id="loading-gif"><img src="anim.gif"><br><p>Loading... Please Wait</p></div>'; } } </script> </head> <body> <a onclick="getServerText()">TEST</a> <div id="MapPanel" style="width:400px;height:300px;"></div> <div id="myPageElement" class="TEST"></div><!--End #Advanced Search--> </body> </html> so that it brings in "servertext.php" <?php echo "Wish this would work"; require ("config.php"); $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbdatabase, $conn); $UnitSerialNumber = '358278002008100'; $query = "SELECT * FROM $dbdatabase.$dbtableDecodedData WHERE UnitID = '$UnitSerialNumber' order by MessageDateTime desc limit 1"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Unable to run Serial Search query : ' . mysql_error()); $DecodedData = mysql_fetch_array($result); $UnitID = $DecodedData["UnitID"]; $MessageDateTime = $DecodedData["MessageDateTime"]; $Latitude = $DecodedData["Latitude"]; $Longitude = $DecodedData["Longitude"]; $Speed = $DecodedData["Speed"]; $Altitude = $DecodedData["Altitude"]; $Network = $DecodedData["Network"]; $Address = $DecodedData["Address"]; $query = "SELECT * FROM $dbdatabase.$dbtableUnits WHERE UnitSerialNumber=$UnitSerialNumber "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Unable to run GPSUnits Search query : ' . mysql_error()); $Units = mysql_fetch_array($result); $Owner = $Units["Owner"]; $DateAdded = $Units["DateAdded"]; $CommonName = $Units["CommonName"]; $query = "SELECT * FROM $dbdatabase.$dbtableABIUnits WHERE UnitSerialNumber=$UnitSerialNumber "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Unable to run ABIUnits Search query : ' . mysql_error()); $ABIUnits = mysql_fetch_array($result); $Description_Unit = $ABIUnits["Description_Unit"]; $Region = $ABIUnits["Region"]; $Location_Info = $ABIUnits["Location_Info"]; $Location_Latitude = $ABIUnits["Location_Latitude"]; $Location_Longitude = $ABIUnits["Location_Longitude"]; $query = "SELECT * FROM $dbdatabase.$dbtableABIUnits_Alerts WHERE Unit_Serial=$UnitSerialNumber "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Unable to run Alert query : ' . mysql_error()); $ABIUnits_Alerts = mysql_fetch_array($result); $Unit_Serial = $ABIUnits_Alerts["Unit_Serial"]; $Alert_Type = $ABIUnits_Alerts["Alert_Type"]; $Time = $ABIUnits_Alerts["Time"]; $State = $ABIUnits_Alerts["State"]; $Comment = $ABIUnits_Alerts["Comment"]; echo "$Speed is the speed - lat: $Latitude - long: $Longitude "; echo " <script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> var g_map = null; function initAGMap1() { g_map = new AGMap(document.getElementById(\"MapPanel\"), '22615975125160232162022552211342541312121430183244137157'); } function btnAddSerialClick() { g_map.AddPoint(\"/images/green.gif\",\"img1\", $Latitude,$Longitude,-8,-8,\"<b>Init $UnitID</b>\",\"State: $State <br>Speed: $Speed Kmph <br> Altitude: $Altitude MSL <br> Network: $Network <br> Area: $Address <br> Region: $Region <br> Location Info: $Location_Info <br> Description: $Description_Unit \"); g_map.CentreAndScale($Latitude,$Longitude,9); } function btnResetMapClick() { g_map.ResetMap(); } initAGMap1(); btnAddSerialClick(); </script> "; ?> The php prints and it is visable on the page. but the javascript functions do not run. Please help ??? ???
  4. Hi, You helped me a few months back with drop down population. I am looking to do the exact same thing only this time I only need the "Town" to populate. So the "Cities" will be hard coded and when selected it will populate the towns. Pleaes could you help me out? the site it is for is http://www.propafrica.co.za Thanks in Advance. Byron
  5. ok, so how would I do it if the link to my rollover image is also one in a database...? Mine would then be <a href="<?php echo "mini1.php?id=$ID" ?>" onMouseover="doText('<img src=<?php echo "mini1.php?id=$ID" ?>', this);" onMouseOut="doClear();">link!</a> Or am I just being silly?
  6. Basically I have this: <a onclick="window.open(this.href,'Name','resizable=no,width=265,height=210'); return false;" href="<?php echo "mini2.php?id=$ID" ?>"> <?php if( $Photo2 == '' ) {echo "<img class=\"img-border1\" src=\"/images/no-pic.jpg\" width=\"60px\" height=\"45px\">";} else echo " <img class=\"img-border1\" src=\"mini2.php?id=$ID\" width=\"60px\" height=\"45px\"> "?> </a> Looks a little confusing I know I lack of coding skills is showing once again. It works... The only problem is that the people are clicking on another pic and it is opening in the same window and dissapearing behind the main window. Is there a way to make it pop up and close again or at least be brought to front when a second link is clicked? I dont think we can use this normal std javascript pop up <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>The Image Gallery</TITLE> <script language="Javascript"> function PopupPic(sPicURL) { window.open( "popup.htm?"+sPicURL, "", "resizable=1,HEIGHT=200,WIDTH=200"); } </script> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <a href="javascript:PopupPic('Image1.gif')">Image 1</a><br> <a href="javascript:PopupPic('Image2.gif')">Image 2</a><br> <a href="javascript:PopupPic('Image3.gif')">Image 3</a><br> </BODY> </HTML> because of the <a href="javascript:PopupPic('Image1.gif')">Image 1</a><br> mine would need to be <a href="javascript:PopupPic('<?php echo "mini1.php?id=$ID" ?>')"> which i dont think will work... cant be mixing javascript and php like that...? well i tested it and it didnt work lol... If someone has an Idea!! ??? ??? Please help !! Been driving me nuts... :-\ :'(
  7. well anyone who actually knows what they are doing will laugh alot when they see this code... but it does work hahaha <?php if(isset($_POST['Prop_Type'])) { $Prop_TypeVar = $_POST['Prop_Type']; $PriceFromVar = $_POST['PriceFrom']; $PriceToVar = $_POST['PriceTo']; $OnShowVar = $_POST['OnShow']; $BedVar = $_POST['Bed']; $BathVar = $_POST['Bath']; $LoungeVar = $_POST['Lounge']; $GarageVar = $_POST['Garage']; $TypeVar = $_POST['Type']; $CountryVar = $_POST['country']; $ProvinceVar1 = $_POST['province']; $CityVar1 = $_POST['city']; $TownVar1 = $_POST['town']; $ProvinceVar = "= '$ProvinceVar1'"; $CityVar = "= '$CityVar1'"; $TownVar = "= '$TownVar1'"; $myServer = "sql3.soukopproperty.co.za"; $myUser = "main"; $myPass = "messiah"; $myDB = "webuploader"; //connection to the database $dbhandle = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); //select a database to work with $selected = mssql_select_db($myDB, $dbhandle) or die("Couldn't open database $myDB"); if( $TownVar1 == '' or $TownVar1 == 'Any' ) {$TownVar = " like '%'";} if( $CityVar1 == '' or $CityVar1 == 'Any' ) {$CityVar = " like '%'";} if( $ProvinceVar1 == '' or $ProvinceVar1 == 'Any' ) {$ProvinceVar = " like '%'";} $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2$ProvinceVar and Zone3$CityVar and Zone4$TownVar order by Price asc "; // This will be second page query! $query = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM webinfo WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT TOP 5 * ID FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2$ProvinceVar and Zone3$CityVar and Zone4$TownVar order by Price asc) and PProp_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2$ProvinceVar and Zone3$CityVar and Zone4$TownVar order by Price asc" $myServer = "sql3.**********.co.za"; $myUser = "*******"; $myPass = "*******"; $myDB = "webuploader"; $result = mssql_query($query); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <html> <head> <title>Soukop Property Group - Propery for Sale and Rent</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Property in KZN Sales, Properties KZN, purchasing, letting and investment opportunities" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Property Sales, rentals, purchasing, letting and investment opportunitiess" /> <meta name="keyphrases" content="Property Sales, purchasing, letting and investment opportunities" /> <link href="/css/stylin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="form.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.soukopproperty.co.za/wwwroot/icon.ico" /> </head> <body onLoad="setProvince();"> <h1>Property in KZN Sales, Properties for Sale, Looking to Rent, Rentals</h1> <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\header.php') ; ?> <div id="content"> <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\search-form.php') ; ?> <div id="content-right"> <p class="white"><?php echo "$query";?> </p> <?php //if(!$result) echo 'Sorry... No Results were found.'; while($query_data = mssql_fetch_array($result)) { $Prop_Type = $query_data["Prop_Type"]; $ID = $query_data["ID"]; $Street_Address = $query_data["Street_Address"]; $Price = $query_data["Price"]; $Mandate = $query_data["Mandate"]; $Onshow = $query_data["Onshow"]; $Onshow_Desc = $query_data["Onshow_Desc"]; $Bed = $query_data["Bed"]; $Bath = $query_data["Bath"]; $Lounge = $query_data["Lounge"]; $Garage = $query_data["Garage"]; $Heading = $query_data["Heading"]; $Body = $query_data["Body"]; $Agent_Pic = $query_data["Agent_Pic"]; $Agent_Name = $query_data["Agent_Name"]; $Agent_Tel = $query_data["Agent_Tel"]; $Agent_Cell = $query_data["Agent_Cell"]; $Type = $query_data["Type"]; $Zone1 = $query_data["Zone1"]; $Zone2 = $query_data["Zone2"]; $Zone3 = $query_data["Zone3"]; $Zone4 = $query_data["Zone4"]; $Photo1 = $query_data["Photo1"]; $Photo2 = $query_data["Photo2"]; $Photo3 = $query_data["Photo3"]; $Photo4 = $query_data["Photo4"]; $Photo5 = $query_data["Photo5"]; $Photo6 = $query_data["Photo6"]; $Photo7 = $query_data["Photo7"]; $Photo8 = $query_data["Photo8"]; ?> <?php require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\listing.php') ; ?> <?php } require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\nextorback.php') ; ?> </div><!--END #content-right--> <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\footer.php') ; } ?> How do i make the links/form that takes it to the next and back etc. (I have the query...) how do i do the rest?
  8. Thanks man I bring all new angles to the word noob... :-\ haha, is my IF statement correct?
  9. Sorry... here is a link to see the form http://www.soukopproperty.co.za
  10. Your way looks way better but i am not 100% sure how to do it properly. Gonna have to stare at what you have done for a while b4 i get it i suppose lol. Thanks man! With regards to my IF statments if( $ProvinceVar == '' or $ProvinceVar == 'Any' ) { $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2 like '%' and Zone3 like '%' and Zone4 like '%' order by Price asc "; } if( $CityVar == '' or $CityVar == 'Any' ) { $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2='$ProvinceVar' and Zone3 like '%' and Zone4 like '%' order by Price asc "; } if( $TownVar == '' or $TownVar == 'Any' ) { $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2='$ProvinceVar' and Zone3='$CityVar' and Zone4 like '%' order by Price asc "; } else $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2='$ProvinceVar' and Zone3='$CityVar' and Zone4='$TownVar' order by Price asc "; Is there a betterway to do this? it is for Zone2, Zone3, Zone4 so that If they select "Any" or it sends back blank then it will query VAR like '%' It is not working at the moment I think it is only running the last IF statement even when the top one is selected as Any
  11. haha wow been working on this for a while... MSSQL is terrible with limits why cant it be easy like with MYSQL, Can anyone explain how I can add the links to a post that will display "next" and "back" pages? Here is my code for the results page: <?php if(isset($_POST['Prop_Type'])) { $Prop_TypeVar = $_POST['Prop_Type']; $PriceFromVar = $_POST['PriceFrom']; $PriceToVar = $_POST['PriceTo']; $OnShowVar = $_POST['OnShow']; $BedVar = $_POST['Bed']; $BathVar = $_POST['Bath']; $LoungeVar = $_POST['Lounge']; $GarageVar = $_POST['Garage']; $TypeVar = $_POST['Type']; $CountryVar = $_POST['country']; $ProvinceVar = $_POST['province']; $CityVar = $_POST['city']; $TownVar = $_POST['town']; $myServer = "sql3.***********.co.za"; $myUser = "********"; $myPass = "*********"; $myDB = "webuploader"; //connection to the database $dbhandle = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); //select a database to work with $selected = mssql_select_db($myDB, $dbhandle) or die("Couldn't open database $myDB"); if( $ProvinceVar == '' or $ProvinceVar == 'Any' ) { $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2 like '%' and Zone3 like '%' and Zone4 like '%' order by Price asc "; } if( $CityVar == '' or $CityVar == 'Any' ) { $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2='$ProvinceVar' and Zone3 like '%' and Zone4 like '%' order by Price asc "; } if( $TownVar == '' or $TownVar == 'Any' ) { $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2='$ProvinceVar' and Zone3='$CityVar' and Zone4 like '%' order by Price asc "; } else $query = "SELECT top 5 * FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2='$ProvinceVar' and Zone3='$CityVar' and Zone4='$TownVar' order by Price asc "; // This will be second page query! $query = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM webinfo WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT TOP 5 * ID FROM webinfo WHERE Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2 like '%' and Zone3 like '%' and Zone4 like '%' Order by Price asc) and Prop_Type='$Prop_TypeVar' and Price between '$PriceFromVar' and '$PriceToVar' and OnShow $OnShowVar and Bed $BedVar and Bath $BathVar and Lounge $LoungeVar and Garage $GarageVar and [Type]='$TypeVar' and Zone1='$CountryVar' and Zone2 like '%' and Zone3 like '%' and Zone4 like '%' Order by Price asc" $myServer = "sql3.soukopproperty.co.za"; $myUser = "main"; $myPass = "messiah"; $myDB = "webuploader"; $result = mssql_query($query); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <html> <head> <title>Soukop Property Group - Propery for Sale and Rent</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Property in KZN Sales, Properties KZN, purchasing, letting and investment opportunities" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Property Sales, rentals, purchasing, letting and investment opportunitiess" /> <meta name="keyphrases" content="Property Sales, purchasing, letting and investment opportunities" /> <link href="/css/stylin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="form.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.soukopproperty.co.za/wwwroot/icon.ico" /> </head> <body onLoad="setProvince();"> <?php echo "$query" ?> <h1>Property in KZN Sales, Properties for Sale, Looking to Rent, Rentals</h1> <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\header.php') ; ?> <div id="content"> <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\search-form.php') ; ?> <div id="content-right"> <?php if(!$result) echo 'Sorry... No Results were found.'; while($query_data = mssql_fetch_array($result)) { $Prop_Type = $query_data["Prop_Type"]; $ID = $query_data["ID"]; $Street_Address = $query_data["Street_Address"]; $Price = $query_data["Price"]; $Mandate = $query_data["Mandate"]; $Onshow = $query_data["Onshow"]; $Onshow_Desc = $query_data["Onshow_Desc"]; $Bed = $query_data["Bed"]; $Bath = $query_data["Bath"]; $Lounge = $query_data["Lounge"]; $Garage = $query_data["Garage"]; $Heading = $query_data["Heading"]; $Body = $query_data["Body"]; $Agent_Pic = $query_data["Agent_Pic"]; $Agent_Name = $query_data["Agent_Name"]; $Agent_Tel = $query_data["Agent_Tel"]; $Agent_Cell = $query_data["Agent_Cell"]; $Type = $query_data["Type"]; $Zone1 = $query_data["Zone1"]; $Zone2 = $query_data["Zone2"]; $Zone3 = $query_data["Zone3"]; $Zone4 = $query_data["Zone4"]; $Photo1 = $query_data["Photo1"]; $Photo2 = $query_data["Photo2"]; $Photo3 = $query_data["Photo3"]; $Photo4 = $query_data["Photo4"]; $Photo5 = $query_data["Photo5"]; $Photo6 = $query_data["Photo6"]; $Photo7 = $query_data["Photo7"]; $Photo8 = $query_data["Photo8"]; ?> <?php require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\listing.php') ; ?> <?php } ?> </div><!--END #content-right--> <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'C:\Domains\soukopproperty.co.za\wwwroot\includes\footer.php') ; } ?> Also those three IF statements at the top... Is there a way to put OR in them? like it only runs the last statement... Byron
  12. I am looking for that same thing... did you ever find a resolution?
  13. well yes i do... Are you comfortable with photoshop? how do you create your gradients?
  14. WOW man I am so grateful! Really! Are you from south Africa? Paypal?
  15. I dont ever use tables only Divs but I am not sure what you want to achieve?
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