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About hawkenterprises

  • Birthday 05/10/1980

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    Gresham, Oregon

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  1. A simple run down on how it works is as follows [*]Apache Receives Request for a Path (ie /Computer/Services) [*]Apache checks for any mod_rewrite rules affecting the path requested [*]Appropriate rewrite rules will feed the path into a query string of index file sitting at the top level of path [*]php parses index file which has path_info function to deal with what was sent [*]PHP display appropriate information
  2. Have you tried preg_replace? $stripped_quotes = preg_replace("\"",'',$_POST['head']); Then entitize if need be.
  3. I'm sorry, I can't in good conscious tell you how to solve your problem, perhaps someone else will.
  4. var_dump, but I would believe you got what you wanted. Mysqli Object() is a null Mysql database object. You probably need to run some methods to get a connection handler
  5. Generally you don't connect to payment gateways using the method you are attempting. On dibs website there is this link http://www.dibs.dk/teknik/teknik/ This link has all the technical information you will need. You are going to be using a secured socket connection. Something like Curl or Fsockopen is going to be your answer. What you have now will not work, nor be safe for your client or yourself.
  6. Um I think you need to re-read the passthru documentation. It talks that passthru is like exec() and executes a command. What you want is a datastream, not an execution. Fopen and filestreams are the right way to go here.
  7. I'm assuming you mean something like this <font color="#XXXXXX">Yay</font> to this [color="#XXXXXX"]Yay[/color] If you are referring to CSS which you should probably be using instead then it's a whole another ball of wax with classes and ids to work with. Perhaps you should talk about what the goal of your project is and we can provide you with a possible another solution.
  8. What your looking for is a marriage of PATH_INFO and mod_rewrite. You can take your url and make it http://<domainname>.tld/Computer_Services/search or something even more appealing to you. Try searching for Apache Mod_Rewrite on google. Apache has wonderful documentation but sometimes it's a little heavy for beginners.
  9. mjdamato, you must be one of the freaks here.... I don't know about you but I didn't come into this world knowing everything and doing everything perfect. Perhaps your birth was virginal as well?
  10. I use this function to do it for me function mysql2timestamp($datetime){ $val = explode(" ",$datetime); $date = explode("-",$val[0]); $time = explode(":",$val[1]); return mktime($time[0],$time[1],$time[2],$date[1],$date[2],$date[0]); }
  11. Mod_rewrite won't be the only thing you will need. You will also need some type of mechanism (PATH_INFO) or something else to determine were the files really are versus what the links are. .htaccess is only going to rewrite the url, your code will have to manage the rest. Wordpress achieves this marriage very well take a look at how it runs.
  12. In PHP your code will compare routing numbers on the server side after the post is completed. If this is what you are requesting then just read the entire file into memory and do a strpos() to get what you are looking for. Otherwise to me it sounds like you are looking either for an AJAX/RPC "realtime" comparison which would require just a pure javascript (client-side) check in addition to the the PHP server side. However the fact that you don't understand these two principals and you are working with a finical transaction of some sort would beg the question about how secure your code will ultimately be, and do you or your client feel comfortable with that?
  13. What is the intended purpose of this? It seems that if we knew the ultimate goal we might be able to help you find a different less complicated route. Any reason this can't user CURL or fsockopen instead?
  14. it's because after using mysql_query you need to use something else to fetch the data from the result. $line = mysql_fetch_array($result) will achieve this as well as many other ways
  15. There is a difference between these two statements $num = 5; and $num = '5'; Also it goes more as to how PHP stores the information that is really what I was trying to illustrate. The fact is $num is typeless you are declaring type in the above to statements.
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