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  1. From a different angle... has anyone got an alternative method for generating an SQL driven PHP menu system that will allow you to search the SQL database as well?
  2. All menus do start with all data listed within them - all based upon DISTINCT data. The problem is that when you select any options, aside from starting from the first category CITY you cannot start selecting from another category, e.g. Upon loading the menus are as such: CITYTYPEGENRESTATUS BirminghamBandRockGigging BirminghamSoloMetalGigging LondonBandMetalRecording So when you select Birmingham in the first menu it displays: CITYTYPEGENRESTATUS BirminghamBandRockGigging [/td]SoloMetalGigging What I also want it to be able to do is that if you select the TYPE option first that it changes what is displayed in the GENRE and STATUS sections: CITYTYPEGENRESTATUS BandRockGigging MetalRecording I hope that 'sort of' explains what I want!?
  3. Just in case I didn't explain what I couldn't achieve well enough... Each row within my database has a different City, Type, Genre and Status combination - thus picking the first City (generated from the database) presents you with all the Types within the database that have the City listed as well as all the Genres and Status's from within that group, e.g. London - Band - Rock - Gigging Birmingham - Band - Pop - Gigging Manchester - Solo - Rock - Recording Birmingham - Solo - Metal - Giggins Thus if you select Birmingham from the list it brings up Band and Solo within Type, Pop and Metal within Genre and just Gigging within Status - then you select Band from the Type menu and it shows Pop within the Genre menu and Gigging in Status. This all works fine at present, but what I want is for when someone visits the site for the first time and the menu system is fresh with no selected input that they can - instead of starting from the City selection, choose to start from the Genre or Type field first, i.e. CITY - TYPE - GENRE - STATUS ----- - BAND: - the rest (GENRE & STATUS) display all the bands and not the Solo artists within the database that match the 'Band' criteria. That way a search can be done using any criteria and no rely on a user selecting all 4 fields. I hope the way I've explained it makes sense!
  4. Hi, I am working on a menu that is generated from our MySQL database, it has four drop-down menus which all call different sections of data based upon the selection before. This all works fine and is reflective of the first choice, then second, then third - the problem that I would like it to work if the user selects the second or third option without choosing the first. My code is as below: <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> function reload(form) { var val1=form.locationS.options[form.locationS.options.selectedIndex].value; var val2=form.typeS.options[form.typeS.options.selectedIndex].value; var val3=form.genreS.options[form.genreS.options.selectedIndex].value; var val4=form.statusS.options[form.statusS.options.selectedIndex].value; self.location='search.php?locationS=' + val1 + '&typeS=' + val2 + '&genreS=' + val3 + '&statusS=' + val4; } </script> <?php include 'db.php'; include 'dbopen.php'; include 'alltitle.php'; include 'allstyle.php'; $selection1=$_GET['locationS']; $selection2=$_GET['typeS']; $selection3=$_GET['genreS']; $selection4=$_GET['statusS']; //CITY $quer1=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT city FROM members ORDER BY city"); //TYPE if(isset($selection1) and strlen($selection1) > 0) {$quer2=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM members WHERE city='$selection1' ORDER BY type");} else {$quer2=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM members ORDER BY type");} //GENRE if(isset($selection2) and strlen($selection2) > 0) {$quer3=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT genre FROM members WHERE city='$selection1' AND type='$selection2' ORDER BY genre");} else if(isset($selection1) and strlen($selection1) > 0) {$quer3=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT genre FROM members WHERE city='$selection1' ORDER BY genre");} else {$quer3=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT genre FROM members ORDER BY genre");} //STATUS if(isset($selection3) and strlen($selection3) > 0) {$quer4=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT status FROM members WHERE city='$selection1' AND type='$selection2' AND genre='$selection3' ORDER BY status");} else if(isset($selection2) and strlen($selection2) > 0) {$quer4=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT status FROM members WHERE city='$selection1' AND type='$selection2' ORDER BY status");} else if(isset($selection1) and strlen($selection1) > 0) {$quer4=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT status FROM members WHERE city='$selection1' ORDER BY status");} else {$quer4=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT status FROM members ORDER BY status");} //FORM echo "<form method=post name=f1 action=''>"; //CITY echo "<select name='locationS' onchange=\"reload(this.form)\"><option value=''>Select one</option>"; while($noticia1 = mysql_fetch_array($quer1)) {if($sect1['city']==@$selection1) {echo "<option selected value='$sect1[city]'>$sect1[city]</option>"."<BR>";} else {echo "<option value='$sect1[city]'>$sect1[city]</option>";}}echo "</select>"; //TYPE echo "<select name='typeS' onchange=\"reload(this.form)\"><option value=''>Select one</option>"; while($sect2 = mysql_fetch_array($quer2)) {if($sect2['type']==@$selection2) {echo "<option selected value='$sect2[type]'>$sect2[type]</option>"."<BR>";} else {echo "<option value='$sect2[type]'>$sect2[type]</option>";}} echo "</select>"; //GENRE echo "<select name='genreS' onchange=\"reload(this.form)\"><option value=''>Select one</option>"; while($sect3 = mysql_fetch_array($quer3)) {if($sect3['genre']==@$selection3) {echo "<option selected value='$sect3[genre]'>$sect3[genre]</option>"."<BR>";} else {echo "<option value='$sect3[genre]'>$sect3[genre]</option>";}} echo "</select>"; //STATUS echo "<select name='statusS' onchange=\"reload(this.form)\"><option value=''>Select one</option>"; while($sect4 = mysql_fetch_array($quer4)) {if($sect4['status']==@$selection4) {echo "<option selected value='$sect4[status]'>$sect4[status]</option>"."<BR>";} else {echo "<option value='$sect4[status]'>$sect4[status]</option>";}} echo "</select>"; // add your other form fields here //// echo "<input type=submit value=Submit>"; echo"<input type=button onClick=\"parent.location='search.php'\" value=Reset>"; echo "</form>"; ?> I just wondered if there is a way to get this to work the way I want, or if anyone had a better solution to getting around this.
  5. So I guess no-one can help?
  6. Here's the basic upload php page, as above when I place the include login at the beginning of the code it works fine in IE but not in the other major browsers. <?php if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) { $uploadDirectory = "uploads/"; function findexts ($filename) { $filename = strtolower($filename) ; $exts = split("[/\\.]", $filename) ; $n = count($exts)-1; $exts = $exts[$n]; return $exts; } $ext = findexts ($_FILES['Filedata']['name']) ; $name = "$username"; $newname = "$name".".".$ext; $uploadFile = $uploadDirectory . basename($newname); copy($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $uploadFile); } ?>
  7. Sorry 'bout that: http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/index.php/2007/09/24/click-fraud-captchas-session-fixation-puzzles/
  8. Hi, I have a log in script and Flash upload system that work as expected in IE, but as soon as they are applied in Firefox/Safari nothing. I have read around and it seems that this is to do with the way F&S deal with Sessions: http://www.avertlabs.com/research/bl...ation-puzzles/ Now whilst that site offers a solution I am unable to get it to work (probably missing something obvious!). My setup works like this, someone logs in using sessions, they navigate around and have the ability to upload images, to give them a graphical representation of the upload I opted to use a Flash bar that when sent back to php uses the login session to call a name from MySQL to name the uploaded file. This works fine on its own (without renaming) and in IE (with renaming) but nowhere else. Not sure if there is an obvious work-around or a quick fix way to make the session from login carry through to the upload php without striping the uploaded file from the system(?) Thanks for any suggestions/solutions!
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