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Posts posted by MAPA3M

  1. This is a tricky one... how do you tell if the request is invalid or is for a user or is for a regular file?


    for example... you have a user \"john\".... this would make the request




    valid from the logical point of view... however, to Apache that request and






    will look exactly the same... so while I did set up a mod_rewrite that\'ll do what you want, it doesn\'t seem very useful because apache will rewrite EVERY REQUEST that\'s 404 to view.php?user


    Best that you can do is something like




    That way you can either use apache\'s mod_userdir or set up a simple mod_rewrite rule to forward those users


    Now, for reference....

    This is the answer to your original question...maybe you can improve on it

    RewriteEngine ON
    RewriteCond  /your/docroot/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond  /your/docroot/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^/(.*) /view.php?user=$1


    This is what can forward /~user

    RewriteEngine ON                                                                                                    
    RewriteRule ^/~(.*) /view.php?user=$1


    Hope this helped!

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