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Posts posted by dragin33

  1. Thank you for your help. That works great! 


    I have read some sites on regular expressions so i know what some of the special characters do but would you mind explaining the different parts of this expression so that I / we may learn from you :)  thanks


    In particular could you explain this part


  2. Thank you for your help. That works great! 


    I have read some sites on regular expressions so i know what some of the special characters do but would you mind explaining the different parts of this expression so that I / we may learn from you :)  thanks

  3. Hi,

      I'm trying to pull some data off a dynamic web page with php implode code.  I am then attempting to run preg_match or preg_match_all to grab some data from the web page.  When i grab the web page with impolde it looks like this... (plus more)


    <td  class="key"> EPS: </td>
    <td  class="val">0.60</td>

    (including the line break.)


    What I need to do is pull out the "EPS" and the value of EPS which would be "0.60".  I am new to preg_match and even newer to regular expressions.  Could someone please help me out..  I can get it to match the EPS but I really don't know how to get the very next value (.60) without going through the rest of the code and pulling out random other numbers.

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