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  1. Hi , I am pretty new to coding in PHP and i have a requirement that i need to get done asap, be nice if one you guys could help me out. Im created a CMS where the admin user can select the page they want to upload an image to., then browse for the image and upload it to the server (specified directory). All this would be done via a form. The image is to be resized on submission to a max width of 270 and renamed to a value using time() (timestamp func) or something similar. I have found TONNES of scripts out there, which do partial jobs. Just wondering if one of you guys new about this a little more than me? or any suggested ideas. Criteria for this function is: Image can be gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Image must be uploaded to a specific directory. Image must be resized to a specific width prior to the final copy being uploaded to the server. Image to be renamed using the timestamp function to make all file names unique. Can anyone help me with this? Cheers Guys
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