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Everything posted by stuart7398

  1. stuart7398


    using css browser friendly http://www.webproducer.at/flexible-layout/
  2. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/variable.php
  3. do a little research and view all my posts. "helllllp" is not in my dictionary
  4. Fenways first reply was "where's the join" If he had bothered reading the post he would have seen effort was made. I do not head my posts "helllllp" or anything similar. = EFFORT = GUIDANCE REQUIRED
  5. no you won't be getting a donation. this not the military. you are little people like us and me who sit behind a desk. you are not high ranking, if so in what. typed letters from a keyboard. you are not the only forum. goodbye.
  6. this is not a debate. i don't like fenway. i've asked him not to respond now you have an opinion. you know nothing of the past responses of fenway. so you have no place to judge.
  7. You actually know nothing fenway. You respond with one liners because you know little and are simply bumping up your 'post' scores. Sad bastard
  8. It may be oblivious to someone who knows fenway. Say "mysql" or "php" to someone who does not know and you will get a blank expression. At one point, you knew sod all, today you know a little more. Unfortunately, you are to arrogant and fat headed to go back to when you knew nothing. I'm not asking you to respond. I've actually asked you not to respond once before. apart from being a *******, you're also stupid. You are not the only forum on the web. Lock the ***** you controlling little *******. Sad **********
  9. RUBBISH!!! I sit here with a book and web tutorials. If I can't find the answer I ask for help. You've responded to a few of my posts with one liners. I don't come here for Riddles, Clues or Puzzles. I have tried blocking you, but obviously failed. You have the wrong forum fenway, you need this: http://www.funtrivia.com/quizzes/index.cfm
  10. Hi I have a login system. I need to add a 'forgot password' option. The user will either enter a username or email address and set up a new password. Where do I start with this? Thanks for your time. Stuart.
  11. http://phpsense.com/php/php-login-script.html
  12. Hi. My members' area automatically logs out after around 30 minutes. Is it possible to change the time? Any input appreciated. Thanks, Stuart. This is my log out page <?php //Start session session_start(); //Unset the variable SESS_MEMBER_ID stored in session unset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']);
  13. That's what i'm learning, that's why people come here. If you have no productive answers or directions please stop responding Fenway. You knew nothing at some point, probably still don't. People come here to LEARN. Direct, encourage them.
  14. I think I should be inserting the new users 'status' in the 'personal' table How would I join these 2 tables? Table 1 = 'security' Table 2 = 'personal' INSERT INTO security(name, login, passwd) VALUES('$name','$login','".md5($_POST['password'])
  15. Hi. I think I have done a successful join, not sure. The first data table has the login and password. Primary key = 'id' Field 'login' Field 'password' The second data table has personal details such as 'name' address' Primary key = 'status' Field 'id' Field 'Name' Field 'Address' The problem I'm having is when I register as a new user, I see my first table data and other users data, where mine should empty until updated. And the 'id' field in the second table is left empty. How is it updated to match the first table? Any input appreciated. Thanks, Stuart. The Registration Page INSERT INTO security(name, login, passwd) VALUES('$name','$login','".md5($_POST['password']) Personal Details Page $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM personal, security WHERE security.member_id = '$SESS_MEMBER_ID'") OR DIE (mysql_error());
  16. Hi. I have a small registration / login form. Is it possible to limit the user to only one registration? if so where do i start? Thanks for your time. Stuart.
  17. Nice one! Thanks.
  18. stuart7398

    Same Code

    Hi. The css code below are for 3 buttons. They are all the same apart from the 'padding-left' property. Is it possible to have just one piece of code to apply to all buttons, then a separate piece of code to control the 'padding-left' property? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Stuart. .button_apply_now { position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 3px; margin: 0px; padding-left: 1em; cursor: pointer; } .button_training { position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 3px; margin: 0px; padding-left: 1.8em; cursor: pointer; } .button_answers { position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 3px; margin: 0px; padding-left: 1.7em; cursor: pointer; }
  19. Hi. Is it possible to do anything with the path below, like shorten it or tidy it up? The path comes from a contact us 'thankyou page' Thanks for anything you can offer. Stuart. http://www.abc.com/abc_us/abc_us_thankyou.php?subject=thanks&name=h&email=h%40h.com
  20. <?php require('atu.php'); ?> <?php $page_title = 'once ('../head.php'); ?> <?php require_once('../nav.php'); ?> <?php require '../config.php'; require '../opendb.php'; $member_id = "$SESS_MEMBER_ID"; if(isset($_POST['save'])){ $firstname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['firstname']); $mobile = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mobile']); $phone_2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['phone_2']); $address_1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address_1']); $county = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['county']); $post_code = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['post_code']); $login = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['login']); $sec_question = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sec_question']); mysql_query("UPDATE members SET firstname='$firstname', mobile='$mobile', phone_2='$phone_2', address_1='$address_1', county='$county' , post_code='$post_code', login='$login', sec_question='$sec_question' WHERE member_id = '$SESS_MEMBER_ID'") or die("Update error: ".mysql_error()); } list($member_id, $firstname, $mobile, $phone_2, $address_1, $county, $post_code, $login, $sec_question,) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT member_id, firstname, mobile, phone_2, address_1, county, post_code, login, sec_question FROM members WHERE member_id = '$SESS_MEMBER_ID'")); Print '<table style="table-layout:fixed; width:96%" class="up_account" border="0px">'; Print '<tr><td width="25%"><h3>Update Profile</h3></td><td width="25%"></td><td width="40%"></td></tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td>Membership Number: '.$member_id.'</td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td><h3>Personal Details</h3></td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '<td><form method="post" action=""></td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td>Name</td>'; Print '<td><input type="text" name="name" size="22" value="'.$name.'" /></td>'; Print '<td>'.$name.'</td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td>Age</td>'; Print '<td><input type="text" name="age" size="22" value="'.$age.'" /></td>'; Print '<td>'.$age.'</td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td>Visit My Website</td>'; Print '<td><input type="text" name="website" size="22" value="'.$website.'" /></td>'; Print '<td>'.$website.'</td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<td><p><input type="button" value="Save Profile" name="save" /></p></form></td>'; Print '<td><a href="http://www.abc.com/update-profile.php"/><input type="button" value="Reset Form" /></a></td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '</table>'; ?> </div></div> <?php @ require_once ('tnav.php'); @ require_once ('mem_rn.php'); @ require_once ('foot.php'); ?>
  21. hi. not sure where this topic belongs. i have a form for my members to update their details. however, it seems anything and any length of input can be placed and saved in the form. any help appreciated. Thanks. mysql_query("UPDATE members SET firstname='$firstname', mobile='$mobile', phone_2='$phone_2', address_1='$address_1', county='$county' , post_code='$post_code', login='$login', sec_question='$sec_question' WHERE member_id = '$SESS_MEMBER_ID'") or die("Update error: ".mysql_error()); } list($member_id, $firstname, $mobile, $phone_2, $address_1, $county, $post_code, $login, $sec_question,) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT member_id, firstname, mobile, phone_2, address_1, county, post_code, login, sec_question FROM members WHERE member_id = '$SESS_MEMBER_ID'")); Print '<table style="table-layout:fixed; width:96%" class="up_account" border="0px">'; Print '<tr><td width="25%"><h3>Update Profile</h3></td><td width="25%"></td><td width="40%"></td></tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td>Membership Number: '.$member_id.'</td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td><h3>Personal Details</h3></td>'; Print '<td></td>'; Print '<td><form method="post" action=""></td>'; Print '</tr>'; Print '<tr>'; Print '<td>Name</td>'; Print '<td><input type="text" name="name" size="22" value="'.$name.'" /></td>'; Print '<td>'.$name.'</td>'; Print '</tr>';
  22. Hi. Thanks, however i'm still learning both php and mysql. The following gives me the error. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM members CONCAT(LEFT(PHONE,9), ' ***'WHERE member_id = '1'' at line 1 [code ]<?php require '../config.php'; require '../opendb.php'; $data = mysql_query("SELECT CONCAT(LEFT(PHONE,9), ' ***' FROM members WHERE member_id = '$SESS_MEMBER_ID'") OR DIE (mysql_error()); $info = mysql_fetch_array( $data ); { Print "<table style='table-layout:fixed; width:100%' class='up_account'>";
  23. Hi. When a user adds a telephone number to their profile i want the last 3 digits hidden, when the profile goes online. when a different member has paid for membership then the last 3 digits will appear. 09876 987 *** 09876 987 876 i'm not sure whether this is a php or mysql topic. any help appreciated. Thanks, Stuart.
  24. CREATE TABLE `cgmfx` ( `year` int, `month` VARCHAR(20), `shares` FLOAT(10,3), `gainloss` FLOAT(10,2), `change` FLOAT(10,2) )
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