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  1. with know how, sazcart ( www.sazcart.com ) is a great 'base' being simple, powerful, and secure.. but very easy to customize, and do just about anything that needs doing with.
  2. use position: relative;
  3. another thing i noticed was you were naming the ul... ul id="blah" i have ran into a lot of problems that are fixed by not doing this.... reference it by what div it is in.. example.. #menu ul { ... } #menu li { ..... } i have found that this works great.. also NEVER use the global call.. *{padding:0; margin:0;} .. its a nightmare.
  4. a lot of times i like to use dl, dt, and dd for css formating, then you dont have to worry about list-style, etc.. also.. in the start of you style sheet it is good practice to make dl, ul, etc padding: 0px, and margin-left: 1em;.. this will help with IE/firefox problems..
  5. not a tutorial, but i good reference is always www.w3schools.com
  6. thetar

    px to em

    wow, thanks.
  7. i hate the color rendering, i normally just use a 1x1 pixel png, like talked about above.
  8. SEO maybe, not standards, that would be in each board.. standards for CSS, standards for XHTML, etc.
  9. that means i need 8 more..
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