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Everything posted by Seeo

  1. because some one is phishing
  2. please...anyone?
  3. Hello here is a script, can somebody please explain this script to me...? what is the purpose of this script?.... var ipaddress = '~DELETED~'; var browser = 'MSIE 5.00'; var operatingsystem = 'Windows Vista'; var countrylanguage = ''; var referer = escape(document.referrer); var screenresolution = screen.width+'x'+screen.height; var colordepth = screen.colorDepth; var url = location.href; init_counter(); function init_counter() { var clickscript = new Image(); clickscript.src = 'http://www.countall.com/count2.php?hit=1&u=25745&title=http://lostinheaven.freeweb7.com&ipaddress='+ ipaddress +'&browser='+ browser +'&operatingsystem='+ operatingsystem +'&countrylanguage='+ countrylanguage +'&screenresolution='+ screenresolution +'&colordepth='+ colordepth +'&referer='+ referer +'&url='+ url; startclicklog(); } function startclicklog() { if (typeof document.onmousedown == 'function') { currentFunc = document.onmousedown; document.onmousedown = function(e) { catchactivity(e); return currentFunc(e); } } else { document.onmousedown = catchactivity; } } function findlink(el) { var tagName = 'A'; var parent = el.parentNode; if (el.tagName != 'IMG') var df = el.href; if (!df&&parent) { if (parent.tagName==tagName) return parent.href; else return findlink(parent); } else return df; } function catchactivity(e) { try { if (e == undefined) e = window.event; if (e.srcElement) href = findlink(e.srcElement); else href = findlink(e.target); if (href) var clickscript = new Image(); clickscript.src = 'http://www.countall.com/count2.php?hit=0&u=25745&title=http://lostinheaven.freeweb7.com&ipaddress='+ ipaddress +'&url='+ url +'&href='+ href; var href = ''; } catch(e) { } return true; } document.write(''); document.write(''); Help me please...
  4. www.brokenscript.com is there site...
  5. guys guys...I'm a total n00b...so any more details.... by the way i have a script that lets me do it, but the problem is when it redirects it shows a timer and " page redirecting " thing, so can anybody please help me how to make it not to show the timer, I want it to automatically redirect, ... Well here are the files in that script.....the pro i can't ask or give the script part directly is that I don't knw which file to look into, so here are the files which comes with the script config_sample.php forgotpwd.php index.php install.php login.php password.php profile.php utils.php so which file do I have to edit to make it possible
  6. hello where can get a long url to custom url script like sturly.com, doiop.com or fhurl.com ? please help me! or is it easy to create one ? please help me !
  7. Well, I figured it out, Now it works fine, All thanks to you guys! omg! I'm really a noob...lol
  8. hey guys, I tried it but it doesn't work...I'm a total newbie, maybe the line where I put it is wrong, so can u help me?
  9. Hello guys, I need some help editing this When I generate Links with this, I get something like http://www.somesite.com/rs174.49076075/dl/somefile.rar Notice that there is a dot after rs174, what i want to do is replace "." with this "/", So Can anybody help me, well here is the script <title>MOBiES RS Auto Remote System</title> <br> <br> <body text=black bgcolor=#c0c0c0><big><big><center><b>MOBiES RS Auto Remote System</big></big><br></b><br><br></center> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?> <? $rslinks = $_POST["rslinks"]; if($rslinks=="") { echo " <form method=post> <center><font color=green><b>Enter RapidShare Links [ Username:Auto ][ Password:Auto ]</b></font><br><textarea rows=20 cols=80 name=rslinks></textarea><br></center> <center><input type=submit value='Generate'></form></center> <center><br><b><font color=green>Copyright 2008. MOBiES RS Auto Remote System, MOBiES. All rights reserved.</font></b></center>"; exit(); } else { $user = $_POST["user"]; $pass = $_POST["pass"]; $rslinks=$rslinks."\n"; $rslinks=urldecode($rslinks); $rslinks=eregi_replace("http\://","",$rslinks); $linkzz=explode("rapidshare.com/files",$rslinks); $time=date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A'); foreach($linkzz as $key => $rslink) { $nfo=explode("/",$rslink); $nfo=array_reverse($nfo); $filenum=$nfo[1]; $filename=$nfo[0]; $filename=eregi_replace(".html","",$filename); $heck=file("http://rapidshare.com/files/$filenum/$filename"); $hek=implode("",$heck); if(eregi("<script>alert",$hek)) { $dead="<font color=red>DEAD!</font>"; } else { $dead=""; } $link=""; $http="http"; $huk=explode("http://rs",$hek); $hok=explode("rapidshare",$huk[1]); $link=$dead; $link=$link.$http; $link=$link.'://'; $link=$link.'www.somesite.com/'; $link=$link.''; $link=$link.''; $link=$link.'rs'; $link=$link.$hok[0]; $link=$link.''; $link=$link.$filenum; $link=$link.'/dl/'; $link=$link.$filename; //$link= $http."://".$user.":".$password."@rs" $hok[0] "rapidshare.com:80/files/" $filenum."/dl/".$filename; if($filename=="") { } else { $links[$filename]=$link;} } ksort($links); echo "<center><font color=green><b>Results</b></font></center>:<hr><blockquote><pre>Checked with MOBiES RS Auto Remote System - $time:\n\n"; foreach($links as $key => $link) { echo "$link"; } echo "\n\nMOBiES RS Auto Remote System - All rights Reserved.</blockquote><hr>"; } ?> please help me with this script..
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