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Posts posted by jimmyborofan

  1. I have a cron job that grabs a list of folders that need processing

    These folders are scanned for a particular type of file and then those are processed.

    I am trying to get this to run as a parallel process by using exec.

    The complication arises when the it is called, it just doesnt seem to call the function.

    I use the codeigniter framework with the cli.php found on this very site (thank you whoever wrote that!)

    The loop works like this:

        public function loopBatchDir()
        begin Loop
        foreach ($batches as $batch)
        exec("php /var/path/to/webroot/cli.php Controller backgroundProcess".$batch['filename'] . " > /dev/null &")

        end Loop

        public function backgroundProcess()
        /*this is the test section */
        echo "I have been called";
        /*end test section*/
            $batchFile = $this->uri->segment(4);

    SO when I call backgroundProcess() from the command line the I get the echo and the process executes (when providing a correct parameter

    When the loopBatchDir() is called by command line the entire process works fine, but the exec command is completley ignored.

    Other Info:  This is on a fresh dedicated server that we have exclusive use of, I have had to make changes to several php settings and I am also wondering if exec is function that has to be turned on in php.ini?

    Any help, appreciated.


  2. I have a client who has an odd week numbering pattern, different Years have different week number starting dates (e.g. Academic starts in September, Tax year is April, etc etc)


    I know you can get the week number using date("W") if I do this with todays date (2/JAN/10) I get 53 (it is the last day of the last week of the year, the new year starts tomorrow)


    My clients trading year begins on Dec 25th, so I need to be able to work out week numbers from then.


    Any pointers would be gratefully recieved.



  3. Hi i got this problem...  >:(


    basically I have an array say:


    $cartArray this is a session variable and it stores the value of a cart.


    the array contains the items that the user has clicked on and chosen to add.


    now I have done all the transaction work I have added the transaction to the db, I have closed the session when it everything has been done, I am now stuck with the problem of stock. :-[



    the array contains the names of the items and nothing else i have used this array to retrieve price information from the db so that the user gets a total price so I have no probems there. ;D


    this is where it gets difficult, adjusting the stock values, :-\


    I somehow how to get the number of times that each value has appeared in the array ( I am doing this with the array_count_values() function)


    so I am now left with another array which lists how many times each item has been listed in the cart, I have this done so far and can display what the array contains, so I know that this is working. ;D


    now I have my difficult bit which I am having problems,  >:(


    how can take the values from this counted array and use them to adjust the values of stock in the db? ???


    I am really stuck! if someone could let me know which functions would come in useful or a few pointers I would be made up! thanks in advance




  4. right then here goes...


    After the help I had earlier I have begun to try to pass a value across from one page to another dependiong upon the value, the page displays one thing or another ( I know this is simple stuff but seriously




    see what I mean...)



    okay the code I have so far has a page with four links that show countries


    when sent to the second page, the page should display the capital.


    Here is the code:



    <p><a href="contact.php?$country=UK">The United Kingdom</a></p>
    <p> <a href="contact.php?$country=US">The United States</a></p>
    <p><a href="contact.php?$country=FR">France</a></p>
    <p> <a href="contact.php">Not sure...</a></p>



    and this is the page that the values are sent too:



    $country = $_GET['$country'];
    switch ($country)
    case 'UK':
    $capital = 'London';
    case 'US':
    $capital = 'Washington';
    case 'FR':
    $capital = 'Paris';
    $capital = 'Unknown';


    As other members may see I am trying to transpose from what I know of asp across to php, now absolutley nothing happens!


    Please could somebody give me some direction or just plainly point out where I have gone wroing then give me a slap on the back of the head!





  5. okay I have generally used classic asp previously and my next (and future modules) deal only with PHP, which is unfortunate for me as I don't have a clue...


    The only way I know how to give an example of this is in asp and I hope that someone out there knows what I need!



    Any way I need to create a few pages and for the sake of code reuse I want to do this in a particular way, now if I was to create the links that I want in classic asp I would create two pages like this:


    <p><a href="contact.asp?id=feedback">Feedback</a></p>
    <p> href="contact.asp?id=contact">Contact</a></p>


    this first would provide the links to this page:



    Dim  strErrType, strHeadline, strMessage
    'get the error type
    strErrType = Request.QueryString("id")
    'test the error type
    Select Case strErrType
    Case "contact"
    strHeadline = "<h3>Hello!</h3>"
    strMessage = "<p>You have chosen the Contact link.</p>"
    Case "feedback"
    strHeadline = "<h3>Hello!</h3>"
    strMessage = "<p>You have chosen the feedback link.</p>"
    End Select


    now when the link is sent to contact.asp it chooses which CASE has been sent through and displays the relevant info.


    if you choose contact.asp?id=feedback you would get the feedback message etc, both sent to the same page but depending upon the query string, displays a different message.



    (if you copy both these pages and run them as named through IIS or apache with asp installed, they will work and show what I mean)


    I hope that this is clear enough!


    So I need to do the equivalent in PHP, please can anyone put me (or push me) in the right direction so that I can do this please!



    with thanks in advance





  6. Thanks for the speedy replies people I am going to try Apache one more time as I was unable to install the Apache::ASP mod, but the link provided says that it is included within the perl mod, so I am going to try it.


    I am also going to try the tutorials first as I dont really want to move away from IIS as I have grown pretty used to it over the time


    Thanks peeps no doubt as I am a newbie to PHP I am likely to be on here a little more to bug you all!



  7. I have a real pain, I have installed and uninstalled - reinstalled, deleted removed added changed mixed around added to Path copied dll's all over the place, and this is what happens:


    Whenever I try to view a .php page via IIS (XP Pro btw) what happens is not what I expected:


    I tried this:




    and this is what is displayed:






    normally if the install has not worked it asks me if I would like to download the file rather than display what it is supposed to do.


    I get is the file in text with no PHP working at all.

    if I try this:


    <title>My First PHP Page</title>
    echo "Hello World!";

    All I get is a blank browser screen


    Please can any body give me an idea of what I am doing wrong, if you need any more info please just ask and I will post back ASAP.



    Many thanks in advance




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