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  1. $pd = $row_mpm['products_description']; $pos = strpos($pd,"7.2V"); if($pos === false) { // string needle NOT found in haystack $test1 = 0; } else { $test1 = 1; // string needle found in haystack }
  2. Hi, I have a description of a product stored in $pd = $row_mpm['products_description']; I want to find if the data in $pd contains the string "7.2V" And if found I want to set $test1 = 1;
  3. Thanks it worked! One more problem, when I want to change the sentence I have just added to all columns like 'V%' how can I delete and then add a different sentence or alter that sentence without changing the rest of the stuff that is after it???
  4. Hi, I want to be able to insert some text at the beginning of many rows in the one table. For example if I want to add the text: "A power cable is included" to all rows in the 'products_description' column in the 'products_description' table WHERE 'products_name' begins with 'V'. How would I do the SQL code??? Thankyou
  5. Worked it out, just removed this section - $currencies->format It was interfering with the total.
  6. Help!!! I need to add these 2 variables together. $t8 = ($currencies->format($cart->show_total())); $t9 = $shipping; how can i add these totals together? It wont work if i do $t8 = ($t8 + $t9); How can i add them together?
  7. Here is a diagram explaining what i need to do.
  8. The date i need to get is in the 'customers_info' table and i need to get it using the customers_id which i get from the following querry: SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customers_id NOT IN( SELECT customers_id FROM orders )
  9. I need to get the 'customers_info_date_account_created' from the 'customers_info' table where the field 'customers_info_id' matches with the field 'customers_id' in the following query: SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customers_id NOT IN( SELECT customers_id FROM orders ) I basically have all the information in columns from the query and need an extra field which has the 'customers_info_date_account_created' which is related to the 'customers_id'
  10. What i want to do is display all the customers data which is in the 'customers' table where their 'customers_id' is NOT IN the 'customers_id' field in the 'orders' table. I hope i made sense! Thanks, Billy
  11. Why isn't this working???? Echo ' <form action="show.php" method="post" onChange="this.form.submit()"> <select> <option value selected>select</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> </select> </form> ';
  12. In the product list online i have the same products uner different names due to restrictions on oscommerce. Example: VDE004-DE VDE004-DE1 VDE004-DE2 NLD6400-TO NLD6400-TO1 etc..... In the inventory list it will just have - VDE004 NLD6400 When a product is purchased is decrements one off the stock_level column. I need the code to say decrement 1 off the stock_level where the letters before a dash match the name in the inventory list. So WHERE "VDE004"-DE = VDE004; Can anyone help?
  13. I am putting together an inventory system which keeps count of the stock level. I have the inventory database setup for example: ProductStock Level Battery1 25 Whenever "Battery 1" is bought, it adds a row to the "orders_products" table. Is there a way where i can have an update button which will check to see if there are any new rows since the last press of the update button which will allow me to deduct 1 off the stock level of "Battery 1" ??? I hope I have made sense!
  14. ok no worries! Do you have a link you can send me to which will help me set this up?
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