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About edanlee

  • Birthday 12/03/1983

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    South Carolina

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  1. Thank you... that works... I shoulda thought to use a while statement... anyways i did have to alter 2 things in your code... $display .= "<a href=\"$url\">$name[/url]"; was changed to: $display .= "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>"; and i didnt have a $connection so i changed the code to: $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Couldn't execute query.". $php_errormsg . mysql_error()); well i did but not like this and it was connecting else where. but thank you for responding i was pounding my head on the table for days trying to figure this out.... Edanlee And btw... you should use code block... makes it alot easier to read and grab.
  2. can anyone please help me with this??? the answer is still unanswered. much thanks, Edanlee
  3. ok i can do that... although it is working... but can you tell me how to link my results to the link thats i have stored in with the video in mysql
  4. ok.. i have a list of videos that will be all pulled from mysql. everyone of those videos will be linked to its url... so for instance... say i have 5 videos on the page that are pulled from mysql... overview, programs needed, shading, texturing. well in mysql each entry has a url section so that i can store each movies url in it. so if i click on one of the movies i want it to go to the url that i have specified in the url field in mysql. i hope this clarifys some... edanlee
  5. i have a database setup with rows that consist of these values. 'id', 'order', 'name', 'details', 'url', 'catagory'. i have set up a table in php with 4 catagory's. and i am displaying the rows based on catagory... everything is working but what i want to do is have the results linked by whats in the 'url' row. here is my code for displaying my content. $query = "SELECT `name` FROM `videos` WHERE `catagory` = CONVERT(_utf8 'Overview' USING latin1) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "{$row['name']} <br>"; } how would i be able to link what is echo'd by whats stored in that rows url section... thank you, Edanlee
  6. I want to create a video managment system that will display my educational videos. It will be a user management system that will have user rank as in rank 0=guest, 1=registered, 2=subscriber, 3=admin. and some videos can only be seen by subscribers. the link will bring up a pop up that will have a flv player. any ideas on how this is done. maybe some tutorials out there on how i can have my video links check to see if someone is a subscriber and if they are then bring up the pop up with the video and otherwise it will bring them to a page where they can subscribe? Edanlee
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