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  1. //make connection with mysql and select the database $mysql_connect = mysql_connect($host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password) ; if(!$mysql_connect) {echo ("<P>Connection issues. No results displayed.</P>");} $db_select = mysql_select_db($mysql_db); if(!$db_select) {echo ("<P>Connection issues. No results displayed.</P>");} $subject = "Subject Text"; $body = "Body text; $event_date = '2015-01-31'; //Y-m-d FORMAT but I would also like to put into the email at the beginning: Hi first_name, (with the comma and then a couple of line spaces within the $body) In the mysql the first name is listed as first_name, so I would want the email to automatically insert the recipients first name at the beginning, at the top of the email. How do you do that please? Dez.
  2. Many thanks Andy, did that and it works a treat!
  3. I have been working on this: <?php date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); #echo date("l, \\t\h\e jS of F, Y"); echo date('l, \\t\h\e dS \of F, Y', strtotime('-2 weekdays')); ?> But, it comes out as : Wednesday, the 05th of December, 2012 Is there any way of the 0 in the 05th being omitted please? Any help appreciated. Chris
  4. Been on this for a while, and really getting stuck. Anyone know how to add more class names for tables to the code below please? For example, for other tables with the class names of timetable and table-six please?? try { $html = file_get_html($input); $tables = $html->find('table[class=table-one]'); foreach( $tables as $table) { Any help appreciated. Chris
  5. Thanks Sarah, each of the 2 files has html for 10 images, so, 10 images in file_one and ten in file_two - and I fully understand about the files being chosen in a random way, but is there any way that the images within those files, being shown in a random order as well?
  6. Thanks waterssaz, I notice the rand in there, is that to ensure that the images within the php files get randomized please? If so, that's great. Also, would the php files chnage on on each user refresh / page load ?
  7. Yep. Any ideas at all please?
  8. Is there some way of a php include which is visible on every page (footer), itself having two php includes, but only one of which would be visible, then on the user refreshing the page or on visiting another page on the site, that include would be replaced with another php include? Preferably done without any js. Any help appreciated. Chris
  9. Ok, I promise to go a tad more slowly if I can
  10. Would be good to do it all from the one click on form page really.
  11. Could that be an automated process ?
  12. Aaaah, ok, maybe there isn't a foolproof way to find out if their domain name actually exists - is there ?
  13. I suppose you can check the return value of dns_get_record. If it doesn't return any records then the domain name must be invalid. Thanks - is that a foolproof method ?
  14. Thanks Daniel - is that easy to do ? How do you do that please ?
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