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  1. Well techincally I'm not getting paid for it because I've been paid for developing the online shop. They've now thrown in this problem and I'm not getting paid anymore for it. Also I was asking if someone can point me in the direction of tutorials or something. Afterall, the point of this site is to help people is it not?
  2. I do indeed You got my hopes up then thinking someone had a solution
  3. Really looking for some help as soon as possible as I'm going round the twist with this one. I've been an online shop for a client and Google Adwords have stipulated that it needs to have an Age gate before entering the site. Obviously this will impact SEO so what I want to do is have some javascript that will hide all of the home page content and show the age verification form, then if the visitor clicks to say they're over 18, the home page content 'unhides' itself for the rest of that visit.. If they click they're not over 18, they're taken to a page to say they're not old enough to enter. Can anyone PLEASE help me?
  4. Thanks for your post. I think I was abit unclear earlier. My friend has an access database on his PC with all his customer details, product details and order information. He wants a shopping cart that can pull the product and customer info from the access database and when orders are made, store them on the access database (or at least a way to sync the 2 databases maybe twice a day). What would be the best way to do this?
  5. Is this possible? I have a friend that runs his business using a Microsoft Access Database. The database (as far as I can tell) stores the details of all their customers, products and orders. My friend wants a new website with a shopping cart that will connect to the Microsoft Access Database so that any orders from the website get downloaded to the database, etc. Is this possible?
  6. As I said, it works locally but when I upload the pages to the server, it ceases to work. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a css version then? Ta
  7. When I click on the parent item, it just does nothing.
  8. I am trying to make a Javascript expand menu which works locally but not once I upload it to the server. Can anyone help? The html is: <a alt="Digital Print Options - Click to expand" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="expandit('expand1');">Digital Print Options</a><div id="expand1" style="display:none"> <a alt="Childrens Options" href="Digital-Print-Childrens.php">Children's Options</a> <br /> <a alt="Adult Options" href="Digital-Print-Adult.php">Adult Options</a><br /></div> The Javascript is: // Navigation Expander function expandit(curobj, hide) { if(document.getElementById(curobj)) { folder=document.getElementById(curobj).style; } else { if(ns6==1||operaaa==true) { folder=curobj.nextSibling.nextSibling.style; } else { folder=document.all[curobj.sourceIndex+1].style; } } if(folder.display=="none") { folder.display=""; } else { folder.display="none"; } if(hide) { var hide_objects = hide.split(","); for(i=0; i<hide_objects.length; i++) { hide_objects[i]=hide_objects[i].replace(/^\s*(.*)/, "$1"); hide_objects[i]=hide_objects[i].replace(/(.*?)\s*$/, "$1"); if(document.getElementById(hide_objects[i])) { hidden=document.getElementById(hide_objects[i]).style; if(hidden.display=="") { hidden.display="none"; } } } } }
  9. Hi, Thanks for your post, however, the errors are definately within the google tracking code. The errors relate to certain functions within the code not being defined. such as ('<sc'+'ript. It doesn't understand the <sc' and thinks it should be 'script'.
  10. I'm working on a website and it has some Google tracking code in the html. However, when I try to validate the page with the W3 Validator, it throws up errors with the tracking code. I've read somewhere that the W3 Validator won't throw up the errors if the code is either put inside comment tags or in an external .js file. What I'm wondering is, will the tracking code still work if I use either of these methods? Thanks in advance
  11. I have been asked to add a shopping cart to an existing website and the company uses Sage Line 50 to hold details of their stock, etc. I have experience with MySQL and I've been told that sage uses odbc. Can anyone recommend the best way to do this? Thanks in advance
  12. Not really sure where to post this, so apologies if it's in the wrong place. I am working on a Content Management System and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some good quality bright, colourful icons for things such as articles, email, multimedia, etc? Thanks
  13. anyone?
  14. I have created a website in Joomla at http://www.kirkbyjubilee.org.uk and I have added a module to play a slideshow on the front page. However, in IE, the drop down menus at the top drop down behind the slideshow. Does anyone have any idea how I could fix this?
  15. I've just tried this and it doesn't seem to work. Is there any way to put a ' in a variable or in a mysql table field?
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