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  1. What do I have to do to convert PHP3 pages to PHP4 pages? Are there any compatibility problems? regards, geetha http://tofocus.info www.zxcvbnm.in
  2. I'm trying to access one of the standard CGI variables (such as $DOCUMENT_ROOT or $HTTP_REFERER) in a user-defined function, and it can't seem to find it. What's wrong? Geetha http://easycalculation.com www.0123456789.co.in
  3. My PHP script works on IE and Lynx, but on Netscape some of my output is missing. When I do a "View Source" I see the content in IE but not in Netscape. Why? regards, geetha http://hioxindia.com www.9876543210.co.in
  4. Hi, i often see some tags are marked as deprecated after some version of HTML. If we use them in our pages what would happen? will they work or not? regards geetha tofocus.info www.qwertyuiop.in
  5. Hi, How to generate graph using datas available in the database using php? regards geetha www.codingcoding.com www.9876543210.co.in
  6. hi, How do i install PHP as CGI? regards geetha www.codingcoding.com www.1234567890.co.in
  7. geethalakshmi


    hi, I am a newbie.can any one explain me about the use of strip-tags in php. http://www.hiox.org/
  8. hi, I am new to PHP.Here I would like to know how to prevent spam and code vulnerabilities from spammers and hackers. can anyone help me? http://www.hiox.org/
  9. Here is the code to display encrypted password http://hiox.org/index.php?id=278 Regards geetha http://www.hiox.org/ http://www.asdfghjkl.in/
  10. Hi, The below link gives you the solution for the Problems with functions like exec(). http://www.hiox.org/index.php?id=63 Regards Geethalakshmi http://www.hiox.org/ http://www.zxcvbnm.in/
  11. Hi, You can get clear idea of how to get more execution time for PHP scripts in the following link. http://www.hiox.org/index.php?id=82 Regards Geethalakshmi http://www.hiox.org/ http://www.zxcvbnm.in/
  12. Hi The following site may give you a clear idea about threading with an example.Go ahead and make use of it. http://www.hiox.org/index.php?id=138 Regards Geethalakshmi http://www.hiox.org/ http://www.zxcvbnm.in/
  13. Hi, Below link gives you a script to check the server status. http://www.hiox.org/index.php?id=195 Regards Geethalakshmi http://www.hiox.org/ http://www.zxcvbnm.in/
  14. Hi, Refer to the following site which may help you in solving your problem. http://www.hiox.org/index.php?id=184 regards, Geethalakshmi http://www.hiox.org/ http://www.zxcvbnm.in/
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