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  1. YESSSS!!! That was it!! Thanks for this information. Now everything works! Happy, happy!!
  2. Thanks, guys! Extract() is not working because the array contains various functions. When the array is extract-ed, it echos back the function calls, not the values that they should derive. For example, after extract(), the values are: function trace_log( $a_log ) { if (is_array($a_log)) { extract($a_log); } echo $file . "<br />"; echo $script . "<br />"; echo $func . "<br />"; echo $line . "<br />"; echo $var_name . "<br />"; echo $var_value . "<br />"; ........ Prints out: Notice: Undefined variable: file in E:\Web\HTDOCS\Learnweb\Register_login\includes\inc_functions.php on line 75 script_name() __FUNCTION__ __LINE__ var_name() var_value() As for serialize(), I'm not clear as to how that would be helpful.
  3. I've spent a lot of time on this, thinking I could figure it out, but I'm royally stuck. I have a "debugging" helper function that I call when I need to know what is happening to a variable. The results of the call are inserted into a table, which I then review for problems. Here is an earlier version of my function call to "trace_log()." It worked fine. trace_log( file_name(__FILE__), script_name(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, var_name(), var_value()); Now I want to put the function call parameters into an array. Here is my code: $myarray = array( 'myfile' => 'file_name(__FILE__)', 'script' => 'script_name()', 'func' => '__FUNCTION__', 'line' => '__LINE__', 'var_name' => 'var_name()', 'var_value' => 'var_value()' ); Note that script_name(), var_name(), and var_value() are user defined functions. Now, I am trying to make the parameters in $myarray work within the function, but I have not been successful. Here is how I think the code should begin: function trace_log( $myarray ) { /* Connect to db */ if( is_array( $myarray ) ) { foreach( $myarray as $k => $v ) { ... !!!!! CAN'T GET PAST THIS POINT !!!!! Here is the code I use in the function "trace_log()" to insert the items into a table: $sql = "INSERT INTO reg_log_trace( step, file, script, func, line, var_name, var_value ) VALUES ( 0,'{$file}','{$script}','{$func}', {$line}, '{$var_name}', '{$var_value}' )"; How can I resolve this? Thanks for the help!
  4. Thanks! That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to make sure.
  5. Hi -- I have a debugging function that called like this trace_log( file_name(__FILE__), script_name(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, var_name(), var_value()); As I use it many times within a script, is there a way to group the parameters in a variable or constant in order to make the line of code less cumbersome? I know the following won't work, but to give an example of what I mean: $paramList= "file_name(__FILE__), script_name(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, var_name(), var_value()"; trace_log( $paramList ); Thanks!
  6. Well, actually, in reality I'm not. See, none of my "variable links" were working -- form, redirection, etc. -- and I couldn't figure it out. So, to illustrate my error on the forum, I just copied and posted a link, which happened to be a reference to the CSS file. I didn't even notice that I had done this. Good catch!
  7. Well, thank you very much! I tried everything BUT that!
  8. This works: form action="http://localhost/mysite/css/screen.css" method="post"> This does not work: <?php $link_1 = "http://localhost/mysite/css/screen.css" ; $link_2 = '"' . "http://localhost/mysite/css/screen.css" .'"' ; ?> <form action=<?php echo $link_1;?> method="post"> <form action=<?php echo $link_2;?> method="post"> Why do neither of the PHP variables work? Thanks!
  9. Every time I see it on the screen, there is an error. So, to me it means Trouble.
  10. Ah, so it stands for token. Thanks for the pointer. I read some more about this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexical_analysis) and it is a pretty complicated subject.
  11. Just curious. Why the term "T_STRING?" Looked it up, but all I could find was that it is a very small pair of underwear.
  12. Thank you, requinix!
  13. Hello -- Other than organizational clarity for the developer, is there a particular advantage (e.g., security, file access speed, etc.) for placing web files (php, css, html, etc.) in various folders and sub-folders vs placing all files in the root directory or in one particular folder? Thanks.
  14. Yes, I meant the variable name. Thanks for the answer.
  15. I did a phpfreaks search for this, but didn't find anything specific. How can I echo out an array name? I have a function to return the array contents (for debugging purposes), and I need it to generate the actual name of the array as well. Thanks!
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