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  1. Nice, it has an edge to it thats appealing...
  2. I agree, this can be very tough, especially for me. Sometimes I will use a paint program and just throw up some blocks of color and see what it looks like. At least it gives an idea on where to start.
  3. In general the layout is good. there is a lot of information and at times I am not sure where should be looking. Maybe changing some fo the font sizes, and using more white spaces will help.
  4. I agree with width comments, are the links working for the projects. I couldn't open them, when they are working I would defintely open them full size.
  5. in genereal it looks good, if possible, I would reduce the amount space in between the columns. It will give it a more balanced look.
  6. GuiltyGear brings up a good point, it may be beter for SEO as well. Other than that, it looks great. When you fill in the content, you will really have something. Good Luck!
  7. I think everything else looks ok. Personally, I'm not sure if it's the amount of black used, or the width of the headline bars, but I find something distracting. Maybe change a few of the colors so everything is not one monotone color. Layout, Navigation, and Content all look great.
  8. I agree with the others, narrowing down the keywords will help. In my opinion, selling one the net is not easy. PPC will get get you trafffic, but will it bring paying cutomers, or just people surfing looking for information. A certain percentage could also be your competition trying to reduce your budget. It's never easy getting started thats for sure. Have you tried a contest, newsletter, something to capture email addresses where you can push your webpage to them on a regual but not obtrusive manner?
  9. that should do it, it may be just a matter of time.
  10. I'm not sure, but I think all sitemaps should be *.txt. In google, you can actually create an account, then upload your sitemap.txt file, and run a test on it. It won't automatically index your site, but it will tell if there are problems with the sitemap.txt file.
  11. Another idea may be to use powerpoint slides, then covert to avi or mpg, and then place on youtube.com. Then email potential customer and point them to them you tube video.
  12. One option might be to create a larger jpg, gif, etc with a white center and a thin border with the grass. You will probably have to paly with the size so it looks right, but it's an option. Also, you might be able to reduce the resolution so the file size is smaller and subsquently loads faster.
  13. DirectNic is $15 with 1 year of bannerless hosting. Not thier premium account but not bad.
  14. I agree with Atticus...
  15. I don't if there is a problem, but I know it's important that you used keywords that your customers will use in the SE's. I would try to use the most common and basic words and then play off versions from that. It may be easier to rank for obscure words, but how many customers will use them?
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