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Everything posted by paulman888888

  1. Am using SQLite3. I have read abit of that as well but i cant et my head around it can someone make a simple example please with lots of comments. I find it easyer to learn via examples. Thankyou all Paul
  2. I made my connection to my MySQL database, but how do i connect to SQLite? I have no knowlegde what so ever SQLite. Is there a site i can learn the basics from? Thankyou Paul
  3. Hi everyone, I installed a application that uses SQlite3 and no other. What i want to do is to Keep Mysql database the same as the SQlite. Why? Because i understand Mysql syntax. I don't no how to copy SQlite3 database to Mysql? I think i would 'TRUNCATE TABLE' the table then some sort of loop that takes data from SQlite and INSERTS it into The MySQL. Please Help Thankyou Paul
  4. There is no mysql code on line 3. full code is error http://rockworld.atzend.com/songs/test.phps Why does is say theres an error on line 3 when theres no Mysql script there? I thankyou so much for the help Paul
  5. I upload a file from my application but dont give it a variable name. How do i get PHP to find the file without me telling it the variable name? Thankyou Paul
  6. I no this is probly turning into a maths question but how would i do the math. I think something like this; votes divided by number of votes times by 100. Would that get rating out of a 100? Thankyou Paul
  7. I have my Table but i would like to add a extra coloum for rating. Am not fused how it works but i cant think how to make it. If someone rates it 10 shall i add 10 to the score? Not very good because i cant have x/10 Do i add 2 extra coloums 1 have the rating and 1 how many votes. I dont no the math to work everything out! Am stuck and would like any ideas, i can add as many coloums need but i dont want to make a new table. Thankyou Paul
  8. I have been trying to make a little script that will look in a MYSQL database and see if there is username and password in the same row. If there is then echo 'blah'; and if not, echo 'blah blah'; So far i have this but as you can tell its a little messy, and i dont know how to do the IF there is a 'username and password' part. $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_man WHERE name = '$username' AND password = '$password'"); or die('error'); Thankyou for all help Paul
  9. OK first off: i know this is the wrong section. But its the only place i might get an answer. Now for the question. I would like a qualification that i can put on my CV. But where can i get one? everywhere i look you can get a certificate but that's not recognized by most employers Thankyou Paul
  10. I have my php script, the script looks in mysql database and finds the file name. Then echos each line, (except the 7 lines i didnt want it to read). The problem is that i get a Request Entity Too Large (a 413 error). The script should work but how do i get rid of the 413 error? I removed the read file part of the script and it worked. So i think i need to change the bottom part of my script. My script <?php $where = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? "WHERE `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['id'])."' " : ""; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM chess_games $where ORDER BY id ASC"); $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ); $file = '../user/'.$row['pgn_file'];//This is my file read part. I think this is the problem $fh = fopen($file,"r"); $line = 1; while(!feof($fh)){ if($line > 7){ fgets($fh); $line++; }else{ echo $data; } $line++; } echo $data; ?>
  11. I did something llike this yesterday. I used to forms. Form 1 to get how many fields are in the second. Form 2 what ever you want form1 <form> <input type="text" name="moves" id="moves"> <input onClick="step2.php" type="submit" name="step" id="step" value="Next Step"> </form> Form 2 $moves=$_POST['moves']; for ($i=1; $i<=$moves; $i++) { echo'<tr><td width="50%"><span id="sprytextfield1"><label> '.$i.') <input name="white_move_'.$i.'" type="text" id="white_move_'.$i.'" size="9"></label> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Please Enter Whites Move.</span></span></td>'; echo'<td width="50%"><span id="sprytextfield2"> <label><input name="black_move_'.$i.'" type="text" id="black_move_'.$i.'" size="9"> </label> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Please Enter Blacks Move</span></span></td></tr>'; } You have to replace everything but the backbone is there
  12. How do i when reading a file ship the 1st 6 lines? I have looked on google and php.net Thankyou Paul
  13. This is properly got a easy answer. I would like to know how to add strings in a loop. For example <?php $i = 1; while(true) { if (!isset($_POST["white_move_".$i])){ $move = $i. '.' .$_POST["white_move_".$i]//post=e then the next time =gh $i++; }} ?> So that $move will get bigger and bigger and not replaced by the next go round the loop. Hope you understand Thankyou Paul
  14. If its for novices why didnt you explain what each line does, Thats the idea of an example. And you didnt a common.php page the page that keeps all the sessions and stuff intact.
  15. Just to confirm. Ill put that in my code and when theres no more white_move_$1 the loop will stop? I like that. Thankyou very much Paul
  16. and if you want to do changeing class then you can use this while(something) { // alternate class $class = ($i%2 == 0) ? 'one class' : ' 2 class; // Print out the contents of each row into a table echo "<tr class='".$class."'>"; $i++; // increment counter And all that would do is; use class 1 then class 2 then class 1 then class 2 and so on
  17. Good idea but like i said there wont be a sent number of textareas. There may be 4 sometime and 66 other times. So i think i need some kind of loop to find out how many textareas i have got and then use your code. Hope you understand Thankyou Paul
  18. Start again! What is the problem? You never told us what you wanted help with in the first post. Please can you tell us more
  19. I have my form and the form changes everytime. The form may have 12 textareas or something 24. What I would like to know is how do i collect all data from all text area into 1 string? heres my form <?php //this is the important part for ($i=1; $i<=$moves; $i++)//the $moves will change all the time { echo'<tr><td width="50%"><span id="sprytextfield1"><label> '.$i.') <input name="white_move_'.$i.'" type="text" id="white_move_'.$i.'" size="9"></label> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Please Enter Whites Move.</span></span></td>'; echo'<td width="50%"><span id="sprytextfield2"> <label><input name="black_move_'.$i.'" type="text" id="black_move_'.$i.'" size="9"> </label> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Please Enter Blacks Move</span></span></td></tr>'; } On my collection page where all infomation is sent. How would i retieve all the form information? I would like to collect the results like this. (number). (value of white_move_#) (value of black_move_#) # will change all the time. I hope i didnt sound to confuseing. Thankyou Paul
  20. So no-one has any help what-so-ever
  21. Do you mean like a shopping cart? I dont know what you mean but your code looks fine. Or do you want to echo it out in a table?
  22. Am not sure where this topic should go but i think its in the right place. The problem is that i am trying to make some sort a fixtures table, for my local chess club. Offtopic: If you dont know chess fixture;, its like football, 2 teams but 4 people on each team. What i hopeing to acheive is; when the fixture table is made it will show TEAMS vs TEAMS. Then you can click the a team it will show you the teams matchs. After that you can click the match and it will show you whoese playing. Sorry if its hard to understand. I know what i would like but not a clue to make it happen. Please can you give me advise (or a link) on how to make this happen. Thankyou all very much Paul
  23. Thankyou I know that imagemakick is not install. Plan B; can The GD lib convert image filetypes? thankyou Paul
  24. I have had a look on Google and there's a few things about image converting. But they all use ImageMagick. 1) How can i find out if Imagemagick is installed on the serve (I don't own the server) 2) I know i have the GD install so can i convert images use the GD library? Thankyou Paul
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