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Posts posted by Kane250

  1. Hi all,


    I'm at a dead-end here.  I have a php file that I can query to return an array containing a bunch of data about a job listing. I include and query it by calling it like so within another file on my site. 


    Quick Notes:

    • The original file is in a different directory on my site than the page it's being included in.
    • I have tried returning the array at the end of the script.
    • I can print_r the array on the page I'm including the script on (so the URL path is correct).


    If I go to this URL directly and print_r on the array, I see the entire array as expected.  Also, if I include the file on page 2 like I did above with print_r on the array in the original file, I see the array printed out on page 2.


    include 'http://www.example.com/php/job-details.php?job=jobname&city=thecity';


    However, if I do not print_r on the array in the original file and just include it on page 2, I cannot do anything with it and the array variable isn't found.


    Is this a case of variable scope?  I'm so frustrated...


    Here is the code I have in my original file:


    $jobtitlematch = $_GET["job"];
    $jobcitymatch = $_GET["city"];
    //echo $jobtitlematch;
    //echo $jobcitymatch;
    $url = 'http://somesite.com/something';
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
    foreach($xml->job as $job) {
    $jobtitle = makeURL((string)$job->title);
    $jobcity = makeURL((string)$job->region);
    if ($jobtitle == $jobtitlematch && $jobcity == $jobcitymatch) {		
    	$jobdata[] = array(
    		Title => ((string)$job->title),
    		URL_Title => makeURL((string)$job->title),
    		Location => ((string)$job->region),
    		URL_Location => makeURL((string)$job->region),
    		Department => ((string)$job->department),
    		URL_Department => makeURL((string)$job->department),
    		Overview => ((string)$job->joboverview),
    		Responsibilities => ((string)$job->responsibilities),
    		Qualifications => ((string)$job->qualifications),
    		Keywords => ((string)$job->metakeywords)
    return $jobdata;
    //I have also tried return global $jobdata;


    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...

  2. Any way to explode on bullets?  I know it's a special character, but I can't figure it out  :(


    $manyItems = "• the first thing • the second thing • the third thing •  etc •  etc";
    //This doesn't work
    $items = explode("•", $manyItems);
    //Neither does this
    $items = explode("•", $manyItems);


    Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance!

  3. Thanks.  Since it seemed like the only way to do this was to make a landing page, I actually ended up going for the easier route and just passing a variable through the forwarded URL.  It's not as clean, but I think it's as simple as I can make it work at this point.


    Thanks for your help.

  4. Well I'm trying to find out from my IT dept here if it is being done a different way, but I do believe that it is a standard 301 redirect.  The urls come in from other pages, and even if I click back to the homepage from an internal page on the site.  The only undefined one is when I get redirected from the other domain.

  5. Hi,


    I have a website set up with two domain names, 1 main domain for the site, and 1 that forwards you to the main domain name.  I'm trying to set a variable where I can do one thing if you came to the normal url or do another if you were forwarded from the redirecting url. 


    To make it a step harder, I don't want to do the simple solution and pass a GET variable from the redirect url to the main page.


    I tried using


    echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];


    But this obviously doesn't work with domain forwarding, as I am getting an undefined variable error.


    Anyone know of other methods?


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Could you not specify the name as an array? like name="example[]" then reference each one by refering to it directly $_POST["example"][0], $_POST["example"][1] etc?


    No, I couldn't because this wouldn't be dynamic anymore.  I would have to set reference numbers for each entry in the code, defeating the purpose of what I'm trying to do.  But thanks for the suggestion.

  7. The code really won't help much in this case because it's a general question, plus I am using expression engine, which is like php but simplified.  Anyway here is the requested code.



    {exp:weblog:entries weblog="events" category="24" orderby="eventstartdate" rdf="off" sort="asc"} 
    <div class="hidden">
    <input type="hidden" name="eventname" value={eventname}>
    <input type="text" name="firstName" class="formTextBox" onFocus="clearText(this)" onBlur="clearText(this)" value="First Name" />
    <input type="text" name="lastName" class="formTextBox" onFocus="clearText(this)" onBlur="clearText(this)" value="Last Name" />
    <input type="text" name="company" class="formTextBox" onFocus="clearText(this)" onBlur= "clearText(this)" value="Company Name" />
    <input type="text" name="email" class="formTextBox" onFocus="clearText(this)" onBlur="clearText(this)" value="Email" />
    <input type="text" name="phone" class="formTextBox" onFocus="clearText(this)" onBlur="clearText(this)" value="Phone*" />


    Basically what's happening here is that a loop is started at the top where the {exp:weblog} tags are, and it is returning a list of all these events I have entered into a pseudo-database kind of system.  The loop repeats everything between the opening {exp:weblog} and the closing {/exp:weblog}.  Variables look like {eventname}.  This is expression engine.  I am not asking for help with expression engine, I'm asking for help with logic.  I can add php to this if I want to.


    The result of what I get here is over 15 hidden divs with duplicate text form names.  Clearly, to POST any of this info to another page, the form names need to be consistent.  If I do the first thing that comes to mind:


    <input type="text" name="{eventname}"...


    Then these won't register on the page they need to post to.  All the names would be dynamically created, yes, but they would serve no purpose.


    I can pretty much do anything in expression engine I can do with php, so I am looking for some solid logical way to do this from anyone who has ideas.  Thanks!

  8. Yes, you're correct.  I am creating unique ID's now by passing the event name as the id, but the names are a problem (according to w3c), and if I create unique names, how will the database I submit to know what is what?


    I would post code, but it's not actually php, it's expression engine which is run on php I believe, but not the same exactly.

  9. This is an odd question.  I'm actually doing this in expression engine, but it functions as if I was doing it in php, so I wanted to ask here.


    I have a page that has a list of events on it.  When the page loads, I basically run a for loop that creates hidden divs, each containing their own registration form for the specific event.  The div is shown with a button click in javascript, and the user fills out the form, which is dynamically pre-filled with all the information for that specific event.


    Here is my issue.  I am echoing the same form for each event on the page, therefore the input names and id's are duplicated for each form that is created for each event - resulting in tons of duplicate names and id's when i check w3c validation.


    I'm totally stumped on how one would go about organizing this in a way that can be just as dynamic, but be able to submit the form data with consistent names, without breaking validation.


    Any ideas or examples anyone can provide?


    Thanks in advance!

  10. Hi all,


    I have a CSV file that was given to me with 3 columns, one of which contains numbers in the "21,587" format.  I am trying to import this CSV into a MySQL database but since the file is a comma separated file, it is importing only number values before the comma.  21,587 becomes 21. 


    Excel for some reason cannot search and delete the commas out of the cells, that was my first thought of what to do, although I'd rather keep the commas and use the field as a varchar rather than an int anyway.  Then I tried changing the "fields terminated by" option to something else, like "/r".  No dice.  Then I tried exporting the file as a text file and found that I could only import a CSV file or a SQL file anyway.


    So, I'm stuck.  I would imagine this is something that has happened to people before, but despite all my searching, I have been unable to find a solution.


    Any help would be truly appreciated!  Thanks!

  11. Define: "contents of a text file" Where is this file coming from, what produced it, and if it is already a text file, you should not need to do anything to it to display it as plain text.


    Hi, thanks.  I created the text files manually, and they each contain a short phrase in them.  If I pull them without any additional work, I get many more symbols such as: &, #, þ, ; and some others.  I should also note that I am pulling these into a script that is generating XML.


    This is what I'm doing

    $title = file_get_contents($titlepath);
    $nameValue = $dom->createTextNode($title);


    Does this change anything?  Should I be passing it a different way?

  12. Hi,


    I'm getting contents of a text file and displaying as plain text, but am starting to get some of these bad boys:  ÿþ


    I am using utf_encode after getting the contents, which cleaned it up a bit from what it was doing before, but I'm still getting these.  Can someone tell me what I should be using?



  13. Hi,


    I'm fairly new to XML in general, and especially to creating it dynamically with PHP, but here goes my problem.


    I made a PHP script that generates a new XML document for a swf file I'm using when it is executed.  On my own hosting it works fine.  I have now moved it onto the hosting in which it is going to actually be used on, and I am getting the following error:  "error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document".  Can anyone take a look at this very lengthy code and see if something pops out that would be causing this?  I thought perhaps their hosting was not running PHP 5, but it is, so i have no idea now.  How can it work fine on one server and not work on another?


    $amounttoshow = 25; 
    $amounttoshow = $amounttoshow + 1;   //Add 1 so our for loop will stop at the right place
    //Define paths
    $pathoptions = array("/", "/new");
    //$randompath = "/";
    //Create array of old job numbers
    $oldnumbers = file_get_contents('old.txt');
    $oldnumbers = array_map('trim', explode(',', $oldnumbers));
    //Create array of new job numbers
    $newnumbers = file_get_contents('new.txt'); 
    $newnumbers = array_map('trim', explode(',', $newnumbers));
    // create xml doctype
    $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
    // display document in browser as plain text (for testing purposes!)
    //header("Content-Type: text/plain");
    // display document in browser as xml (for actual use)
    header("Content-Type: text/xml");
    // create root element
    $root = $dom->createElement("photos");
    // create photos path attribute
    $path = $dom->createAttribute("path");
    		// create photos path value
    		$pathValue = $dom->createTextNode("");
    for($i=1; $i<$amounttoshow; $i++) {   //Start the loop.
    // create photo child element
    $item = $dom->createElement("photo");
    $randompath = $pathoptions[array_rand($pathoptions)];
    if ($randompath == "/") {  	//If path is the old path, use array of old jobs, otherwise use the array of new jobs.
    	$key = array_rand($oldnumbers);   //Choose a random job
    	$jobpath = $oldnumbers[$key];
    	$linkpath = $jobpath;
    	//print "<b>link: </b>" . $linkpath . "<br />";
    	// create link attribute node
    	$link = $dom->createAttribute("link");
    		// create link value node
    		$linkValue = $dom->createTextNode($linkpath);
    	$thumbpath = "$linkpath/big.jpg";
    	//print "<b>thumbnail: </b>" . $thumbpath . "<br />";
    	// create attribute node
    	$url = $dom->createAttribute("url");
    		// create photo url value node
    		$urlValue = $dom->createTextNode($thumbpath);
    	$titlepath = $linkpath . "/title.txt";
    	//$title = file_get_contents($titlepath);
    	$title = "test title";
    	//print "title is " . $title . "<br /><br />";
    	//  create name attribute node
    	$name = $dom->createAttribute("name");
    		// create mame value node
    		$nameValue = $dom->createTextNode($title);
    elseif ($randompath == "/new") {
    	$key = array_rand($newnumbers);   //Choose a random job
    	$linkpath = $newnumbers[$key];
    	$linkpath = "new/$linkpath";
    	//print "<b>link: </b>" . $linkpath . "<br />";
    	// create link attribute node
    	$link = $dom->createAttribute("link");
    		// create link value node
    		$linkValue = $dom->createTextNode($linkpath);
    	$thumbpath = "$linkpath/big.jpg";
    	//print "<b>thumbnail: </b>" . $thumbpath . "<br />";
    	$titlepath = $linkpath . "/title.txt";
    	// create attribute node
    	$url = $dom->createAttribute("url");
    		// create photo url value node
    		$urlValue = $dom->createTextNode($thumbpath);
    	//$title = file_get_contents($titlepath);
    	$title = "test title";
    	//print "<b>title: </b>" . $titlepath . "<br /><br />";
    	//print "title is " . $title . "<br /><br />";
    	//  create name attribute node
    	$name = $dom->createAttribute("name");
    		// create mame value node
    		$nameValue = $dom->createTextNode($title);
    // save and display tree on screen for testing
    //echo $dom->saveXML();
    // save the xml file for use with PhotoFlow


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