I am working on a web site that includes a file called lostNFound.inc.php which I need to display a database of lost and found pets. I have the include statement right and the link is showing up but for some reason I cannot get the right function to work. The link code is:
print "<a href\"".$PHP_SELF."?command=addLostNFoundPet&display=".$display."\" class=\"BBSV2StandardLink\" border=\"0\">Add new Lost N Found Pet</a>";
I inherited this site and most of the code is not the way I like to program but I have been do what I can. Anyway, the PHP_SELF points to the community.php file which doesn't have the addLostNFoundPet function in it (the lostNFound.inc.php file has that function in it) but when I point the link to the lostNFound.inc.php page I get a blank page. Now I need the form and the database to show (which the addLostNFoundPet function does) but I need it to show on the community.php page.
Any idea or do I need to provide more code?