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  1. You defiantly don't like tools. You can't do everything on notebad, the tools had created to let you focus on the main goal of the Jop. For ex: I can't programming PHP on notbad, I really need a tool to do my jop with very less time and very easy, and powerfull. If you found a bug in this Form generator or a security holes, then don't use it, I really sepnt a lot of time on this project and made a lot of upgrades so you don't have to study all cases can be or holes or validate ... etc, that you may forget to consider it when you build a form. I like to use the useful tools so I can finish to Jops instead of one
  2. Please note that I told you :give me a link for a normal form And I don't think that the normal form (most forms) using database to contact you And I did it without database or data file to be very easy (Plug and play ) There is a check here for backend and frontend, so no matter what they disable JS in the browser, they still have to fill the fields with the exact require data (Email must be Email, mobile must be numbers only ... etc) So even when I'm a good programmer in PHP, I use this tool, I create a perfect form in 1 minute, instead of spend 20 minute to build a good Form as I need exactly. If you have a lot of free time and have nothing to do, then don't use it, take your time in building your forms No problem, I like the useful criticism ayok: thanks
  3. revraz: Yes you are GuiltyGear: you can specify select menu items in the next step unfortunately, there are a lot who don't have a clue in PHP, and if they have, they can't create the perfect requires like here, for ex. can you give me a link for a normal form that I can't flood it by F5? Actually, you don't need to have any coding knowledge to create a form and use it by this service. Why you need?
  4. Hi here you can creatre your own customized Form to upload it into your website and help you getting a feedback, vote, support questions ... etc. You don't have to be a programmer or have any HTML background to use this program, it's very easy, simple and secure. Don't put your email in your contact page, there are a lot of site scanner programs to fetch the emails in it and use it to spam, Use our form to protect your email from spam. Features: - Easy to use: get whatever you want in minutes. - Many templates: to apply it on your form. - Organized Email: an HTML Email well be deliver (easy to read). - Organized File: the generated file is organized to be edited or updated later. - Easy to replay: the delivered Email well be from the visitor email so you can just press "Replay" to replay. - Filled carefully: you can force the visitor to fill the Marked field by what you want exactly (email or number or no symbols... etc). - Flood protect: you'll not receive a million email if someone hold his hand on F5 button (after submit) or any other ways. - Open Source: no copy right on the generated file, no link to us, totally FREE Requirements: - No programming knowledge. - No money. - No membership. - No time. - Just a website supporting PHP. Start a new form here: www.onlineFormMaker.com For forum mod: this is not an advertise, this is a totally free service (open source). Have a nice Form
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