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[UW] Jake

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Posts posted by [UW] Jake

  1. I think the graphics & CSS are awesome! Probably better than most people here can do. A very professional looking site, and original, with the artwork up top. I love it! In my opinion the header is NOT too big. It's great artwork so I like that being shown off.


    If you want constructive criticism, here's what I found:

    - RSS rollover image is "bugged", only half of it turns black.

    - Probably not a good idea to neglect support for the most common resolution on the web (1024x768)


    Everything else looks sweet :)

  2. Oh and just so you know, the most widely used browsing resolution is still 1024x768 (about 42%). In second is 1280x768 (about 35%) which is not too far behind.


    So a design scheme that doesn't support 1024x768 is probably a design scheme that needs thinking.


    Everyone is only trying to help

  3. You know that hits != page views. One page view may add up to 40 hits or more.

    I hope you know that hits does = page views, and neither of them = uniques, which is what I was talking about.


    And by hits you must be thinking of something like every image and css file loaded is a hit. Not the standard way to look at it my friend. One hit = one page loaded = one impression = one page view. These are standard terms you will learn when getting into the world of marketing & traffic.


    The site still gets 30k-40k uniques a day, translating into over 100k page views (hits, impressions, whatever you'd like to call them).


    This translates into $10,000 to $20,000 monthly revenue.



    So your analysis is just ever so slightly off :-P, by a landslide!



  4. We're new, we're growing. We're going to be (sooner than later) converting over into PHP w/ MySQL, but first I'd like to switch web-hosts. Anyways, let me know what you think of the site design, and the apparent functionality of the PHP code.


    Here I will try to provide as many details as possible to help you critique us.

    Unwritten Layouts (unwritten-lyts.net)

    Unwritten Layouts is a few months young, and offers original content for MySpace profiles. The type of content is mostly graphic & html/css oriented. I think you'll get the gist for what type of web-site it is.


    Thanks for your time!


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