To make like a real session where the info will carry you'll prolly need to first get the data from POST or GET variables
Then you want to check that against a MySQL database and save it into session variables (if it matches the DB), and then make a script to check it like thorpe was saying.
Check out the variables listed on the top left side of the page above, especially in your case $_POST, $_GET and $_SESSION.
Remember also that you have to use a session_start() call at the TOP (or at least before output I think) of any page that you want to use sessions on.
Here's some tutorials on this stuff.. -- MySQL Query Syntax Examples -- PHP Sessions -- Login Page Example -- About Security.. -- More to do with security..
And remember to check out
You can lookup any function you want and see how it works, the functions you'll need to use in conjunction with it AND examples- really neat stuff...
Anyways HTH