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I think I am correct in saying that $server is a GLOBAL so you cannot use it in this way. GT
take a look here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html
Thanks! Understood now
Is there any reason not to use links such as: <a href='/results.html?id=12&location[]=" . str_replace(' ', '+', $location). "</a> I refer to the empty square array brackets. Is this a bad/risky practise or quite acceptable? Your opinions please. GT
I am using the following script on a couple of websites and it works well: <?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS IS THE FUNCTION_RESIZE.PHP FILE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* function by Wes Edling .. http://joedesigns.com feel free to use this in any project, i just ask for a credit in the source code. a link back to my site would be nice too. */ function resize($imagePath,$opts=null){ # start configuration $cacheFolder = './cache/'; # path to your cache folder, must be writeable by web server $remoteFolder = $cacheFolder.'remote/'; # path to the folder you wish to download remote images into $quality = 90; # image quality to use for ImageMagick (0 - 100) $cache_http_minutes = 20; # cache downloaded http images 20 minutes $path_to_convert = '/usr/bin/convert'; ## you shouldn't need to configure anything else beyond this point $purl = parse_url($imagePath); $finfo = pathinfo($imagePath); $ext = $finfo['extension']; # check for remote image.. if(isset($purl['scheme']) && $purl['scheme'] == 'http'): # grab the image, and cache it so we have something to work with.. list($filename) = explode('?',$finfo['basename']); $local_filepath = $remoteFolder.$filename; $download_image = true; if(file_exists($local_filepath)): if(filemtime($local_filepath) < strtotime('+'.$cache_http_minutes.' minutes')): $download_image = false; endif; endif; if($download_image == true): $img = file_get_contents($imagePath); file_put_contents($local_filepath,$img); endif; $imagePath = $local_filepath; endif; if(file_exists($imagePath) == false): $imagePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$imagePath; if(file_exists($imagePath) == false): return 'image not found'; endif; endif; if(isset($opts['w'])): $w = $opts['w']; endif; if(isset($opts['h'])): $h = $opts['h']; endif; $filename = md5_file($imagePath); if(!empty($w) and !empty($h)): $newPath = $cacheFolder.$filename.'_w'.$w.'_h'.$h.(isset($opts['crop']) && $opts['crop'] == true ? "_cp" : "").(isset($opts['scale']) && $opts['scale'] == true ? "_sc" : "").'.'.$ext; elseif(!empty($w)): $newPath = $cacheFolder.$filename.'_w'.$w.'.'.$ext; elseif(!empty($h)): $newPath = $cacheFolder.$filename.'_h'.$h.'.'.$ext; else: return false; endif; $create = true; if(file_exists($newPath) == true): $create = false; $origFileTime = date("YmdHis",filemtime($imagePath)); $newFileTime = date("YmdHis",filemtime($newPath)); if($newFileTime < $origFileTime): $create = true; endif; endif; if($create == true): if(!empty($w) and !empty($h)): list($width,$height) = getimagesize($imagePath); $resize = $w; if($width > $height): $resize = $w; if(isset($opts['crop']) && $opts['crop'] == true): $resize = "x".$h; endif; else: $resize = "x".$h; if(isset($opts['crop']) && $opts['crop'] == true): $resize = $w; endif; endif; if(isset($opts['scale']) && $opts['scale'] == true): $cmd = $path_to_convert." ".$imagePath." -resize ".$resize." -quality ".$quality." ".$newPath; else: $cmd = $path_to_convert." ".$imagePath." -resize ".$resize." -size ".$w."x".$h." xc:".(isset($opts['canvas-color'])?$opts['canvas-color']:"transparent")." +swap -gravity center -composite -quality ".$quality." ".$newPath; endif; else: $cmd = $path_to_convert." ".$imagePath." -thumbnail ".(!empty($h) ? 'x':'').$w."".(isset($opts['maxOnly']) && $opts['maxOnly'] == true ? "\>" : "")." -quality ".$quality." ".$newPath; endif; $c = exec($cmd); endif; # return cache file path return str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$newPath); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS IS THE EXAMPLE.PHP FILE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <?php # include the function here include 'function.resize.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <title>PHP Image Resize - Example</title> <style> body { background: #ffffff; color: #121212; font-family: lucida grande; text-align: center; } h1 { font-size: 15px; text-align: center; } #main { margin: auto; width: 600px; text-align: left; } .block { margin: 20px; background: #fafafa; padding: 20px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #cacaca; } pre { text-align: left; background: #010101; padding: 10px; font-size: 11px; } pre code { text-align: left; color: #ffffff; } .block p { color: #343434; font-size: 12px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id='main'> <h1>PHP Image Resizer</h1> <div class='block'> <?php $settings = array('w'=>150,'h'=>150,'crop'=>true); ?> <div><img src='<?=resize('http://www.image-online.com/admin.jpg',$settings)?>' border='0' /></div> <p>Image cropped & resized by width and height from a remote location.</p> <div><pre><code>src: http://www.image-online.com/admin.jpg<?php echo "\n\n"; print_r($settings)?></code></pre></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> ?> I now need the script to be able to resize images created dynamically from URL's in the following format: http://www.image-online.com/ShowImage.asp?SecId=zc&Id=P1&ImgId=03073 Is there any way of accessing the image created at this URL in order that I can manipulate it with this or another script. Regards GT
print your array to see what variables you are actually returning, if any.
The error message implies that you have a problem with the field names in your query. Whatever "Blah Blah" is named as in your query is probably not named the same in your DB. I notice you are spelling adress with one 'd' in the query, is this the same fieldname in your DB?
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
I know have another problem. When form is submitted without selecting a value for property I need it to return all results. The query prints like this: WHERE location IN ("") AND cat_id = '12' AND status = 'Yes' No results found. Code is now: $where = array(); if(!empty($_GET['cat_id'])) { // Allow only numeric characters $cat_id = preg_replace('/[^0-9 ]/', '', $_GET['cat_id']); $param = mysql_real_escape_string($cat_id); $where []= "cat_id = '$param'"; } if(!empty($_GET['location'])) { $param = preg_replace('/[^á é í ó ú ñ ü Á É Í Ó Ú Ü a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $_GET['location']); $where[] = 'location IN ("' . implode('", "', $param) . '")'; } $where = (!empty($where)) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : ''; $where []= "status = 'Yes'"; echo $where; -
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
Fixed! I had indeed forgotten to remove the for each loop Thanks for your time David much appreciated Regards C -
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
Can anyone help with this please? Thanks -
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
OK after some shut eye I have returned to this and added the implode as per the last post. This does actually produce a workable query but it is repeating itself due to the other implode further down the page that puts the final query together. I now have a query the prints as: WHERE location IN ("town1", "town2", "town3", "town4", "town5") AND location IN ("town1", "town2", "town3", "town4", "town5") AND location IN ("town1", "town2", "town3", "town4", "town5") AND location IN ("town1", "town2", "town3", "town4", "town5") AND location IN ("town1", "town2", "town3", "town4", "town5") AND cat_id = '12' AND status = 'Yes $where = (!empty($where)) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : ''; // This is the culprit I need to stop the location IN looping AARGH!! Thanks -
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
Yes having taken a step back it is quite obvious that location cannot be "town1" AND "town2" at the same time. Time for a few hours off so I will digest your response tommorrow. The real script does sanitize with mysql_real_escape_string() Thanks -
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
I now have this query but it does not work, it returns an empty result!!: SELECT * FROM `property` WHERE location = 'town1' AND location = 'town2' AND cat_id = '12' AND status = 'Yes' id | location | status | price | ----------------------------------------------------- 12 | town1 | Yes | 200 | | | | | 12 | town2 | Yes | 400 | | | | | 12 | town3 | Yes | 600 | I am obviously missing the obvious here Thanks for looking -
need help with multiple list box array
GalaxyTramp replied to GalaxyTramp's topic in PHP Coding Help
OK sorted the Array problem after a rest. if(!empty($_GET['location'])) { // Allow only alphabetic and Spanish special characters $param = preg_replace('/[^á é í ó ú ñ ü Á É Í Ó Ú Ü a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $_GET['location']); foreach ($param as $key => $value) { $where []= "location = '$value'"; } } Thanks -
It would seem that the id is not being set.