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Everything posted by cleary1981

  1. Apologies if this sounds stupid, it's been a while since I have done any development. I have a site hosted on 1and1 server connected to a DB. I have copied the whole site into a sub directory to make changes to the code. I want to make a new DB with all the same data as my Live site. When I export the data using phpmyadmin and import it just overwrites the existing DB. Is there a way I can export my DB and then rename it so when I upload it I have two databases? Thanks in advance.
  2. The newer versions of word work with xml. I don't know much about the subject but I would think this would be an easier route. Then you could use apache fop to make your pdf. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, I have been building links for my site and I know they exist. But when I enter link:www.tes-ni.com into google all I see is two internal links listed for my site. There are many internal links so this just doesn't make sense and I am aware that some sites use NO FOLLOW. Does anyone know why this is the case? Thanks
  4. You can have this elephant if you want!
  5. if it was me I would just park the site and try make some money through advertising.
  6. Can you explain more. Do you have to write about php or use php in some way? What about a comparison to other languages such as .net
  7. you will definately need some heat shrink also, as the pins are so close together. if you need to know which wires connect to which pin let me know. Assuming the cable on your monitor is similar colours to the ones I know.
  8. akitchin, what do you mean when you say way too canned? I don't understand. I agree about the map. I am working on a better solution. The road we are on isn't even on google maps. lol
  9. Ok Points noted. My homepage does validate now. Must remeber to check after making changes. I am working on a careers section as I agree this is important. As for the SEO I haven't put too much time into it yet. I will sped more time on this. Does anyone think changing the while site to tableless design would be of benefit?
  10. If you are realy handy with a soldering iron you can put a new end on. It is really tricky though. I just bought some here http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=1310 you will need to buy a new hood aswell to go around it. Doesn't cost much but the pins are so close it is realy time consuming.
  11. I have changed the code of the homepage to tableless design and made a few of the other changes that were suggested. What are you thoughts now? http://www.tes-ni.com
  12. Thanks I have already done that.
  13. Hi, I know higher traffic will help my site in search engines. There are many companies offering site traffic for a fee. Has anyone used these? are they a waste of time?
  14. Thanks guys, Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes
  15. Need some constructive critism on my site www.tes-ni.com I am trying to keep it simple and clean. Also have been trying to add flash to site but it takes a long time to load so I think it better without it. If anyone has any seo tips I would appreciate them. I know I havn't put much effort into meta tags and page titles yet. Will do that later. Thanks
  16. Hi, I have recently had my website redesigned. In google now I have various pages appearing in search results that do not exist anymore. I have tried using robot.txt to not use these pages but they still display in search engine. Is there anyway of removing these pages and will they have a negative affect on my pagerank and SEO attempts?
  17. That site is down again. but I think its exactly what you are looking for. Try the online demo of the backend.
  18. Don't know what happened their but it looks to up again now
  19. Hi, I am considering making a social networking site but am stuck as which route to take. I want something similar to bebo where you can develop your own applications and other people can put them on their profile page. I think Elgg sounds like it has the potential to do what I want but there seems to be little or no beginner tutorials on it. Has anyone used it successfully to do something similar? Is their a better alternative for me to look at? Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  20. http://www.php-shopping-cart-tutorial.com/ This might be of some use to you. Fully working script available free to download and use
  21. Hi, I am lost. I have a database that has a field in the following format 2009-01-28 15:43:52 I then have values in php in the format of dd/mm/yyyy. I want to search my db to find the first occurence of a specified date. Can anyone help please?
  22. hi, I have a service running on my machine that is feeding realtime data into my db. I then have a php script that reads this data and displays it on screen. The problem I am having is that the service, for some unknown reason starts throwing up errors and I need to restart the service. What I want to do is have my php script monitor the data and restart the service if needed. Can php be used to issue comands to services? Some example script would be great. Thanks
  23. Hi, I am using several textareas in my application. The content is being stored in a mysql database. The problem I am having is that I want the output data to be exactly the same as the input. I have tried using the wrap attribute but that hasnt worked. For example When I write: xyz abc it comes out as : xyz abc on the same line.
  24. hi, I have a script that passes a list like this $$8$$7$$88$$12$$1$$19$$ I am using explode to get the values from this list. The problem I am having is I want to create a for loop to process these values but he length of the list can vary. Is there anyway of working out how many times the loop should run? $quotelist = $_REQUEST['quotelist']; $p = explode("$$", $quotelist); for($i=1;$i<?????;$i = $i++){ //(process info) }
  25. here is the processed html <h1>Merchant Hotel Phase 2 - Select Prices</h1><form name='form1' id='form1'><span class='name'>New Extension Switchboard</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='8' name='4' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('4.8')"><td><input type='radio' name='1' value='8' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>3390</td><td>515</td><td>0</td><td>1098.36</td><td>1098.36</td><td>9450</td><td>0</td><td>14453.36</td><td>4336.01</td><td>30</td><td>18789.37</td></tr> </table><span class='name'>Firefighting Sub Switchboard</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='9' name='5' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('5.9')"><td><input type='radio' name='2' value='9' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>825</td><td>130</td><td>0</td><td>226.98</td><td>226.98</td><td>2250</td><td>0</td><td>3431.98</td><td>1029.59</td><td>30</td><td>4461.57</td></tr> </table><span class='name'>NIE INCOMER CUBICLE</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='15' name='11' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('11.15')"><td><input type='radio' name='3' value='15' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>405</td><td>115</td><td>0</td><td>90.792</td><td>90.792</td><td>950</td><td>0</td><td>1560.79</td><td>468.24</td><td>30</td><td>2029.03</td></tr> </table><span class='name'>Ground Floor FOH Sub Switchboard</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='11' name='7' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('7.11')"><td><input type='radio' name='4' value='11' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>810</td><td>190</td><td>0</td><td>181.584</td><td>181.584</td><td>2000</td><td>0</td><td>3181.58</td><td>954.47</td><td>30</td><td>4136.05</td></tr> </table><span class='name'>Ground Floor Bar Sub Switchboard</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='12' name='8' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('8.12')"><td><input type='radio' name='5' value='12' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>1230</td><td>225</td><td>0</td><td>272.376</td><td>272.376</td><td>3000</td><td>0</td><td>4727.38</td><td>1418.21</td><td>30</td><td>6145.59</td></tr> </table><span class='name'>1st Floor Plant Room Sub Switchboard</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='10' name='9' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('9.10')"><td><input type='radio' name='6' value='10' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>405</td><td>115</td><td>0</td><td>90.792</td><td>90.792</td><td>950</td><td>0</td><td>1560.79</td><td>468.24</td><td>30</td><td>2029.03</td></tr> <tr id='13' name='9' class='notchecked' onClick="checkpanels('9.13')"><td><input type='radio' name='6' value='13'></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>1290</td><td>240</td><td>0</td><td>272.376</td><td>272.376</td><td>3000</td><td>0</td><td>4802.38</td><td>1440.71</td><td>30</td><td>6243.09</td></tr> <tr id='14' name='9' class='notchecked' onClick="checkpanels('9.14')"><td><input type='radio' name='6' value='14'></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>405</td><td>115</td><td>0</td><td>90.792</td><td>90.792</td><td>950</td><td>0</td><td>1560.79</td><td>468.24</td><td>30</td><td>2029.03</td></tr> </table><span class='name'>Basement Laundry Sub Switchboard</span> <table width=100%><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Labour</th><th>Consumables</th><th>Components</th><th>Copper</th><th>Busbar</th><th>Panel</th><th>Drawings</th><th>Sub Total</th><th>Markup</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Total</th> <tr id='16' name='10' class='checked' onClick="checkpanels('10.16')"><td><input type='radio' name='7' value='16' checked></td><td>12/12/2008</td><td>1230</td><td>225</td><td>0</td><td>340.47</td><td>340.47</td><td>3750</td><td>0</td><td>5545.47</td><td>1663.64</td><td>30</td><td>7209.11</td></tr> </table>7<span id='button'><input type='button' value='Proceed' onClick="proceed()"></span></form> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-image: url('modulecost.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; } .name{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; line-height: 2; color:#006666; } h1{ text-align:center; color:#006666; } .notchecked{ background:white; } .checked{ background:#9EEDF4; } #button{ padding-left:90%; } th{ background:white; } td{ text-align:center; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="text-utils.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="request.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkpanels(quote_id){ var returned = quote_id; var splitResult = returned.split("."); var panel = splitResult[0]; var quote = splitResult[1]; var arr = document.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { if (panel == arr[i].name) { arr[i].style.background = "white"; } } //alert(quote_id); document.getElementById(quote).style.background = "#9EEDF4"; } function proceed(){ //get the quote id from each checked radio } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> what I need to do is find some way to distinguish which radio button in each group has been selected.
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