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Everything posted by anthony-needs-you

  1. tried them, but still nothing The code displays the right number of columns and rows, just no data. . .
  2. can anyone see why this: <?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/admin/library/config.php'); include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/admin/library/opendb.php'); ?> <table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3"> <?php $query = "SELECT id, vImage, vName, vDesc, vPrice FROM vehicles WHERE vCategory = 'lease' ORDER BY id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("There was a problem with the SQL query: " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { echo(' <span class="noVehicles"><strong>No Vehicles Listed</strong></span> '); } while(list($id, $vName, $vDesc, $vPrice, $vImage) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $i = 0; $max_columns = 2; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // make the variables easy to deal with extract($row); // open row if counter is zero if($i == 0) echo "<tr>"; echo '<td><div class="stocklisting-row"> <div class="stockphoto"><img src="vehicles/<?php echo $vImage;?>" width="125" /></div> <div class="stocktext"> <div class="stockname"><?php echo $vName;?></div> <div class="stockdesc"><?php echo $vDesc;?></div> <div class="stockprice">£<?php echo $vPrice;?> a month</div> <div class="stockmore"><a href="specification.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>">view details</a></div> </div> </div></td>'; // increment counter - if counter = max columns, reset counter and close row if(++$i == $max_columns) { echo "</tr>"; $i=0; } // end if } // end while } // end if results // clean up table - makes your code valid! if($i < $max_columns) { for($j=$i; $j<$max_columns;$j++) echo "<td> </td>"; } } ?> </tr> </table> <?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/admin/library/closedb.php'); ?> doesnt pull the results in this area: echo '<td><div class="stocklisting-row"> <div class="stockphoto"><img src="vehicles/<?php echo $vImage;?>" width="125" /></div> <div class="stocktext"> <div class="stockname"><?php echo $vName;?></div> <div class="stockdesc"><?php echo $vDesc;?></div> <div class="stockprice">£<?php echo $vPrice;?> a month</div> <div class="stockmore"><a href="specification.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>">view details</a></div> </div> </div></td>'; it displays the correct rows just with empty values? I think this part maybe wrong: while(list($id, $vName, $vDesc, $vPrice, $vImage) = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  3. cool cheers
  4. Hi i'm currently using this to set 1 column of results: <?php //check if the starting row variable was passed in the URL or not if (!isset($_GET['startrow']) or !is_numeric($_GET['startrow'])) { //we give the value of the starting row to 0 because nothing was found in URL $startrow = 0; //otherwise we take the value from the URL } else { $startrow = (int)$_GET['startrow']; } $query = "SELECT id, vName, vDesc, vPrice, vImage FROM vehicles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $startrow, 5"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { echo(' <span class="noVehicles"><strong>No Vehicles Listed</strong></span> '); } while(list($id, $vName, $vDesc, $vPrice, $vImage) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { ?> <div class="stocklisting"> <div class="stockphoto"><img src="pics/<?php echo $vImage;?>" width="125" /></div> <div class="stocktext"> <div class="stockname"><?php echo $vName;?></div> <div class="stockdesc"><?php echo $vDesc;?></div> <div class="stockprice">£<?php echo $vPrice;?> a month</div> <div class="stockmore"><a href="specification.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>">view details</a></div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> I now need to change this to a 2 column layout. I have found this script: <?php $dataTest = array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g'); $table = '<table>'; $counter = 0; // find total number of items in array. If it's not an even number // we need to add 1 so as to avoid breaking the table by // omitting the final cell $total = count($dataTest); if ($total%2 != 0) { $total+=1; } // loop through the array for ($i=0;$i<count($dataTest);$i++) { if ($counter%2 == 0) { // first column $table .= '<tr><td>' . $dataTest[$i] . '</td>'; } else { // second column $table .= '<td>' . $dataTest[$i] . '</td></tr>'; } $counter++; } // complete table and output results $table .= '</table>'; echo $table; ?> Does anyone know how to tie the two together? many thanks for any help
  5. does anyone know how i would attach an attachment to this email script?
  6. How do i create an email attachment using this script <?php error_reporting(E_NOTICE); function valid_email($str) { return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE; } if($_POST['name']!='' && $_POST['telephone']!='' && $_POST['e_mail']!='' && $_POST['county']!='' && valid_email($_POST['e_mail'])==TRUE && strlen($_POST['message'])>5) { $to = '[email protected]'; $headers = 'From: '.$_POST['e_mail'].''. "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '.$_POST['e_mail'].'' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $subject = "Website Enquiry - contact page"; $name = "Name: " . $_POST["name"] . "\r\n"; $telephone = "Telephone: " . $_POST["telephone"] . "\r\n"; $county = "County: " . $_POST["county"] . "\r\n"; $repair = "Repair: " . $_POST["repair"] . "\r\n"; $enquiry = "Message: " . $_POST["message"] . "\r\n"; $body = "$name\n $telephone\n $repair\n $county\n $enquiry\n"; //$message = htmlspecialchars($_POST['message'] && $_POST['first_name'] && $_POST['last_name']); if(mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {//we show the good guy only in one case and the bad one for the rest. echo '<div class="success-msg">Thank you '.$_POST['name'].'. Your message was sent</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error-msg">Message not sent. Please make sure you\'re not running this on localhost and also that you are allowed to run mail() function from your webserver</div>'; } } else { echo '<div class="error-msg">Please make sure you filled all the required fields, that you entered a valid email and also that your message contains more then 5 characters.</div>'; } ?> this is the html upload <input name="photo" id="photo" size="30" type="file" class="fileUpload" /> Any help is appreciated
  7. the problem i'm getting with that is if you type in a destination and leave the other fields to any it will pull all of the holidays from the table and not just the destination do you know why?
  8. if i leave the destination field blank the any's will pull all of the holidays
  9. hi everyone, i have a search with ranges its working fine except for the 'any ...' fields here is the html <span class="search-subhed">Holiday Type?</span><br /> <select name="breakType" class="field"> <option selected="selected">-- please select --</option> <option value="holidaybreaks">Holiday Breaks</option> <option value="cruises">Cruises</option> <option value="citybreaks">City Breaks</option> <option value="sporting">Sporting Holidays</option> <option value="flights">Flights</option> <option value="hotel">Hotel Bookings</option> </select><br /> <span class="search-subhed">Destination?</span><br /> <input name="where" type="text" value="" class="field" /><br /> <span class="search-subhed">Price?</span><br /> <select name="pricerange" class="field"> <option value="0:10000" selected="selected">Any price</option> <option value="0:500">£0-£500</option> <option value="501:1000">£501-£1000</option> <option value="1001:2000">£1001-£2000</option> <option value="2000:10000">Over £2000</option> </select><br /> <span class="search-subhed">Duration?</span><br /> <select name="stay" class="field"> <option value="1:42" selected="selected">Any duration</option> <option value="1:1">1 night</option> <option value="2:2">2 nights</option> <option value="3:3">3 nights</option> <option value="4:4">4 nights</option> <option value="5:5">5 nights</option> <option value="6:6">6 nights</option> <option value="7:7">7 nights</option> <option value="8:8">8 nights</option> <option value="9:9">9 nights</option> <option value="10:10">10 nights</option> <option value="12:12">12 nights</option> <option value="14:14">14 nights</option> <option value="21:21">21 nights</option> <option value="21:42">Over 21 nights</option> </select><br /> <input name="search" type="submit" id="search" value="Search" /> and here is part of the php if($breakType == 'holidaybreaks') { list($min,$max) = explode(':',$_POST['pricerange'],2); list($minstay,$maxstay) = explode(':',$_POST['stay'],2); $result = mysql_query("SELECT departureDate, expireDate, airport, destination, resort, hotel, duration, board, price, description, customerRef, mystiqueRef, stars FROM holiday WHERE duration BETWEEN '$minstay' AND '$maxstay' AND price BETWEEN '$min' AND '$max' AND destination LIKE '%$where%'"); When 'any price' or 'any duration' is selected with a destination it shows no results?
  10. Hi i have some sort by buttons: <form method="POST" action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>"> <input name="resort" value="resort" type="image" onMouseOver="this.src='elements/images/layout/r-resort-active.gif'" onMouseOut="this.src='elements/images/layout/r-resort-inactive.gif'" src="elements/images/layout/r-resort-inactive.gif" class="button" border"0"> </form> This is the code it posts to: if(isset($_POST['authorDate'])){ $authorDate=$_POST['authorDate']; $type="authorDate"; }elseif(isset($_POST['hotel'])){ $hotel=$_POST['hotel']; $type="hotel"; }elseif(isset($_POST['destination'])){ $destination=$_POST['destination']; $type="destination"; }elseif(isset($_POST['resort'])){ $resort=$_POST['resort']; $type="resort"; }elseif(!isset($_POST[''])){ $type="hotel"; } and this is the part of the code it sorts via $type: $query = "SELECT id, destination, author, resort, hotel, authorDate, description, stars FROM reviews ORDER BY $type LIMIT $startrow, 10"; It works in firefox but not in IE does anyone know why?
  11. you star, thanks
  12. Hi everyone, i am trying to create a search fuction with a price range. The html for the price range is: <select name="pricerange" class="field"> <option selected="selected">any price</option> <option value="0:100">£0 - £100</option> <option value="101:300">£101 - £300</option> <option value="301:500">£301 - £500</option> </select> and the php is list($min,$max) = explode(':',$_POST['pricerange'],2); $result = mysql_query("SELECT departureDate, expireDate, airport, destination, resort, hotel, duration, board, price, description, customerRef, mystiqueRef, stars FROM holiday WHERE destination LIKE '%$where%' AND duration LIKE '%$stay%' AND price BETWEEN '%$min' AND '%$max'"); The price range is not working?
  13. Hi i have two bits of code. On their own they work fine. How would i put them together? $result = mysql_query("SELECT departureDate, expireDate, airport, destination, resort, hotel, duration, board, price, description, customerRef, mystiqueRef, stars FROM holiday WHERE destination LIKE '%$where%'");[code] $result = mysql_query("SELECT departureDate, expireDate, airport, destination, resort, hotel, duration, board, price, description, customerRef, mystiqueRef, stars FROM holiday WHERE duration LIKE '%$stay%'");[/code]
  14. cool cheers i will play around with this thanks all
  15. Hi i was hoping that someone maybe able to tell me how to code a price range drop down search menu. I am unsure as to what to enter as the option value: <span class="search-subhed">Where?</span><br /> <input name="where" type="text" value="Enter keywords / Hotel Name" class="field" /><br /> <span class="search-subhed">Price?</span><br /> <select name="price" class="field"> <option selected="selected">any price</option> <option>£0 - £100</option> <option>£101 - £300</option> <option>£301 - £500</option> </select><br /> <span class="search-subhed">Duration?</span><br /> <select name="duration" class="field"> <option selected="selected">any duration</option> <option value="1">1 night</option> <option value="2">2 nights</option> <option value="5">5 nights</option> <option value="6">6 nights</option> <option value="7">7 nights</option> <option value="10">10 nights</option> <option value="14">14 nights</option> </select> here is the php i am planning to use: select * from holiday where price between 0 and 100
  16. Thanks for the tip i will read up on this
  17. Hi i insert my dates from a calander into my mysql database with this: $expireDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['expireDate'])); The client wants it displayed in the input box before being inserted in uk format d-m-Y. If i do this using the above code the database doesnt understand it. I can display it after inserting it but how do i display it in the uk format before insert?
  18. it doesnt show an error. Does it look correct? Its to be used to display results based on a reference number being searched (customerRef). Although say a do a search for a reference number I know that is in the test table it just displays nothing, same vice verser
  19. no it just doesnt show any search results. When i search without the join its fine?
  20. Does anyone know why this table join doesnt work $result = mysql_query(" SELECT t.departureDate, t.expireDate, t.airport, t.destination, t.resort, t.hotel, t.duration, t.board, t.price, t.description, t.customerRef, t.mystiqueRef, t.stars, c.departureDate, c.expireDate, c.airport, c.destination, c.resort, c.hotel, c.duration, c.board, c.price, c.description, c.customerRef, c.mystiqueRef, c.stars FROM test AS t LEFT JOIN cyprus AS c ON t.customerRef = c.customerRef WHERE c.customerRef OR t.customerRef LIKE '%$search%'") or die(mysql_error()); When i search one table it with this its ok $result = mysql_query("SELECT departureDate, expireDate, airport, destination, resort, hotel, duration, board, price, description, customerRef, mystiqueRef, stars FROM test WHERE customerRef LIKE '%$search%'"); but with the join the search shows no results?
  21. this is the code as is $result = mysql_query(" SELECT t.departureDate, t.expireDate, t.airport, t.destination, t.resort, t.hotel, t.duration, t.board, t.price, t.description, t.customerRef, t.mystiqueRef, t.stars, c.departureDate, c.expireDate, c.airport, c.destination, c.resort, c.hotel, c.duration, c.board, c.price, c.description, c.customerRef, c.mystiqueRef, c.stars FROM test AS t LEFT JOIN cyprus AS c ON t.customerRef = c.customerRef WHERE c.customerRef LIKE '%$search%'") or die(mysql_error()); if i take out the LIKE clause, it does show a syntax error Both test table and cyprus table both have customerRef, although the inputed values are different
  22. its still showing no results, could it be the way its displayed? echo " <h3 class=\"hol-subhed\">$destination</h3> <div id=\"hol-wrapper\"> <div class=\"holiday-hedlistwrap\"> <ul class=\"hol-hedlist\"> <li class=\"long\">Destination</li> <li class=\"med\">Airport</li> <li class=\"long\">Resort</li> <li class=\"long\">Hotel</li> <li class=\"med\">Board</li> <li class=\"med\">Duration</li> <li class=\"med\">Depart On</li> <li class=\"small\">Price</li> </ul> </div> <div class=\"holiday-detailswrap\"> <ul class=\"hol-details\"> <li class=\"long\">$destination</li> <li class=\"med\">$airport</li> <li class=\"long\">$resort</li> <li class=\"long\">$hotel</li> <li class=\"med\">$board</li> <li class=\"med\">$duration</li> <li class=\"med\">$departureDate</li> <li class=\"small\">£$price</li> </ul> <div class=\"clearboth\" id=\"foo\"><!--empty--></div> </div> <div class=\"holiday-descwrap\"> <ul class=\"hol-hedlist\"> <li class=\"huge\">Description</li> <li class=\"med\">Rating</li> <li class=\"med\">Ref. No.</li> </ul> </div> <div class=\"holiday-detailswrap\"> <ul class=\"hol-details\"> <li class=\"huge\">$description</li> <li class=\"med\"> $stars</li> <li class=\"ref\">$customerRef</li> </ul> <div class=\"clearboth\" id=\"foo\"><!--empty--></div> </div> <div class=\"holiday-descwrap\"> <ul class=\"hol-hedlist\"> <li class=\"huge\">Operator Ref</li> <li class=\"med\"></li> <li class=\"med\"></li> </ul> </div> <div class=\"holiday-detailswrap\"> <ul class=\"hol-details\"> <li class=\"huge\">$mystiqueRef</li> <li class=\"med\"></li> <li class=\"ref\"></li> </ul> <!--hol-footer--> <div class=\"clearboth\" id=\"foo\"><!--empty--></div> </div> "; }
  23. would i also have to change these? while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $airport=$r["airport"]; $destination=$r["destination"]; $resort=$r["resort"]; $hotel=$r["hotel"]; $duration=$r["duration"]; $price=$r["price"]; $description=$r["description"]; $customerRef=$r["customerRef"]; $mystiqueRef=$r["mystiqueRef"]; $stars=$r["stars"]; $expireDate=$r["expireDate"]; $board=$r["board"];
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