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  1. Yes , you would get what ever link is in the database. It seems as if you want to just make a regular link to a site. So yes the $link_variable refers to the link in the database. In the statement you posted you closed the a tag with [/url] which that is BBCODE for forums and is not HTML syntax.
  2. printf('<a href="%s">Go to this link</a>',$link_variable);
  3. I would REALLY recommend not making your own shopping cart with your knowledge of PHP, if you are going to be processing transactions you will need to be secure. I would recommend getting OSCommerce/Zen Cart and then building it into your template.
  4. Use <pre> </pre> around the text you want to display.
  5. You will have to use regular expressions to get all the links on the page, and once again use regular expressions to grab the images. You will really just need curl to return the output. this should return all links on the page Function _cLinkCollection($HTML) { preg_match_all('/<a[\s]+.*href[\s]*=[\s]*["\\\']([^"\\\']*)["\\\'].*>(.*)<\/a>/miU' ,$HTML,$ar_Links); Return $ar_Links; }
  6. This line echo '.$row['Name'].'; should be echo $row['Name']; unless you want quotes printf("'%s'",$row['Name']); or echo "'$row['Name']'"; plus this line at href= is closing the double quote echo "'<a href="click.php?id='.$row['id'].'&user=$user">Visit</a>'";
  7. You aren't going to be uploading a file to a database what you are going to be doing is uploading then saving the file location to the database. I recommend using move_uploaded_file or some other command which are mainly used for uploads.
  8. Well if you are going to do a shopping cart you are going to want to do it in PHP. When the user submits the form you are going to do some checking for whatever you want. But if you want you can combine javascript and php. Just for security reasons I'd really recommend not making your own shopping cart, I'd just modify a script such as oscommerce.
  9. You did not put a semicolon at the end. Put a ; (Didn't look at your mySQL syntax)
  10. and you can also use variables inside of double quotes.
  11. But if he utilizes some techniques such as changing session ID with http://php.net/session_regenerate_id will hijacking really be a major issue?
  12. Check this out, a guy made managing paypal easy into a single class. Why re-invent the wheel when someone else already did. http://www.micahcarrick.com/04-19-2005/php-paypal-ipn-integration-class.html
  13. If you do it with the link it will navigate to that page and whatever the default player is on the persons computer will either start to play it or the file will be prompted for download. You can possibly look into using flash to play it when the person clicks the play button. Then use PHP to determine what file to play based on some GET or POST and or load the filenames from a database.
  14. if($_GET['update'] should be if($_GET['update']) you forgot the ending parentheses
  15. I'd recommend looking at some that are already out there such as this one. To get ideas and to see how they did things. http://www.evolt.org/article/PHP_Login_System_with_Admin_Features/17/60384/index.html
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