Hi all,
My friend is having a problem so I said I'd post for him on here as he is away at the minute.
Here is his problem, hope someone can help, thanks in advance.
"i have a site, where you login in, and then i want to show stats (name, favourite football club, games played, goals scored etc)
i have this file called view_profile.php that then links to view_profile.tpl.php.
the error im getting is 'There was no username entered in the URL.'
I think all that need to happen is for it to get the right username that your logged in under, but this is not showing it, can someone tell me what is missing?
Also, if you fancy helping to complete this website, and play fifa 08/09, please give me a shout!"
require "global.php";
$body = new template(TPL_ROOT);
full_error("Error", "There was no username entered in the URL.");
$get_username = secure_input($_GET['get_username']);
$get_username = str_replace("_", " ", $get_username);
$user_query = $mysql->query("SELECT username, user_level, real_name, favourite_clubs, age, short_bio, nationality, second_nationality, positions, register_timestamp, lastlogin_timestamp FROM users WHERE username='".$get_username."'");
if($mysql->num_rows($user_query) < 1)
full_error("Error", "There is no user with the name of, <strong>".$get_username."</strong>.");
$user_results = $mysql->fetch_array($user_query);
$title = $user_results['username'];
$body->set('user_results', $user_results);
$tpl->set('title', $title);
$body->set('error', null);
$tpl->set('body', $body->fetch("view_profile.tpl.php"));
echo $tpl->fetch('template.tpl.php');
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