Ok, here I am again with another question that, if I could get answered would save me alot of time. Heres the scenario if you woud...
On my crime stoppers website, you have the option to add a crime through forms and a database, easy, right. Well, when the user wants to add a crime to the website, they have to select from this drop down menu/list box, the type of crime it is. This list box's values are all dynamic because the types of the crimes are stored in another table so that as the need arises, instead of having me add a type of crime through code, and updating every page that has this list box, they can add it themselves. Well. The problem arises when they go to make a change to a crime that they added, how do I make it so that the type of crime they selected, is still selected when they get to the page. I was wondering if anyone has ran into this before and found a solution.
Thanks in advance guys.