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I would debug the problem. You are evaluating if they are registered as a UserID or subscriber... I would put an else condition on there for one and see if you can get the else to hit. I would also try setting the session for a longer time interval. I would guess that one of the reasons this error is happening is because the session is timing out. Your clients are probably just walking away from the computer or doing extra stuff and then going back to the site after the session has expired.
Here is my problem I want to query my table in the database and for each occurance of a row where the conditions are met...I want that information to display. I am kinda bad with words so let me show you me code and a picture of the table...and you should be able to take it from there.... Thanks. I am not once of those guys looking for a quick answer with 0 effort. Some direction even would be nice. The picture of the table can be found at http://www.newcustomers2you.com/table.jpg <?php $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `pagePosts` Where '$referrer' = `companyUrl` AND '$pageName' = `pageName` "; $result2 = $db->query($sql2); $row2 = $result2->fetch(); if (!$result2) { $errors[] = 'Fatal Errors Please contact the web administrator!'; ?> <div id="about" class="post"> <h2 class="title"><?php echo 'There was an error!'; ?></h2> <div class="entry"> <p><?php echo implode('<br/>',$errors); ?></p> </div> </div> <?php } else { foreach($row2 as $key => $value) { $postTitle = $row2['postTitle']; $postContent = $row2['postContent']; ?> <div id="about" class="post"> <h2 class="title"><?php echo $postTitle; ?> </h2> <div class="entry"> <?php echo $postContent; ?> </div> </div> <?php } } ?>
http://pastie.org/private/aw5ekgobnk4lbc1qtj9pw Here is the source...let me describe to you want I want to do - Make sure they enter the right promo code and reference number - If they don't then return an error message per incorrect entry. I.E. (reference number or promo code) - if all information checks out grab the referrer's number of referrals and add 1 to it. Then instead of showing them errors show them a header tag that says "Here is your coupon!" Any help and/or direction would be helpful. I have googled for 2hrs and this is where I am at now...
Ok here is what I am trying to do step by step...its just a start - Log the visitors information into my database including ip, their referring url, and the date and time they visited. - Then I want to check these urls that are coming in to check if they contain certain url names For instance www.inquisitivedzign.com/services/awesome.php I want to check if it contains inquisitivedzign. Basically how I see this program working is that a query is used to pull all of the possible string downs to check against and then each one will result in a different event. For instance if company_name = "inquisitivedzign" then query the content where company_name = inquisitivedzign. I am providing a link to my code so that you can see my thoughts...any help at all is appreciated. I am in a little over my head here. http://pastie.org/418230 I hope someone here can write the code that I need or at least suggest some avenues to look into.
I have a shopping cart and I need to integrate it with authorize.net's API...not sure how to construct the form with variables in order to do this any help please...? Below is the code for my authorize.net api that has been transformed into a class. and then below that is the page that I would like to use to process the transaction... <?php class AuthnetAIMException extends Exception {} class AuthnetAIM { const LOGIN = '2sellgutters'; const TRANSKEY = '7PP7njK7682f88f8'; const TEST = false; const GODADDY = false; private $params = array(); private $results = array(); private $approved = false; private $declined = false; private $error = true; private $fields; private $response; private $url; public function __construct() { if (!self::LOGIN || !self::TRANSKEY) { throw new AuthnetException('You have not configured your Authnet login credentials.'); } $subdomain = (self::TEST) ? 'test' : 'secure'; $this->url = 'https://' . $subdomain . '.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; $this->params['x_delim_data'] = 'TRUE'; $this->params['x_delim_char'] = '|'; $this->params['x_relay_response'] = 'FALSE'; $this->params['x_url'] = 'FALSE'; $this->params['x_version'] = '3.1'; $this->params['x_method'] = 'CC'; $this->params['x_type'] = 'AUTH_CAPTURE'; $this->params['x_login'] = self::LOGIN; $this->params['x_tran_key'] = self::TRANSKEY; } public function __toString() { if (!$this->params) { return (string) $this; } $output = ''; $output .= '<table summary="Authnet Results" id="authnet">' . "\n"; $output .= '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<th colspan="2"><b>Outgoing Parameters</b></th>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n"; foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) { $output .= "\t" . '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<td><b>' . $key . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td>' . $value . '</td>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n"; } if ($this->results) { $output .= '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<th colspan="2"><b>Incomming Parameters</b></th>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n"; $response = array('Response Code', 'Response Subcode', 'Response Reason Code', 'Response Reason Text', 'Approval Code', 'AVS Result Code', 'Transaction ID', 'Invoice Number', 'Description', 'Amount', 'Method', 'Transaction Type', 'Customer ID', 'Cardholder First Name', 'Cardholder Last Name', 'Company', 'Billing Address', 'City', 'State', 'Zip', 'Country', 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Email', 'Ship to First Name', 'Ship to Last Name', 'Ship to Company', 'Ship to Address', 'Ship to City', 'Ship to State', 'Ship to Zip', 'Ship to Country', 'Tax Amount', 'Duty Amount', 'Freight Amount', 'Tax Exempt Flag', 'PO Number', 'MD5 Hash', 'Card Code (CVV2/CVC2/CID) Response Code', 'Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) Response Code'); foreach ($this->results as $key => $value) { if ($key > 40) break; $output .= "\t" . '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<td><b>' . $response[$key] . '</b></td>'; $output .= '<td>' . $value . '</td>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n"; } } $output .= '</table>' . "\n"; return $output; } public function process($retries = 3) { $this->prepareParameters(); $ch = curl_init($this->url); $count = 0; while ($count < $retries) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim($this->fields, '& ')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); if (self::GODADDY) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, 'http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); } $this->response = curl_exec($ch); $this->parseResults(); if ($this->getResultResponseFull() == 'Approved') { $this->approved = true; $this->declined = false; $this->error = false; break; } else if ($this->getResultResponseFull() == 'Declined') { $this->approved = false; $this->declined = true; $this->error = false; break; } $count++; } curl_close($ch); } private function prepareParameters() { foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) { $this->fields .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } } private function parseResults() { $this->results = explode($this->params['x_delim_char'], $this->response); } public function setTransaction($cardnum, $expiration, $amount, $cvv = null, $invoice = null, $tax = null) { $this->params['x_card_num'] = (string) trim($cardnum); $this->params['x_exp_date'] = (string) trim($expiration); $this->params['x_amount'] = (float) $amount; $this->params['x_invoice_num'] = (int) $invoice; $this->params['x_tax'] = (float) $tax; $this->params['x_card_code'] = str_pad((int) $cvv, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if (empty($this->params['x_card_num'])) { throw new AuthnetException('Required information for transaction processing omitted: credit card number'); } if (empty($this->params['x_exp_date'])) { throw new AuthnetException('Required information for transaction processing omitted: expiration date'); } if (empty($this->params['x_amount'])) { throw new AuthnetException('Required information for transaction processing omitted: dollar amount'); } if (!$this->validateExpirationDate()) { throw new AuthnetException('Expiration date is in an invalid format'); } } public function setParameter($field = '', $value = null) { $field = (is_string($field)) ? trim($field) : $field; $value = (is_string($value)) ? trim($value) : $value; if (!is_string($field)) { throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() arg 1 must be a string: ' . gettype($field) . ' given.'); } if (!is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value) && !is_bool($value)) { throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() arg 2 (' . $field . ')must be a string, integer, or boolean value: ' . gettype($value) . ' given.'); } if (empty($field)) { throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() requires a parameter field to be named.'); } if ($value === '') { throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() requires a parameter value to be assigned: $field'); } $this->params[$field] = $value; } public function setTransactionType($type = '') { $type = strtoupper(trim($type)); $typeArray = array('AUTH_CAPTURE', 'AUTH_ONLY', 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE', 'CREDIT', 'CAPTURE_ONLY', 'VOID'); if (!in_array($type, $typeArray)) { throw new AuthnetException('setTransactionType() requires a valid value to be assigned.'); } $this->params['x_type'] = $type; } public function setEcheck($aba, $account, $accttype, $bankname, $bankacctname, $echecktype, $transtype = 'AUTH_CAPTURE') { $amount = (float) $amount; $aba = trim($aba); $account = trim($account); $accttype = strtoupper(trim($accttype)); $bankname = substr(strtoupper(trim($bankname)), 0, 50); $bankacctname = substr(strtoupper(trim($bankacctname)), 0, 22); $echecktype = strtoupper(trim($echecktype)); $transtype = strtoupper(trim($transtype)); if (!preg_match('/^\d{1,4}(\.?\d{0,2})?$/', $amount)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid dollar amount.'); } if (!preg_match('/^\d{9}$/', $aba)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a nine digit ABA/routing number.'); } if (!preg_match('/^\d{6,20}$/', $account)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid account number.'); } if (empty($bankname)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid bank name.'); } else { $bankname = substr($bankname, 0, 50); } if (empty($bankacctname)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires the name that appears on the checking account.'); } $accountTypeArray = array('CHECKING', 'BUSINESSCHECKING', 'SAVINGS'); if (!in_array($accttype, $accountTypeArray)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid bank account type to be assigned.'); } $echeckTypeArray = array('CCD', 'PPD', 'TEL', 'WEB'); if (!in_array($echecktype, $echeckTypeArray)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid echeck type value to be assigned.'); } $transTypeArray = array('AUTH_CAPTURE', 'CREDIT'); if (!in_array($transtype, $transTypeArray)) { throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid transaction type.'); } $this->params['x_amount'] = $amount; $this->params['x_method'] = 'ECHECK'; $this->params['x_bank_aba_code'] = $aba; $this->params['x_bank_acct_num'] = $account; $this->params['x_bank_acct_type'] = $accttype; $this->params['x_bank_name'] = $bankname; $this->params['x_bank_acct_name'] = $bankacctname; $this->params['x_type'] = $transtype; $this->params['x_echeck_type'] = $echecktype; } private function validateExpirationDate() { if (preg_match('|^\d{4}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\d{2}/\\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\\d{2}-\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\d{6}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\d{2}/\d{4}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\d{2}-\d{4}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; if (preg_match('|^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true; return false; } public function getResultResponse() { return $this->results[0]; } public function getResultResponseFull() { $response = array('', 'Approved', 'Declined', 'Error'); return $response[$this->results[0]]; } public function isApproved() { return $this->approved; } public function isDeclined() { return $this->declined; } public function isError() { return $this->error; } public function isConfigError() { $reasons = array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 261, 270, 271); return in_array($this->getResponseCode(), $reasons); } public function isTempError() { $reasons = array(19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63); return in_array($this->getResponseCode(), $reasons); } public function getResponseSubcode() { return $this->results[1]; } public function getResponseCode() { return $this->results[2]; } public function getResponseText() { return $this->results[3]; } public function getAuthCode() { return $this->results[4]; } public function getAVSResponse() { return $this->results[5]; } public function getTransactionID() { return $this->results[6]; } public function getInvoiceNumber() { return $this->results[7]; } public function getDescription() { return $this->results[8]; } public function getAmount() { return $this->results[9]; } public function getPaymentMethod() { return $this->results[10]; } public function getTransactionType() { return $this->results[11]; } public function getCustomerID() { return $this->results[12]; } public function getCHFirstName() { return $this->results[13]; } public function getCHLastName() { return $this->results[14]; } public function getCompany() { return $this->results[15]; } public function getBillingAddress() { return $this->results[16]; } public function getBillingCity() { return $this->results[17]; } public function getBillingState() { return $this->results[18]; } public function getBillingZip() { return $this->results[19]; } public function getBillingCountry() { return $this->results[20]; } public function getPhone() { return $this->results[21]; } public function getFax() { return $this->results[22]; } public function getEmail() { return $this->results[23]; } public function getShippingFirstName() { return $this->results[24]; } public function getShippingLastName() { return $this->results[25]; } public function getShippingCompany() { return $this->results[26]; } public function getShippingAddress() { return $this->results[27]; } public function getShippingCity() { return $this->results[28]; } public function getShippingState() { return $this->results[29]; } public function getShippingZip() { return $this->results[30]; } public function getShippingCountry() { return $this->results[31]; } public function getTaxAmount() { return $this->results[32]; } public function getDutyAmount() { return $this->results[33]; } public function getFreightAmount() { return $this->results[34]; } public function getTaxExemptFlag() { return $this->results[35]; } public function getPONumber() { return $this->results[36]; } public function getMD5Hash() { return $this->results[37]; } public function getCVVResponse() { return $this->results[38]; } public function getCAVVResponse() { return $this->results[39]; } } ?> ****************************************************************** <?php // Include MySQL class require_once('inc/mysql.class.php'); // Include database connection require_once('inc/global.inc.php'); // Include functions require_once('inc/functions.inc.php'); // Start the session session_start(); require('AuthnetAIM.class.php'); try { $payment = new AuthnetAIM(); $payment->setTransaction($creditcard, $expiration, $total, $cvv, $invoice, $tax); $payment->setParameter("x_duplicate_window", 180); $payment->setParameter("x_cust_id", $user_id); $payment->setParameter("x_customer_ip", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $payment->setParameter("x_email", $email); $payment->setParameter("x_email_customer", FALSE); $payment->setParameter("x_first_name", $business_firstname); $payment->setParameter("x_last_name", $business_lastname); $payment->setParameter("x_address", $business_address); $payment->setParameter("x_city", $business_city); $payment->setParameter("x_state", $business_state); $payment->setParameter("x_zip", $business_zipcode); $payment->setParameter("x_phone", $business_telephone); $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_first_name", $shipping_firstname); $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_last_name", $shipping_lastname); $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_address", $shipping_address); $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_city", $shipping_city); $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_state", $shipping_state); $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_zip", $shipping_zipcode); $payment->setParameter("x_description", $product); $payment->process(); if ($payment->isApproved()) { // Get info from Authnet to store in the database $approval_code = $payment->getAuthCode(); $avs_result = $payment->getAVSResponse(); $transaction_id = $payment->getTransactionID(); // Do stuff with this. Most likely store it in a database. } else if ($payment->isDeclined()) { // Get reason for the decline from the bank. This always says, // "This credit card has been declined". Not very useful. $reason = $payment->getResponseText(); // Politely tell the customer their card was declined // and to try a different form of payment } else if ($payment->isError()) { // Get the error number so we can reference the Authnet // documentation and get an error description $error_number = $payment->getResponseSubcode(); $error_message = $payment->getResponseText(); // Report the error to someone who can investigate it // and hopefully fix it // Notify the user of the error and request they contact // us for further assistance } } catch (AuthnetAIMException $e) { echo 'There was an error processing the transaction. Here is the error message: '; echo $e->__toString(); } ?>
Ok Here is what I am trying to accomplish I would like to a query that goes into the database pulls the each row of data and then arranges it into a div that contains a picture, and a few of the fields including product name, price, amount in stock, ect... anyone know how to go about this?
Ok i am uploading the code http://phpfi.com/357278
well actually sort of...i literally want to turn that link i posted into a variable then way within my functions page I can write a script to execute based on that being clicked...right now it just calls a function that automatically runs through the cart...if you need to see some code I can put it up on phpfi.com ...
Ok here is my code: <a href="cart.php?action=add&id='.$row['id'].'"> ok now i am prolly really just making this more complicated than it is...but how do i make this a variable... What I am trying to accomplish is that my shopping cart page calls this using $_GET['action']....but I need to make it so that it only executes my function if the link is pushed. In order to do that i believe i need to setup an (isset['$action']) or something similar....some help please???
Below is the code to contact2.php...contact.php is basically an html page with the form that posts the form data to this page...now my problem is when I try to view this page on the server after clicking the submit button I am greeted with a totally blank white screen. Haven't really run into this problem before....HELP! <?php $submit = $_POST["Submit"]; if ($submit == "Submit") { $db="334311_guttergraphics"; $link = mysql_connect("mysql5-14.wc1", "*******", "******"); if (! $link) die("Our database is experiencing technical difficulties. Please contact our Webmaster"); else{ mysql_select_db($db , $link) or die("Select DB Error: ".mysql_error()); } //check for valid email address if(stristr($_POST['email'], "@") === FALSE) { echo "<br><br><br><br><table width='400' border='1' bgcolor='white' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'> <tr> <td><a href='#' onClick='history.go(-1)'>Back</a><br> Email Address was Invalid.<br> Please verify that you have entered a proper email address.</td> </tr> </table>" ; exit(); } $form1 = $_POST["firstname"]; $form2 = $_POST["lastname"]; $form3 = $_POST["address1"]; $form4 = $_POST["address2"]; $form5 = $_POST["city"]; $form6 = $_POST["state"]; $form7 = $_POST["zip"]; $form8 = $_POST["homephone"]; $form9 = $_POST["altphone"]; $form11 = $_POST["email"]; $form13 = $_POST["comment"]; //loop through _post array and insert into database $query = "INSERT INTO contact (id,firstname,lastname,address1,address2,city,state,zip,homephone,altphone,email,comment) VALUES('','$form1', '$form2','$form3','$form4','$form5','$form6','$form7','$form8','$form9','$form11','$form13')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // Send email require_once "Mail.php"; $to = "[email protected], [email protected]"; $from = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Quote - ".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']." at ".$_POST["time"]; $message = "\nFirst: " .$form1 ."\n" ."Last: " .$form2 ."\nCity: " .$form5 ."\n" ."State: " .$form6."\nPhone: ".$form8."\n" ."Address1: " .$form3."\n" ."Address2: " .$form4 ."\nZipcode: " .$form7 ."\nHome Phone: " .$form8 ."\nAlternate Phone: " .$form9 ."\nEmail: " .$form11 ."\nComments: ".$form13.; $host = "mail.guttergraphics.com"; $username = "[email protected]"; $password = "portable"; $headers = array ('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject); $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' => $host, 'auth' => true, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $message); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>"); } else { } } ?>
its cool i figured it out
I have created a web site with a news article database system and am having trouble with a little code. I got a div tag and in that div tag I would like to display the last 5 article entries by title...how exactly do I do this...script please...just use some relative filler variables and I can replace them...
Ok I have set the line accordingly....Here is my issue. When i click the little browser text....it does nothing...also where are the images for the progress-bar...
thanks I will give it a test
i have fancyupload2.js and I am not sure of the code to enable this...i need to kinda be held by the hand on this one