Hello people, this is my first time in this forum.
I really need help with something...
I have installed Apache in my home computer and set it up. It works perfectly from the localhost url, but if I try to access from my external IP (my router's IP) it shows my router's screen instead of my website.
The problem is that the ports are already forwarded, and it worked perfectly like any other website until a couple of weeks ago, when it stopped working just like that.
Right now, my port 88 is forwarded to IP .222, and I have set up my windows to use the static IP .222 for this computer (the one I use as the server).
I have uTorrent installed, and it says the uTorrent port is correctly forwarded. I also did the test with port 80, it says it's correctly forwarded too.
What should I do?
My Configuration...
UPnP: Enabled
UPnP Forwarding: 80 TCP to IP 222 Enabled
Router IP address:
Router IP address range: to .150
My server's static IP:
OS: Windows XP
By the way, I have also configured my firewall. But I also tried doing it with the firewall set to off, so firewall's got nothing to do with it.
I haven't got any other firewall installed - only the window's XP one.
Just in case, I'm using the computer with the Apache right now, and everyday. It works perfectly in internet, uTorrent works fine too. The only thing not working is what I mentioned: if I try to access to my server thru the external IP, it shows my router instead of my website.
Any help?