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About bubazoo

  • Birthday 09/21/1970

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    Warsaw, IN

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  1. Hey guys, ok, well, so far I have this bit of code: [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Directory Contents</title> </head> <body> // Set the directory name and open it. $search_dir = '.'; $dp = opendir ($search_dir); // List the files. while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) { if ( (is_file ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) { // Print the information. print $item; } // Close the IF. } // Close the WHILE. closedir ($dp); // Close the directory. ?> </body> </html> [/code] that I made up using the PHP Manual mostly, but instead of printing out the files to the screen, how do I convert the filenames into an array? and how do I limit the listing to only jpg, gif, and png file extensions? I realize that PHP 5 uses the "scandir()" function that automatically does this, but my host has me on PHP 4.4.4 so I am forced to figure this out the manual way thanks guys, Basically what I am trying to do, is a Photo gallery like [url=http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/slide_show.html]this one[/url] except, instead of using XHTML to insert the image filenames manually, get a list of image files inside the current directory and display them to that CSS style photo gallery..  I'll probably also remove the "mouseover" thing so the gallery always stays on the page, but thats basically what I am trying to do with this. then I'll name that file "index.php" and put it inside my "/photos/home_pics" directory with a bunch of images in it.  thanks guys. almost forgot. I know to create arrays you do like $variable = array (1 => 'something', 'something2'); etc but what I don't understand  is how to put $item  into an array thats within a while loop like that thanks
  2. I'm not submitting anything though. I'm looking on Dynamic drive and asking in the forums there since you guys aren't much help. I get these types of answers every time I visit this forum, or I get a bunch of downright rude answers,  so I give up and am asking elsewhere where users are friendlier.
  3. are you sure? I'm not talking about "onload" if thats what your thinking. that executes after the page has completely loaded.  what I was asking, is how to display a box on top of the current page while the page is loading, then when the page is done loading take the box away.  I don't think that can be done with javascript.
  4. has anyone seen a code snippet, or tutorial of some sort, on how to display a box on top of the current website saying something like "one moment please" while the page is loading,  then disappears when the page is done loading?  Does anyone know how this is done?  I've seen this on a couple of sites, http://www.appleblossomart.net for instance does this, and I've seen others. Does anyone know offhand how something like this is done? I was thinking, u could trap the "onload" function in XHTML, but then how would you know when the page is loading, and done loading? thanks
  5. huh, .....and I always thought u had to do a join  (shrugs)  ...learn something new everyday I suppose
  6. hrm, having trouble getting flite to work :(  the text to speech thingy :(
  7. cool, thanks much guys :)
  8. Does anyone have a Tutorial on how to make a captcha image like what google does? I am visually impaired, and so are alot of my website visitors, and I was just wondering if anyone knew how to code the audible captcha thing that google has?  A tutorial on it would be really helpful to me. :) my websites run on a VPS running centOS 3.7 er something like that, not my OS of choice but it was cheap hosting for me since I needed cpanel/WHM/RVSkin also, so I have access to install whatever modules are necessary for this to work. thanks
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