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  1. The reason that I plan to add some analytics at some point, and so sharing URLs will make this somewhat more difficult. The string generation is a rand() number, md5'ed and then trimmed. I will change this to use the full alphabet, all numbers and hyphens. I will also fix the errors when you access the AJAX URLs directly without a parameter.
  2. Hi I have just created a URL shortening service. See the service here: dl.tl. Please test the service and tell me if you find a bug/way to hack it? Files that may be of particular interest are some of the ones that the AJAX uses - dl.tl/shorten.php?URL= and dl.tl/lengthen.php?short= Thanks Proof of ownership: dl.tl/phpfreaks.txt
  3. I am also having this problem, did you find a solution in the end? (Sorry for bumping an old thread)
  4. Fixed all resonable issues so far raised in this thread.
  5. What on earth does displaying a random address have to do with a "Bad word filter" ? Sorry about that, will edit it in a second... And the new design is now online, but it is not completely working yet...
  6. On Tuesday the site is exactly one month old, and has currently achieved over 1,100 pageviews from over 300 visitors, of which 200 are unique. Also, I have added many more tutorials since posting it here. To quote myself: "Comments / constructive critisicm welcome!" - most of these comments aren't exactly constructive... But thanks for mentioning the color scheme, I am working on this now
  7. Not in the last two weeks, in the first two weeks. Sorry for bumping an old thread, I just felt I needed to respond to this.
  8. Hi, I launched a new tutorial site on March 20th which focuses on PHP & MySQL. It has some tutorials and some code examples, could anyone suggest any improvements for the site in general or any new tutorials / code examples they would like to see on the site? The site has had 107 visitors, of which 65 are unique, who have viewed 331 pages. (Statistics accurate as of midnight last night) The site's address is http://www.w3php.co.cc. Comments / constructive critisicm welcome! Thanks, Oliver.
  9. Thanks, this will help me too
  10. Try encrypting it on the form page, then encrypt it again on the login page.
  11. PM me and i will tell you their IP - i log them
  12. No XSS Cross-Site-Scripting vunlebilitys.
  13. did you pay that ? i got the free version
  14. i can't load it.
  15. thanks lol it is brilliantly descriptive output
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