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  1. Hey, I used PHP 4 a few years ago to create a few websites and found it very easy to use and now i've decided to start using PHP again but this time i've gone for PHP5. I went out and purchased a book PHP & MySQL Web Development which covered PHP 5 and MySQL 5 and in the book it also covered OOP. Now when i used PHP 4 in the past i never used functions or classes (i did have a basic understanding of what they were) so this time i decided to try and have ago at OOP but i must say. I really have no idea why or when to use OOP. To me it just seems to make things more complicated, it uses functions inside classes inside objects to do things i could do in other easier ways. It also says in the book im using to make functions for almost everything, a function for registering users on a website and i must ask Whats the point!?!? im only going to register them once why do i have to make a function to handle this! If anyone knows of a book which can break down OOP in PHP5 in the most simplistic way or another website i would greatly appreciate it.
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