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Everything posted by coder9

  1. Hello, I have this variable below. $view= jp; now i want this variable to insert it inside this path below. $jp_dir= 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '?view=.{$view}.'; unfortunately my trial is wrong. anyone knows how to insert the $view the right way? thanks
  2. here is the character guys, http://dadomain.com/index.php?view=jp&sid=742TlRFMk5UYzNNekF5T&sid2=742Tl&siduid=742& notice the & character at the very end of that path. what is that character mean? thank you in advance.
  3. hello i have this code below, $referer2 = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; <a href="<?php $referer2.?link=1 ?>"> what i want it to connect them as you can see i insert the php tag into the html tag, i tried this connection but failed? --> $referer2.?link=1 Thanks in advance.
  4. Ok guys I have this codes below which has the variable name '$tmpbackcolor1' from 1 to 100, which is very annoying because it's too long. $tmpbakcolor1="#FF0000"; $tmpbakcolor2="#FF0000"; $tmpbakcolor3="#FF0000"; $tmpbakcolor4="#FF0000"; $tmpbakcolor5="#FF0000"; ... $tmpbakcolor99="#FF0000"; $tmpbakcolor100="#FF0000"; Now how do i convert it into array variables and just loop it to make it shorter. this easy for coder who is very familiar with array and some loop functions. Your help is a big enhancement to my codes. therefore thank you in advance.
  5. Hi folks I want to change the html data cell background of the table. <td align="center" width="24" height="29" bgcolor="#FF0000">3</td> If i'll change the above code and change the background color using php how do i insert the php codes? I experimented some code below, but it's not working. <?php $color="#C0C0C0"; echo '<table border=\"1\" width=\"50\" id=\"table1\" height=\"50\">'; echo "<tr>"; echo'<td align=\"center\" width=\"24\" height=\"29\" bgcolor=\"<?php echo".{$color.}" ?>\">3</td>'; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; ?> any advice or any help please. thanks.
  6. thanks cooldude832 can you show me a very basic sample of the get please.
  7. hello brothers let say i have two links Link1 and Link2 that is on the same page. How does PHP determine which link was clicked. any sample script? I know this is very simple i'm just only lost right now. thanks.
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