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  1. look up at my last post. i edited it, but seeing as you want it to query down and not across now im not to sure, my script makes the data go from left to right. Ill check it out
  2. so do you just want horizontal repeat region with specified column amount? here is how i do it, just a example from a page i have. <table width="102" border="0"> <tr> <?php do { ?> <td width="102" height="56" valign="top"> Title: <?php echo $row_rsTour['title']; ?> </td> <?php $row_rsTour = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsTour); if (!isset($nested_rsTour)) { $nested_rsTour= 1; } if (isset($row_rsTour) && is_array($row_rsTour) && $nested_rsTour++ % 5==0) { echo "</tr><tr>"; } } while ($row_rsTour); ?> </tr> </table> the 5==0 there means it displays 5 columns. you can make it whatever. is this what your looking for?
  3. did you apply the z-index?
  4. Awesome, thanks Scott. one more thing added to know knowledge base.
  5. Its in a echo echo ("<title>". $row['title']. "</title>"); cant seem to get it to work
  6. i understand how to replace the space with the -, its the way the query is pulled using the $row['title'] rather than just $title in the explode, thats where im stumped. its in a echo like so echo ("<title>". $row['title']. "</title>");
  7. how would you go about exploding this. the "title" looks like this in the db, "Gold prospecting in Oregon" I want "Gold-prospecting-in-Oregon" $row['title'] how would you explode using this type? i understand using it like so explode("-", $title); but not with $row['title']
  8. Im generating xml with php, eveything works fine except the first result is blank.. Any ideas? <?php header("Content-type: text/xml"); $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","xxxxx", "xxxxx") or die ("could not connect to database"); $db = mysql_select_db("xxxxx",$connection) or die ("Couldn't select database."); $rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE type = 'public' " .$active. "AND viewtime <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ORDER BY viewtime DESC LIMIT 0,10",$connection) or die ("invalid query"); echo ("<ut_response status=\"ok\">"); echo ("<video_list>"); do { echo ("<video>"); echo ("<title>". $row['title']. "</title>"); echo ("<url>http://www.tsxxx.com/video/". $row['VID']. "</url>"); echo ("<thumbnail_url>http://www.tsxxx.com/thumb/". $row['thumb']."_". $row['VID'].".jpg</thumbnail_url>"); echo ("</video>"); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)); echo ("</video_list>"); echo ("</ut_response>"); ?>
  9. alright, if you get stumped again with it post away
  10. alright, ill brb with a nice lil trick
  11. if you dont mind, may i see one of the images of your box, if they are just rounded with no effects like drop shadow and stay 1 width just change hieght i will show you a easy trick
  12. are you trying to make a box you can add content to? also width and heights need "%" or "px" behind the value.
  13. as wildteen88 said, slice it up. and save for web. might be easier to get a answer from a tutorial found with Google.
  14. http://www.dolem.com/lytebox
  15. any of you with problems using vista by any chance?
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