hi everyone.
I would like to know whether you know how i can show the result of many to many relation in trees?
here is the description:
there are 3 table
1) users: id_usr, nanme , family ...
2) menu: id_mnu, idmnu_mnu (it is Parent ID), lable_mnu, url_mnu...
3) qualification_join_usr : qualification_id, users_id
here are the codes.
SELECT menu.translation_id, menu.label_mnu, qualification_join_usr.users_id
FROM menu LEFT JOIN qualification_join_usr ON (qualification_join_usr.qualification_id=menu.translation_id AND qualification_join_usr.users_id=0123456789)
echo "<ul>";
$cnt2 = 0;
if ($totalRows_rsuser_usr>0) {
$nested_query_rsmenu = str_replace("123456789", $row_rsuser_usr['id_usr'], $query_rsmenu);
$rsmenu = mysql_query($nested_query_rsmenu, $rsheattreat) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsmenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsmenu);
$totalRows_rsmenu = mysql_num_rows($rsmenu);
$nested_sw = false;
if (isset($row_rsmenu) && is_array($row_rsmenu)) {
do { //Nested repeat
echo "<li>";
echo $row_rsmenu['label_mnu'];
echo "</li>";
} while ($row_rsmenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsmenu));
echo "</ul>";
so in this way it list all of the records in 1 level , i have 4 level deep in this list
so i need to list all like :
level 1
any idea? ??? ???