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Everything posted by pfkdesign
hi, i dont know how to do that! this is the problem, i have never made such this requirement
Hi, $date = date("d-M-Y h:i:s", $array['date']); Regards
Hi everybody. I have some data in database, i need to create/update file when i update the database by submitting the form 1) the file must contain all the content in database 2) each time i generate or update the record, it must update(or rewrite on the file all the record + new record) any idea?
hi everybody, I'm developing a web site and i used htacces to generate url friendly, the web site is multilingual and i have problem to changing the language; ex. url : http://www.example.com/en/news/ or http://www.example.com/en/contents/21/some-contents/ now i want to change the language to deand the url must looks like: url : http://www.example.com/de/news/ or http://www.example.com/de/contents/21/some-contents/ .... on the page i have a menu with flags to change the language but i'm redirecting to root, i want to stay on that page and only change the language of that page, (not redirecting to root) any idea? thank you in advanced.
hi, tnx for reply, i want to be login as his/her account in the system , i dont want the information ( detail about users) but instead of log out and log in with users account, i like to do it by one click in admin area, ( then i will log out as admin and log in as the users account which i desire ). any idea?
hi everybody. i wound how can i switch users in admin area to test the users account(log in into the users account by click on link and log in you as his/hes account) using session? SESSION name= user_login_id any idea? ???
hi everybody: i made a search in ajax( php ,mysql, js, xml). it is works perfect on english site but in german site, as soon as i enter the special charter it encoded so i think i need to decode the url witch is called by js. request, so here is the js code function getScriptPage(div_id,content_id) { glossary_id = div_id; content = document.getElementById(content_id).value; theurl =escape(content); enurl= TestDecoding(theurl); http.open("GET", "/search_results.php?content=" + enurl, true);//i need to decode the url calling here http.onreadystatechange = handleHttpResponse; http.send(null); } any idea how can be done? ??? ??? ??? :'( :-\
thank you for your reply. unfortunately the number of entry is not much but many table are related to this one and if i change this table, i have to change many things. :-\ so i checked the structure and it has 4 level deep. :-X , so from here i dont know what to do , ??? :-\
unfortunately, it is too late to split data and there is no way to do something with that ( this table has already 300 entry) beside it is like menu and if parrent id is NULL , it is the first level and if the parent id is equal to the main id it is the child so , :-\ now what should i do, any idea ???
hi everybody. i wounder if you can help me to show my flowing code in tree or shows items with its parents in different level like: ex. item 1 --item1.1 -----item1.1.1 item2 --item2.1 --item2.2 .. description: the database id_mnu idmnu_mnu <- parent id label_mnu . ... <?php echo "<ul>"; do { echo $row_rsmenu['label_mnu']; } while ($row_rsmenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsmenu)); echo "</ul>"; ?> any idea ?
thank you, it was perfect.
hi everybody. i have problem with rounding and i wounder if you can help me. i want to round numbers which rounded down if it is less than *5, and round up if greater than *5 ex. if there are between 10-14 shows 10, 15-19 shows 20 14 -> 15 12 -> 10 9 -> 10... $current= date('Y'); $yeasexperience= $row_rsexperience['years_ex']; $total= $current - $yeasexperience; echo round($total); echo " years of experience"; any idea?
hi everyone. I would like to know whether you know how i can show the result of many to many relation in trees? here is the description: there are 3 table 1) users: id_usr, nanme , family ... 2) menu: id_mnu, idmnu_mnu (it is Parent ID), lable_mnu, url_mnu... 3) qualification_join_usr : qualification_id, users_id here are the codes. SELECT menu.translation_id, menu.label_mnu, qualification_join_usr.users_id FROM menu LEFT JOIN qualification_join_usr ON (qualification_join_usr.qualification_id=menu.translation_id AND qualification_join_usr.users_id=0123456789) ... echo "<ul>"; $cnt2 = 0; if ($totalRows_rsuser_usr>0) { $nested_query_rsmenu = str_replace("123456789", $row_rsuser_usr['id_usr'], $query_rsmenu); mysql_select_db($database_rsheattreat); $rsmenu = mysql_query($nested_query_rsmenu, $rsheattreat) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rsmenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsmenu); $totalRows_rsmenu = mysql_num_rows($rsmenu); $nested_sw = false; if (isset($row_rsmenu) && is_array($row_rsmenu)) { do { //Nested repeat echo "<li>"; echo $row_rsmenu['label_mnu']; echo "</li>"; } while ($row_rsmenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsmenu)); } } echo "</ul>"; ?> so in this way it list all of the records in 1 level , i have 4 level deep in this list so i need to list all like : level 1 --level1-1 --level1-2 level2 . . ... any idea? ??? ???
thank you so much
hi i dont know what's wrong with this code, $return .= '<input id="mtm_'. $myItem['itemURL'] .'" name="mtm_'. $myItem['itemURL'] .'" type="checkbox" value="1" '. if ($row_rsmenu['id'] != "") { echo "checked"; }' />'; as soon as i put "if"statement, i will get the "Syntax error, unexpected T_IF" i dont know where is the problem, any idea? ???
hi , unfortunately it is not working,i used ajax ( customized code js and php code ) , and i can not understand why it is not working ?! ??? i'm adding dynamically a row by pressing (+) or removing by pressing (-) (a dropdown menu and a text field) and inserting into the database, it is working when i use static label. so it should be a problem to use php with js , the javascript executed first and pass blank label (it is not let to execute php) !! thats why it is return blank label for dropdown menu! any idea?
any idea ? !!!!!! nobody knows ?!!! ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ???
hi, i just wondering how can i use php in js. i have the flowing javascript code to add dynamic row, but i have an array in this js (HeatSelectOption[]) to get the label from php . here is the step.js . function addRowToTable() { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblheat'); var lastRow = tbl.rows.length; // if there's no header row in the table, then iteration = lastRow + 1 var iteration = lastRow-4; var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow); // left cell var cellLeft = row.insertCell(0); var textNode = document.createTextNode(iteration); cellLeft.appendChild(textNode); // select cell var cellRightSel = row.insertCell(1); var sel = document.createElement('select'); sel.name = 'steptype_'+ iteration; sel.id = 'steptype_'+ iteration; sel.options[0] = new Option(HeatSelectOption[0], '1'); sel.options[1] = new Option(HeatSelectOption[1], '2'); cellRightSel.appendChild(sel); // right cell var cellRight = row.insertCell(2); var el = document.createElement('input'); el.type = 'text'; el.name = 'textfield1_'+ iteration; el.id = 'textfield1_'+ iteration; el.size = 10; } and the array on the page is: <script> HeatSelectOption = new Array(); HeatSelectOption[0] = "<?php echo $selectOption['first_label'];?>"; HeatSelectOption[1] = "<?php echo $selectOption['second_label']; ?>"; </script> any idea ? ??? ???
is it possible to show the value on-demand ? ???
wooow thank you so much, it works perfectly. exactly what i want.
hi guys, i have a problem and perhaps you can help me ! ??? ??? i have a textfiled1 "Menu Name" and i have another textfield2 "URL" of the menu,by default the value of the url is /controller/ID/ (it is come from database) what i want is: when i'm writing in to text field ="label_mnu_1", text field = "url_link_mnu_1" get the value and change the url in to /controller/ID/value texfield1/ <label for="label_mnu_1"> Menu Name</label> <input type="text" name="label_mnu_1" value="" id="label_mnu_1"/> <label for="url_link_mnu_1">URL: </label> <input name="url_link_mnu_1" type="text" id="url_link_mnu_1" value="/controller/ID/$/" size="30"/> put value of label_mnu_1 here ^ any idea? thank you in advance
tnx it solved.
than you paul2463 for you reply , the first warning is solved but still i have this warning : Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource... in local server (localhost) is not show up , but in main server is shewing this warning! any idea?