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  1. OK, can't edit my post, I think I found my problem, let me get some sleep and I'll give this another hit.
  2. I'm getting nothing out of your query. (sorry, I get a bit slow without sleep) I expect different results this way. eg: george kills fred 5 times .... fred kills george 15 times. result should be george == 5 == 15 fred ==15 ==5 haven't tried out your country query yet but it looks like it's exactly what I'm looking for.
  3. Hey guys. I haven't done any PHP for a while and my memory isn't so good I'm trying to do a count from 2 columns in one table from an array of names. Table setup: this is what I have: $names = array('Losos', '.minion', 'STAVY', 'brothrsinarms', '.-(AUST)-.Fatal', 'Vergetta'); foreach ($names as $names) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT *, count(killer) as kills, count(victim) as deaths FROM tbl_killlog where killer = '$names'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name = $row['killer']; $kills = $row['kills']; $deaths = $row['deaths']; echo "$name == $kills == $deaths<br>"; } } So, what I want, is for each $name get the number of "kills" (killer) AND the number of "deaths" (victim) but for some reason I'm getting the same result from both. Anybody got any ideas?? Oh, also, just one more query, Another table I have is a log of names/countries. what would the query be for counting individual country names.. eg " ireland = 5, Germany = 15 etc etc ?? table pic: Cheers Fritz
  4. Hi all, I've been stuck on this little problem for a while. I have a form for recurring payments pointing to Paypal where people can select an amount, an interval (1,2,3, & so on) then a duration (weeks, months, years) then submit it. After all the jazz on Paypals site, they are redirected to a "thankyou page" where I insert the relevant data into a DB. My problem is, Paypal returns (to the thankyou page) everything except the interval and duration. How can I get Javascript to save those two on submit so I can use PHP to retrieve them after the Paypal page?? <form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $paypal_email; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick-subscriptions"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://www.the thankyou page.php" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="the item name"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="AUD"> <br /><input name="custom" type="text" class="donate_box_name" value="<?php echo $username; ?>" size="21" maxlength="40" /><br /> Donation amount<br /> <select name="a3" class="donate_box_amount"> <option>$5.00</option> <option>$10.00</option> <option>$15.00</option> <option>$20.00</option> <option>$25.00</option> <option>$30.00</option> <option>$40.00</option> <option>$50.00</option> <option>$75.00</option> <option>$100.00</option> <option>$125.00</option> <option>$150.00</option> <option>$175.00</option> </select><br /> Donation duration<br /> <select name="Duration"> <option value="5">1</option> <option value="5">2</option> <option value="5">3</option> <option value="5">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="5">6</option> </select> <br /> <select name="Interval"> <option value="W" selected="selected">Weeks</option> <option value="M">Months</option> <option value="Y">Years</option> </select><br /> <input type="image" src="btn_donate_LG.gif" name="submit" > </form I've tried a few things, but none of them are "just right" (One saves all the form fields to a cookie, bit it exceeds the max cookie length and I don't actually get the info I need. Another works just fine, but it saves the fields into a seperate cookie for each. (All in one would be better)).. Any help would be appreciated. I'm on the home stretch with this project and this problem has slowed me down a fair bit.
  5. already tried that one, works fine on tiffs and jpg's but not png's
  6. yes, both the image and the script are in the same directory
  7. Is there any way to read the header info from a .PNG file similar to the way exif_read_data gets the info from TIFF & JPEG files?? I get this error When using this code $exif = exif_read_data('pb025900.png', 0, true); echo "pb025900.png:<br />\n"; foreach ($exif as $key => $section) { foreach ($section as $name => $val) { echo "$key.$name: $val<br />\n"; } }
  8. OK with a little help from another forum (sorry, don't shoot me) I've resolved my filesize problem by making it simpler to sort out, it is: (find .png files smaller than 50kb and NOT copying the 2kb *other* files from the remote FTP server (which weren't needed after all)) $count = 0; foreach(glob('*.png') as $file) if(filesize($file) < (50 * 1024)) $count++; echo $count From that I've added my own little twist: (including a TOTAL count of .png files) (this is what I have currently, obviously needs a cleanup) $total_jpg_file=count(glob("*.png")); echo "Number of screenshots currently hosted = ".$total_jpg_file; //The next 4 lines count the number of screenshots (.png) that are currently hosted LOCALLY $count = 0; foreach(glob('*.png') as $file) if(filesize($file) < (50 * 1024)) $count++; // The line below converts that count (above) into a percentage and assigns a variable to it ($pc) $pc = floor ($count / $total_jpg_file * 100); echo ' <br />'; //This next section checks the above percentage of black screenshots(variable $pc) and then does some cool shit to it before it displays it to the screen. // if there is more than 50% of black screenies it will display it as RED and BLINKING text (taking into account the CSS or style type) echo "Number of Black Screenshots = ".$count; // echo $count ; echo " <blink><span class=\"style2\"> ("; echo $pc; echo "%)"; echo "</span></blink>"; echo ' <br />'; //............if the percentage is between 25 and 50% it will display it as orange text. (taking into account the CSS or style type) } elseif($pc >= 25) { echo "Number of Black Screenshots = "; echo $count ; echo "<span class=\"style3\">("; echo $pc; echo "%)"; echo "</span>"; echo ' <br />'; //if the percentage is between 1 and 25% it will display it as green text. (taking into account the CSS or style type) } elseif ($pc >= 1) { echo "Number of Black Screenshots = "; echo $count ; echo "<span class=\"style4\"> ("; echo $pc; echo "%)"; echo "</span>"; echo ' <br />'; } else { //If shit happens then it will display the below message. echo "Unable to determine number of Black screenshots at this time"; } As for this little bit your concerned about Ignace $goforit = ftp_get($conn_id, $file, $file, FTP_BINARY); NO, I'm NOT sure that it is correct at all (Still a PHP newbie) BUT, It does do exactly what I want it to do, so out of fear of screwing up a script that currently works, I'm leaving it alone. (your remote file is the same as your local file?) my remote file overwrites my local file of the same name) Oh by the way I did realise this while I was at work, and thought to myself " you idiot!!" turns out that that was the problem. moved the command down a few lines after declaring the $username and it worked. thanks Thanks for your time My hair-pulling is over for the time being.. Problem resolved. Cheers
  9. I've worked out the first problem, by creating a new column named "ID4" and giving it a value of "ID" then used this code : $previous = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM last_check WHERE ID4 = 'ID'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($previous); $previous_user = $row['username']; //Update DB with the new username mysql_query("UPDATE last_check SET username = '$username' WHERE username = '$previous_user'"); As for the second problem, I might have to work out how just count the number of files on the local server that are greater than but less than a certain size.
  10. Thanks ignace but I've tried that Not too worried about SQL injection, as only registered users would be using the script, and that is restricted to only a group of users that I know (http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,207458.0.html) my .htaccess file does the rest. here is the full code (including your suggestion (line 4)) query 2 problem is after "//Download files" // Connect to Database mysql_connect("localhost", "DB username", "DB password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("DB name") or die(mysql_error()); //insert into DB the last member who checked screenies mysql_query("UPDATE last_check SET username = '$username'"); //mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed'); set_time_limit(0); include_once("config.php"); error_reporting(E_ALL); echo "Update process<br>"; // Connection $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server); // Login with Username and Passwort $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); ftp_pasv($conn_id, true); // Connectivity if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { echo "FTP connection has failed!<br>"; echo "connection to $ftp_server with Username $ftp_user_name trying.<br>"; exit; } else { echo "connecting to server \n<br>"; } // Ins directory if (ftp_chdir($conn_id, $dir)) { // echo "Current Directory: " . ftp_pwd($conn_id) . "\n<br>"; } else { echo "Directory exchange failed.\n<br>"; } // Read the folder while ($nlist = ftp_nlist($conn_id, "./pb0*.*")) { foreach ($nlist as $file) { //Download files $goforit = ftp_get($conn_id, $file, $file, FTP_BINARY); if (!$goforit) { echo "$file could not be loaded!<br>"; } else { echo "$file has been successfully updated!<br>"; } if (ftp_size($conn_id, "./pb0*.png") < 20480) { echo "$file was a black Screenshot (this is experimental atm)<br>"; } //Deleting files from the source if ($file == "pbsvss.htm") { } else { $delete = ftp_delete ($conn_id, $file); } if (!$delete) { echo "$file was not deleted!<br>"; } else { //echo "$file has been successfully removed!<br>"; } } } $download1 = ftp_get($conn_id, "pbsvss.htm", "pbsvss.htm", FTP_BINARY); if (!$download1) { echo "pbsvss.htm could not be loaded!<br>"; } else { echo "<strong>Screenshots have been successfully updated!</strong><br>"; //echo "Pbsvss.htm file has been successfully downloaded!<br>"; } //close ftp_close($conn_id); echo "Update Completed<br>"; $filename = "pbsvss.htm"; $file = fopen($filename, "r"); $filesize = filesize($filename); $text = fread($file, $filesize); fclose($file); $text = str_replace(".htm",'.png', $text); echo($text);
  11. I hate asking questions, I prefer to figure it out by myself, but the ol' age thing gets in the way now, so after a few hours of hair pulling, I come back here. first query This one should be simple, I just can't see it... I have a table named "last_check" and a column named "username" I have a script which, once a $username clicks a submit button which 'includes' another script.. within that 'included' script I'm trying to write the command to update that users $username into "username on the table "last check" I have this: mysql_query("UPDATE last_check SET username = $username"); which isn't working. Basically as an example >> If Fred clicks submit then update "username" on "last_check" to Fred. Then, if Mary then clicks the submit button >> overwrite Fred with Mary !! Second query My script connects to an FTP server and copies files from that server to another and checks the size while it's at it, if the filesize is under a certain size it echo's a message, which works, only problem is, it copies two different files. a *.png and a .htm. How can I set it so that if the filesize is greater than the .htm (lets say 20480bytes) but less than the .png (lets say 50000bytes)?? This is what I have so far, but only detects the "less than" part of it all. $goforit = ftp_get($conn_id, $file, $file, FTP_BINARY); if (!$download) { echo "$file could not be loaded!<br>"; } else { echo "$file has been successfully updated!<br>"; } if (ftp_size($conn_id, "./pb0*.png") < 20480) { echo "$file was a black Screenshot (this is experimental atm)<br>";
  12. ^^ Thanks Wildteen88, but that didn't work for me. I've ended up using ProjectFears code > $names = explode("||", file_get_contents("names.txt")); //put each name into an array if(in_array($_POST['username'],$names)){ die("Name is a clan member name!"); }else{ //its all good! } And arranging my names.txt file to look like this: Works fine, problem solved. Thanks
  13. Thanks again might give your second example tomorrow (when I'm a little more sober ) But just out of curiousness could I arrange my 'names.txt' file so that every name is on a new line and change the script so that it looks like this> names = explode("\rn", file_get_contents("names.txt")); //put each name into an array if(in_array($_POST['username'],$names)){ die("Name is a clan member name!"); }else{ //its all good! } "explode("\rn"" is for a new line??? I'm still a PHP newbie but \rn is a new line isn't it?? Just curious here!!
  14. Went for your first example.. All I can say is,, Man, that is sweet, works like a charm, thankyou very much, I've been at this for hours, and would have logged a few more if it weren't for you.. Cheers Fritz
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