i have a table i always display but always in increasing order with respect to ID column which is also auto-incremented and the primary key.
now, i want it displayed in decreasing order i.e. if mysql_num_rows=5, row 5 should be displayed first, then 4, then 3...............
my idea is to first check the number of rows, then make a query for each row to be displayed begining from the mysql_num_rows value.
am wondering if there isn`t a simple way to do this since with my idea above every row displayed will require read from the table.
$db = &new Mysql();
$query = "select * from Element_$header";
$result = mysql_query($query,$db->link); // or die(mysql_error(), . " Query was: $result");
$column_count = mysql_num_fields($result);
print ("<table border= 1, align=center cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 >\n");
print ("<tr>");
for ($column_num= 0;$column_num < $column_count; $column_num++)
$field_name = mysql_field_name($result, $column_num);
$field_name = trim($field_name);
$field_name = str_replace("_"," ",$field_name);
print("<th align=center>$field_name</th>");
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print("<tr valign=top>");
for ($column_num=0; $column_num<$column_count; $column_num++)
if($column_num == 2)
$write = $row[$column_num];
$write = explode(" ",$write);
$weekday = $write[0];
$time = $write[1];
$weekday = explode("-",$weekday);
$time = explode(":",$time);
print("<td align=center>$weekday[2]/$weekday[1]/$weekday[0], $time[0]:$time[1]</td>");
$write = $row[$column_num];
$write = str_replace("_"," ",$write);
print("<td align=center>$write</td>");
print("<font align=center>No Entries Available at the Moment!!!</font>");