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  1. Pyro

    Wordwrap help

    //quote box. $reactie = preg_replace("/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/is",'<br /><center><table width="95%" cellpadding="0" align="center" cellspacing="1" class="m"> <tr><td width="100%" colspan="3" class="forumhdr">Quote.</td></tr><tr class=\"forum\"><td class=\"forum\">\1 </td></tr></table></center><br />', $reactie2); How can i get that peice of code to make it word wrap the text that is entered? ??? ???
  2. yeah i have just relised looking at it, thanks
  3. oh yeah durrrr didn't think of that lol xD thanks dude lol i don't have any common sense xD
  4. hey people, just wondering stuck on this php action first one for ages, could someone please tell me how to make this piece of code delete all? if ($_GET['action'] == "wipe" ){ $id = $_GET['id']; $stresult = mysql_query("DELETE FROM replys WHERE id='$id'") or die(mysql_error()); echo "All forum posts have been deleted.";}
  5. thank you very much
  6. hey people, i am just wondering if anyone can give me a code to show a user on my homepage their ip address. thank you.
  7. for your target put quotations marks, so its target="_blank" and that should work
  8. urm what i do is just make a dump file, go to extract at the top and scrol down a bit, and there you go chose the name of the file you would like to call it, then chose your file type and then download it, and when you want to upload it, just go to in a table, scrol down and where it says browse select that file you downloaded, and chose the correct file type, if it is a .txt file then chose none. hope this has been a help. ~Py
  9. hey, he is right its just html, you need to learn that first before you jump into php. www.w3schools.com all you need to know all there
  10. joomla is good for that sort of content management.
  11. No Problem it should work. you may have to tweek it to your spec, but i know it works on mine.
  12. FlashFXP is great i use it for thugmansions
  13. $member_list = ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { if($row['name'] == $_POST['name']){ $member_list .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"".$row['name']."\">".$row['name']."</option>"; }else{ $member_list .= "<option value=\"".$row['name']."\">".$row['name']."</option>"; } } thats the php for one of my member drop downs, and here is the form: <td width="175" align="center" class="cell"><select name="name" class="entryfield" id="name"> <option value="">Select.</option> <?php echo $member_list; ?> </select> </td> there is a lot more than that, but that is the basic's of it, im sure you will be able to fix somthing out of that. ~Py
  14. i would o fthought a simple javascript timer, and for the php, so when the timer ends, it activates or what ever yuou want it to.
  15. Happy to help. ~Py
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