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Everything posted by menelaus8888

  1. ive got a textbox like this : <input type=text name=a".$counterx.$counter." size=2> how do i get the value from this text box using POST when its name got some concatenations. help!! $_POST['a.$counterx.$counter'] <-- i tried this but it got syntanx errors thnx..
  2. i finally stitched up some image uploading script that uploads, resizes and puts the complete path of the file on my database. i thought everything was ok but it seems that i cant view the uploaded images. they exist in the folder but i cant seem to view them online(in browser). the only way i could see them is to save them on local drive. i've tried the chmos or viewing the image using <img src> but still it doesn't show. help.... ???
  3. i have searched this site for uploading system but i cant seem to stitch them all together the way i want it. is there an uploading system that you guys might be using right now that simply validates the image file (filesize,etc...) then resize it the way i want it to before uploading then inserts the address of the file to the database. ill be using it to upload product images for our reservation site. thanks in advance
  4. erm, i already have functions about date on my thesis website but im having trouble about the date function that bases on the system (my PC's). if the system date is wrong, the dates recorded on my database would also be. is there a php code that bases the local date on the internet that makes the date function always correct even if the system date is changed? thanks in advance
  5. well, i have this page that displays all unverified users. i have a fieldname named "verified" which has a default value of "no" when a new user registers. this is how it looks like verififyusername checkboxhereusername1 checkboxhereusername2 submit button as you can see there are checkboxes on the left which indicates if the user should be verified( change the default value of fieldsname "verified" "no" to "yes" my code for the checkbox is : counter - starts from 1 and it increments as to how many unverified users <input type=checkbox name=checkbox[counter] value=yes> i can easily display the the name and the value of array checkbox[] using print_r upon the next page but im having trouble in updating it on my database table. i need simple code to update verified "no" to "yes" thanks in advance
  6. i know how to use both but i used POST. is there any difference between the both in terms of security or anything? what are the advantages or maybe disadvantage of using POST instead of GET or vice versa.
  7. voila. i just made a duplicate of members page. memberspage1 redirects to memberspage2 and it works.
  8. i tried this memberspage--->pressed logout--->viewed logout.php which has session_destroy, etc.. -->goes to logout2.php which has message of a successfull logout but when i pressed back button it still goes back to the members page.
  9. hmmn. i am having a problem with my logout system on my thesis website wherein when i try to logout, the previous page can still be viewed when the back button is pressed even though all sessions are already destroyed. i've tried to put the following code at the top of the page that i dont want users to be viewed on back button: <? Header("Cache-control: private, no-cache"); Header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jun 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); Header("Pragma: no-cache"); header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); ?> and on the <head> <META http-equiv="expires" content="0"> ************************************* i found those codes which they say would clear the cache of the page. but still wont work. this is the top of my memberspage.php: <?session_start(); ?> <? // start session // if username blank, include login form. if (!$adminusername) { include 'loginpage.php'; exit(); } else { contents of my page } ?> code for my logout page: <? session_start(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); ob_end_clean(); header("Location: loginpage.php"); ?> when i try to login-->view memberspage-->refresh it--->logout-->then press back button--> it doesnt show the members page anymore but the login page. this is what i want to happen. is there any way to amend my codes like a redirect/refresh or something ? thanks in advance
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