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Posts posted by golfwebuk

  1. Hi,


    What we are looking for is an online booking system not too dissimilar from www.bookingbug.com and www.bookinglive.co.uk.


    Basically what we want to achieve is a completely configurable booking system that will allow all kinds of businesses to use it, for example: Golf Clubs (to book tee times), Fitness Instructors (to book gym sessions) etc etc.


    I have attached a brief outline of how we would like this system to work. If possible could you send me a ballpark figure of how much it would cost to build a system like this. If the ball park is within our budget then we can move onto the next stage and provide you with a full spec.


    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  2. Hi Guys!


    I have created a search form in PHP and the user has the ability to select "Exclude hyphens" and "Exclude numbers" from search options.  When they select Exlude hyphens for example, the search should return only rows that DO NOT contain hyphens.  The same applies for numbers.


    I am trying something like this, but to no avail.


    select * from domains where domain NOT LIKE '^[0-9]+$'


    Please help  :shrug:

  3. Hi,


    I am looking for a PHP guru to modify an auction function.  Currently the auction function works like this:



      1. Auction is setup for domain.  Starting price: £100 | Reserve price: £200

      2. Bidder #1 makes an offer for £150.  Current high bid is £100 (as there are no other bids).

      3. Bidder #2 makes an offer for £120.  They get outbid notice and current bid is increased to £126.  Bidder #1 is still high bidder.

      4. Bidder #2 makes an offer for £160.  Bidder #2 is high bidder and current bid is increased to £157.50.  Bidder #1 gets outbid email.

      5. Bidder #1 makes an offer for £200.  Bidder #1 is high bidder and current bid is increased to £168. Bidder #2 gets outbid email.

      6. Bidder #2 makes an offer for £220.  Bidder #2 is high bidder and current bid is increased to £210.  Bidder #1 gets outbid email.  Reserve is met.



    We would like to modify the auction functionality so it works like this:



      1. Auction is set up for domain, reserve price £200

      2. Bidder 1 makes an offer or £150. Current high bid is £150 (as the reserve is not yet met so it will use all of the bid) Bidder 1 informed reserve is not yet met

      3. Bidder 1 (or a new bidder) makes and offer for £185. Current high bid £185 (as the reserve is not yet met so it will use all of the bid) Bidder  informed reserve is not yet met

      4. Bidder 1 makes and offer for £220. Current high bid is £200 (reserve is met)Only £200 of the £220 bid is used to met the reserve.

      5. Bidder 2 makes an offer for £210. Bidder 2 gets an outbid notice and the current bid is increased to £210 Bidder 1 is still the high bidder

      6. Bidder 2 makes an offer for £220. They get an outbid notice and the current bid in increased to £220. Bidder 1 is still the high bidder

      7. Bidder 2 makes an offer of £270. Bidder 2 is the current high bid and bid is increased to £230 (just enough to outbid the previous high bid) bidder 1 gets an outbid notice

      8. Bidder 1 makes an offer of £250. Bidder 1 gets an outbid notice. The current bid is increased to £250. Bidder 2 is still high bid.

      9. Bidder 1 makes an offer of £350. Current  bid is £280 (just enough to beat previous high bid) bidder 2 gets an outbid notice.


    Here is the current auction function:


    function NewAuctionBid($Template){
    	// Get userid
    	$Users = new Users($this->dbh,$this->smartybuild);
    	$Userid = $Users->GetUserId();
    	// Load runtime phrases
    	$this->dtphrase = $this->smartybuild->FetchPhrases($Template);
    	// Format maximum bid
    	$_POST['maximum_bid'] = number_format($_POST['maximum_bid'],2,'.','');
    	// Get domain info
    	$domain = $this->dbh->getRow("select 
    		".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions.id as auctionid,
    		".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions.high_bid from ".TABLE_PREFIX."domains 
    		left join ".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions on ".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions.domain_id = ".TABLE_PREFIX."domains.id 
    		left join ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids on ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids.auction_id = ".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions.id
    		where ".TABLE_PREFIX."domains.id='".$_POST['domainid']."' 
    		group by ".TABLE_PREFIX."domains.id limit 1", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    	$highbid = $this->dbh->getRow("select 
    		".TABLE_PREFIX."bids.maximum_bid as high_bid, 
    		".TABLE_PREFIX."users.email_address from ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids 
    		left join ".TABLE_PREFIX."users on ".TABLE_PREFIX."users.id = ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids.bidder_id
    		where ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids.auction_id='".$domain['auctionid']."' 
    		order by ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids.maximum_bid desc limit 1", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    	$mymaxbid = $this->dbh->getRow("select 
    		maximum_bid as my_maximum_bid from ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids 
    		where auction_id='".$domain['auctionid']."' 
    		and bidder_id='".$Userid."' 
    		order by maximum_bid desc limit 1", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    	if($domain['owner'] == $Userid){
    		// User cannot bid on own domain
    		$Error['error'][] = $this->dtphrase['cannot_bid_own_domain'];
    	if(strtotime($domain['end_date']) < strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:m:s"))){
    		// Auction has expired
    		$Error['error'][] = $this->dtphrase['auction_expired'];
    	if($_POST['maximum_bid'] < $domain['starting_price']){
    		// User has bid lower than starting price
    		$Error['error'][] = $this->dtphrase['starting_price_not_met'];
    	if($_POST['maximum_bid'] <= $domain['high_bid']){
    		// User has bid lower than their original maximum bid
    		$Error['error'][] = $this->dtphrase['bid_too_low'];
    	if($_POST['maximum_bid'] <= $mymaxbid['my_maximum_bid']){
    		// User has bid lower than their original maximum bid
    		$Error['error'][] = $this->dtphrase['lower_maximum_bid'];
    		return $Error;
    	} else {
    		if($highbid['bidder_id'] == $Userid){
    			// Update users maximum bid
    			$this->dbh->query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids set 
    				where auction_id='".$domain['auctionid']."' and bidder_id='".$Userid."' 
    				order by maximum_bid desc limit 1");
    		elseif($_POST['maximum_bid'] <= $highbid['high_bid']){
    			// Increment current bid up to users bid (plus an extra auction_increment_percentage% or current high bidders bid, whichever is lower)
    			if((round($_POST['maximum_bid']/100*$this->sitevar['auction_increment_percentage']+$_POST['maximum_bid'],2)) > $highbid['high_bid']){
    				$Newhighbid = $highbid['high_bid'];
    			} else {
    				$Newhighbid = round($_POST['maximum_bid']/100*$this->sitevar['auction_increment_percentage']+$_POST['maximum_bid'],2);
    			if($_POST['maximum_bid'] !== $highbid['high_bid']){
    				// Insert bid into database
    				$this->dbh->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids 
    			// Bid up on behalf of high bidder
    			$this->dbh->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids 
    			$this->dbh->query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions set high_bid='".$Newhighbid."' where id='".$domain['auctionid']."'");
    			// User was outbid
    			$Error['error'][] = $this->dtphrase['outbid_message'];
    			return $Error;
    		else {
    				// First bid?
    				$Newhighbid = $domain['starting_price'];
    			elseif((round($highbid['high_bid']/100*$this->sitevar['auction_increment_percentage']+$highbid['high_bid'],2)) > $_POST['maximum_bid']){
    				$Newhighbid = $_POST['maximum_bid'];
    			} else {
    				$Newhighbid = round($highbid['high_bid']/100*$this->sitevar['auction_increment_percentage']+$highbid['high_bid'],2);
    			// Update high bid
    			$this->dbh->query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."auctions set high_bid='".$Newhighbid."' where id='".$domain['auctionid']."'");
    			// Insert bid into database
    			$this->dbh->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."bids 
    			// Send outbid email to previous high bidder
    				if($highbid['bidder_id'] !== $Userid){
    					$Vars['username'] = $highbid['username'];
    					$Vars['domain'] = $domain['domain'];
    					$Vars['link'] = $this->sitevar['site_url'].'/details.php?id='.$domain['id'];
    					$domTrader = new domTrader($this->dbh,$this->smartybuild);
    		$Result['success'][] = $this->dtphrase['auction_bid_success'];
    		return $Result;


    I will be willing to pay anyone who can modify the function to work how I stated above.  If you have any questions, please let me know.




  4. Hmmm yes I have recently realised that BUT even when I build the image before any HTML is returned - when I return the output only the CAPTCHA image is displayed and no HTML before or after it.


    What would cause this?


    If you like I can give you temporary FTP access and you can take a look at the full file - I will pay you.


    Let me know.

  5. Okay here goes...


    I have created an application which grabs HTML templates from a MySQL database.  It then parses the HTML templates and any PHP variables stored within them.  Here is an example of how I have stored HTML/PHP variables in the database;




    The above code contains html and a PHP variable which is converted into a PHP function and executed once parsed.  Here is the code which parses the HTML template:


    $template = preg_replace('/\{\$dtsettings\[(.*?)\]\}/e', 'eval($this->dtsettings["$1"])', $template);


    The above code extracts a function called ShowSecurityImage() which outputs a CAPTCHA image.  The function is shown below;


    function ShowSecurityImage() {
    	// make a string with all the characters that we 
    	// want to use as the verification code
    	$alphanum  = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPRSTUVWXYZ23456789";
    	// generate the verication code 
    	$rand = substr(str_shuffle($alphanum), 0, 6);
    	// create an image object using the chosen background
    	$image = imagecreatefromjpeg(DIR.'/images/verification/background1.jpg');
    	$textColor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
    	// write the code on the background image
    	imagestring($image, imageloadfont(DIR.'/images/verification/anonymous.gdf'), 5, 9, $rand, $textColor);
    	// create the hash for the verification code
    	// and put it in the session
    	$_SESSION['image_random_value'] = md5($rand);
    	// Date in the past 
    	header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
    	// always modified 
    	header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
    	// HTTP/1.1 
    	header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    	header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    	// HTTP/1.0 
    	header("Pragma: no-cache");
    	// send the content type header so the image is displayed properly
    	header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
    	// send the image to the browser
    	// destroy the image to free up the memory


    All of the code I have posted works perfectly well except that it does report the following errors;


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/register.php:80) in /home/username/public_html/functions/main.class.php on line 148
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/register.php:80) in /home/username/public_html/functions/main.class.php on line 150
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/register.php:80) in /home/username/public_html/functions/main.class.php on line 152
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/register.php:80) in /home/username/public_html/functions/main.class.php on line 153
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/register.php:80) in /home/username/public_html/functions/main.class.php on line 155
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/register.php:80) in /home/username/public_html/functions/main.class.php on line 157
    ÿØÿàJFIFÿþ>CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), default quality ÿÛC    $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342ÿÛC  2!!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222ÿÀ<–"ÿÄ ÿĵ}!1AQa"q2‘¡#B±ÁRÑð$3br‚ %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyzƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚáâãäåæçèéêñòóôõö÷øùúÿÄ ÿĵw!1AQaq"2B‘¡±Á #3RðbrÑ $4á%ñ&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚâãäåæçèéêòóôõö÷øùúÿÚ ?õ‹j¾%iô­`yjˆd³)”.AÎzÆ9皧e ê:•Ïˆ. “GÔ &Ý$fwb@Ü ã±àb¤–K} îõ«S¤^j’ynñdº³p¹ué…Ç\t]|™O@’K¯\kÚ”_Ù—3(Ky—þ=®pwÜœ’¥gi ÷¾4Ô®-à´ˆhÅ„¹h.ÇGØØÀ$¨<מ3ZÚ¤e41áÿMá•Z7Ó¯ïbLd‘¸‚¸ôlõâ«jßþkÝ/aP°¼p—32~cžžàÕ§™²wùéòþ¿à3™†ÓûCÆ“¤Zuì–öƒæ³78žDg9;XäzSGoíµKù€RÍw ¹3Fà‡L|Ûz7µkxkH‚ÛO›S»/ur|Ê¢¼´#?2î#pÇ'¦qߥfè°Üêþ%»Õã{û¸âl›‹FXîT…}ŸÅÀÁÖ·ß²FüË^É[úþ¾ó&%†ÓY¼´}P¬Èg³]ÈÀò7'R¼ò+Ú³#KwŽXK-ÆïÜÉ Ê¶8 ©>¹ëíZד5Ç‹Öh/'¹v™HšÖÛË”:ˆø‡§r)¾#”¦¸.c½Y%Y¤Šµ‘XyxÚþâ­&î—ë±”|Û·9òƒÆ˜;‚¡`¾Üdþ´ÂÓ& ªFí»‰zÖ®¿g$3ExÂý’åCy—…Éõ ¤«~•FèE,܉,£c…kx·+)È´^Àݵ#¶Óšñ"[-ÅéÜÏq`D£ø‹g£¢…ÕaŸL™­mÄŽn.uÎçUQ÷FO¯aɪúe¥Ä~!1Ûµù.Uí­'ÂÌ%w Žÿ_²‚ßþÛ¥¿ÒEÃD’ÂÀoŒ¸ O÷Gsê*dÌä÷ûÄE¼½ð½õÜñ®¥\,C³ 3;oÇVÕÂOâËSR‘ÞÓIŠòݾÉ"ãqm‰’;¼ÿÀ«:ßJ¶ŽÏH¸¾y§žúõeM6ß°äî;sÔãڷΛ«ø£Qi.›ìZN£|KÛp$) ãq=‡È׳mJIkýoøõ6ôÙ<7§ßË›X¶ê²*†Æ÷n»œLÖkø~Â}íZc´3²˜ŽÝÇvá»s‚9¢ÃÁz"A Ì«æf‹¢²–CòÆÐ繦^øgRðͬsé÷3ÌŽ–ö¯oÌù}Îû¿ýsY¦¯£9ÓŠ~ìµó6mÚSûJËÄp[¥Å½Ìea±‰ˆÀŸ_›ŽÔT^!±ƒÇZ«é­±Úåä Ãi*™FÈúí¢ˆ½7°A«jíäoÝE«jÇ[Ýi±ÆÆRØ 1€Ã<3éÔÖ&•{£M¬ßx†xî4©ú8{‘夊:Ÿî±Ýî~謯Ú蚯Âß]Ep!¼‰î›!I ŠªÝd{×u­ë:·À ipA rjóE¥Aq”²M±7u#+$^++ÛFsó[Oøx"6ÓÜø‹ÄÖˆÀíû=ý‘mÑGÑrÈÎsžG85çþ:mWTð~­âf™îm-öEcv®±KïÐe•prA#מ•BKàÌ ê²Ç-¾œñÞZ©,$>o“7ää3`㸫WÆÚ~ª|oá m'måµ´6ób öûÄ…Wv_¦+E{hmÌÚÓ{}ËËþ…¦xoRñy°dñˆ55°Ïr~ÚK@]G˜ª® ="´¯|'§ø[Q†âÛÄšÝì©&ïLDÝ@t(ISß•ªÉ¢ëÍ œwRÜ[^GÍ>ÏÃ×q‡µE33¢³H[jwqÏ#$5„¾ðN¥§êÚõðñ6“p¾EÄSÜ2Þ[¹Ë ’C’0H'Ž ü¿+Q¢³k@N1³’÷EÔoÃÖ2êWöOw©Ï/‘ok7›ÂV¤¹$’Hg#.]/WÖîÖMcÄš”Ó.Ôy÷‘GË»Ž:Œg©®Öñ?á1š:èZi±¨–Êm^ åK`ü“mà—óÖ³õïÅà‹D¶¾{Å Ougz$µÛÓseÉ$zúèßÚ‘Ñ&µ”¿áŽM¦¼Ñ5uðåíì:Œl‚kkËiw#.ÞA\㪞H sA´»Ó¼-$²¦§ÏÓ6È`aîÄî^=«’ð’Xëz̾(Õu½(\ÂËÒæŠFgÈe;ö¨ÏÞÈ*NIíŒTž6Òo.4û_ÛÙi°ÛYÊŠÐE.2»† RÛ±»çæÏšQ£~„Æ«;ôOð:­ÚöÆÆëR–ßXŠÈÆG›fQ‡»?o ªú”÷Rɨ46/emßoŸj1êæcì iEb¾-°†ãF²¶Òô¸ù2ÜêCäd`;ô®KEÓ`ñ‡5m@O¤éúf«1—tde€e<mäò7AŠ•OĹնYÑé·62\]êú”wJ¹Åo¦DbópáW¶:œþrMPÒô¿ìÛFßD—Y•|ÆŠB·B>oõ™ùGÇ~FGnSÅž$ÕüEâ[? iÚ—•`ŒO” àˆÔçv#'ËÊ‚Mt­ðãC¹ÊßCÔîµ·"{­Fêíãkmß6Kgi“¾Jõ焹·¡œê7umw·_ØŸµK Ëy«Eö?&Áï$ÜÊíå'@0>p0Ó9ô×ÐüE¨£¬Ú‚Úó¹b}{ûWðÒÒ×_ñ7ÄYæŽ_,jiwp’á”Ç{PåÒA)7¤õ]ÏHKáÍwí–ÖÎöbÐ[”;šRÅÙñÓO©Uß N×m¦j€K©Ú…’ì0È åŠàôéEK’NÌÎRIÚJìMbÚÇWÔôý#QÓf‘pnD¨ÄeãnáÏSíÐWΞµ¹>'Ñü-s~ š×Z¸¼šÔüË ÖñŒX¬•”àç ÔdúLɬZ¶©|òÁ{n«ºÒÚ Q° äç’r:u¥y]·,4¿\ëšÖ©uo/ˆÝ×ìBØÄmÌ’¬Œ È W§;³ŠmØI6Òéý6q×Ï<Ô¼3qf ¹¹ñ"ð_ƒüSoe¢M<=º¶‚ÚQæA¸†fbÁ±žÏê@#2‡þ(ÜMcñ:å­æìÿh{%’@ƒ€«&üçÕ”‚O=job9¹z~9¡é:µ×Ç¿ÙÏ«fçû9^êhc½\[Ÿ,Ã%GÐ{Ôzdú¾ŸñãÄ· ×1éè÷I Ÿ1nDh?¼~Eüë«ð×ÂËïxŽÿZÒucw=ìOn©z›ŒAÉ$€íòžŽO^ Zñ?…#ñˆtí[í÷šˆmßÈÓnbc*+ng’>›pÏÆGÞ;· -MÙ)¶uñëuí”ãQxb[XÒK嘅HI¶1íl$iÓJ>ó¸þô¢´m"—J‘ Ž9îÌí$òM#€‹ (Ïlt‹EW4–ˆ¥RqV‹Ð¦tÛÓlô­>þM8» „‰_2:çs) “ƒžjK‰u3â&?ÙðϦÛÕ0óL„8ú}êÕ–ÎÖKÈnÞÞ'¸J¤¬ ²‚y׬ü/á={QÓn§=Ó0ê„°nFz{öGP‡¿ýwÿØòè×¾ î4KÝ@”IŒl_î¯Ë÷Np <õ<Š»ýŸ­hðé:]œÑjV¥ÏÚ€å$îÎÉA<ŽMZ·tÖ4+ø!.d‘]2 *nZÑþƳ¶ÕçÕ¡%ÏÙ„XvmÎ~ïLð?*|Åsôþ»2ÿdj>'º»Ô´™íŸJU)rêB“÷·n^8ÆOBjî™>£qÖµ¥õ”ÊÍglÑ„ÀãæÏ#‘ÜU?ë—š÷†înµ’§Œü¸wcúVµç‡4Û·³ˆFöñ[K¹c¶s±¸/\ö`ÝŸ+ÿ3{ = Oø›L0ê€T·fsÏË·oñz“Þ´mVîÚY.dÖÜ“FMµŒª âQÆ nÅ3JÖ/gñÞ±¤Ë {[XcxQO^kb-2ÂM@jmgÛH)çmù€ƒÛŠNVÜR•´—õþG?wmqu§¥Ï‰´O·N’ ­—ïAÁ#'Ž§"’!£[jÖQËwuÛª´H™‚GǧN½Ï•=íõÞ‰ámKTŽæK›€ZE'r¦?„ŒjÜÓÕ.,-îå ó¦GÚ2xÛhr“Žð(-ž²w9Ô`¹œŒAnñíŠ.x$˜œw¤/©A=´rY%åÎ35æDq ä 9$ã·~æq¡ÙÃ¥5‘–É&•Llû]²yËš‚=VåV[röí<Þd¯Ã9êrNzôútÅ+“ÎïdRˆj:-»ù¯ ‚"ÅþõÅĤö*ŽÕx‹ME'µ›gža :©ù‘X}Üõæ—N¼–êâõ$Ûˆfظ½ýé÷v‘]®ÇÞƒzÈLlT±\ G#¸â•îÄÝÞ¤K՜䅒ØãŠÝp¢53zðz{ ’K{;ùbl‰ ´Å†Öà8|ÀuÆO^õ%´í3ÜÆ#”¢àv⦠a·(!x O\úÐMÊIs5”1Gw“ÎÛ˜µ¼D€7p?"áEh)$œö¢‹†‡ÿÙ


    I have tried putting ob_start() at the top of the file, but this only makes the header errors disappear.  The output is still a load of gobble-de-goop.


    Please note: GD is already installed & I already have the ShowSecurityImage() function working on it's own.



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