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  1. Ha, nevermind. I found it. It was this little snippet in the code: include('inc_contact.php'). Once again thanks to LemonInflux for the help with this and I'll make sure that if I have any further questions I'll visit this site again because you're the true experts.
  2. Thanks but that still didn't solve the mystery of the missing text. I can see the code but I don't see any of the text anywhere. <?php if ($section && $image) { echo('<img src="images/contact/' . $image . '.jpg">'); } else if ($section) { include($section . '.php'); } else { include('inc_contact.php'); } if ($section && $image) { echo('<p class="under_photo_descrip">'); include('descriptions/contact/' . $image . '.php'); echo('</p>'); } else { echo(''); } ?> That's the code that shows up (if it helps). I found the descriptions folder thinking it might lead me to where the text could possibly be but there isn't a contact folder. If someone recognizes something in this code that could help point the direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the tip though LemonInflux.
  3. Hey, My name is Nic and I work for Pinecrest Inc. I have my company's site displaying in Dreamweaver CS3 and where text usually appears there is a small php symbol in place of it. I have no knowledge of php and that's why I came here. Does anyone know what this symbol is representing in terms of where the actual text is and if it's possible for me to access that text for editing purposes. Any info I can get on this topic would be a tremendous help. Thanks to anyone willing to donate their time for helping someone in over their head.
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