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Posts posted by lovelycesar

  1. I have a tiny code like this:

    $memo_start = memory_get_usage(true);
    // I do somthing here
    $memo_end = memory_get_usage(true);
    // calculate memory used
    $memo_used = $memo_start - $memo_end;


    As of manual from php.net, it returns the amount of memory, in bytes, that's currently being allocated to your PHP script. However, at the beginning of my project, it shows 128 kb, now it shows 768 kb, with nothing changed from server's config. So, my question is: is this PHP function returns the amount of memory for whole PHP scripts on server or just a script standalone (this script) ?


    Thank you.

  2. You mean that script will cheat or hack my point system?

    That shouldn't be a surprise, shouldn't it? It's not difficult to make a script which runs through the "browsers" and lower their points. Even if someone fails on an automated approach, people are so patient that they can click and refresh manually.


    If I have users paid to keep the site on my site, it turns into no sense. Actually, if users want to keep the site there, they must click on other sites. The more sites they click, the more points they gain. A site has zero point will be out of the list. Earning money? If there are many users, I can put somes little ads to earn.

    I was just saying, not making it happen and i stated that it would not increase any earnings. Though, the way the site is now, makes it not really interesting. In my opinion...

    Yes, I think it should be. By default, one link will clicked once in an interval of 10 minutes. So, cheater will be more patient to get cheating points. In my purpose, I cause registered users had to click on others.

  3. I still don't understand it.  Forgive me, but your trying to implement a "paid per click" business model.  Correct?  I don't think I have ever seen ones of those work well.


    Why? Because it provides little to no value. You get "paid" with points to show your own site, but why would i want to randomly just click on someone else's site if it has no benefit to me.  Sure, I may spend 5 minutes or so clicking on others sites that I have no real interest in, but after that I will never visit the site again because it provides no real value. 


    Hope you understand what I'm getting at.  What's the benefit to me?


    The benefit this site provides is augmentation traffic for sites gotten clicked. The points on site are for just keeping website being still alive in list. I don't know if it is a benefit. Can you tell me more.

  4. Actually one can just make a script that runs through all your files, 10 times per each and get rid easily of the competition (as said by ProjectFeaR).

    You mean that script will cheat or hack my point system?


    It would make a lot more sense if the site gets points by visits and maybe reviews and those sites that are ranked high are shown first in searches or listings. You can let users register for a "trial" period for free, after then they must pay to keep the site. I doubt that paying services will increase your earnings though.

    If I have users paid to keep the site on my site, it turns into no sense. Actually, if users want to keep the site there, they must click on other sites. The more sites they click, the more points they gain. A site has zero point will be out of the list. Earning money? If there are many users, I can put somes little ads to earn.

  5. Thanks for all precious comments.

    My idea is original from some Paid-to-Click sites. If you pay for one click to your site, here you use your click to get one free click. therefore, my site serves to exchange traffic.

    It's hard for me to write an introduction about that idea.

    If you click one link, that link disappears in 10 minutes and re-appears until out of points. And the owner if that site need to click other site to get points higher.


    When one site get clicked, it will have 2 sources of traffic: 1) from IP of clicker, 2) from a crawl bot of my site


    I will try to re-write a CLEAR INTRODUCTION, then.

  6. For <br /> :

    The sequence <FOO /> can be interpreted in at least two different ways, depending on the DOCTYPE of the document. For HTML 4.01 Strict, the '/' terminates the tag <FOO (with an implied '>'). However, since many browsers don't interpret it this way, even in the presence of an HTML 4.01 Strict DOCTYPE, it is best to avoid it completely in pure HTML documents and reserve its use solely for those written in XHTML.

  7. Thanks. I used Opera before; and now I see that Opera has a very nice skin out. As the site's content becomes longer, the shorter white footer I have.

    As of you all, I have a better-looking site now.

    Finally, please receive hereby my Big Thanks!

  8. .. but if I change Firefox's background color to black, your site's background is black


    I'm not sure if you care if your site displays correctly in Opera or Safari.. (everything is now left [ except for the title 'Auto Detect Ip Adress' in the main window, and the footer..those are centered])




    Yes, thanks for reviewing site under various browsers.

    - I defined the background, now it is #FFFFFF even though your settings in Firefox

    - I added in the container div as { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}, then the centered div shows as expected; I downloaded Opera & Safari for Win, div's now correctly centered.

    Can you advise me why the menu, in IE7 I cannot click on an image to open link, but I can do it in FF3?

  9. when viewed in Opera 9.51 or IE 7, the google ad is centered, while everything else is flush left against the edge of the screen.


    P.S I changed Opera's default background colour, and I can see it in the webpage (after all the content). You might want to put a CSS rule that establishes a black background for the whole site:



    body {background-color: #000000;}


    This way, no matter what colour the user has set his / her web browser to, your site will still display properly.


    Great comments!

    Thank you so much. Really I have not yet tested under various types of browsers.

    I corrected some css defs. It seems that's fine under IE7 and Firefox 3.x

    Can you review one more time?

  10. Commenting on the design only its a bit boring :P

    Some simple graphics bordering the image would be cool I guess, like a graphical 'frame'.


    You could say the design is very practical too as it doesnt require alot of bandwidth.

    Times New roman is a boring font though :P But I suppose its cause im a fan of arial :D



    i second xstevey_bx's post about the design...


    as to usefulness...what would someone do with this information?  if you were just expanding your knowledge of php and retrieving info about a user, great...otherwise i would implement this page/script with something that might be useful or even fun...


    hmmmm, log in...after logging in it will capture the ip address of the user and put into db...the user with the most ip addresses in his record wins!!! (this would require a lot of traveling, but might be fun...could make some money too if it took off.)




    Thank you, I re-designed (http://www.autodetectip.com) it a little as you suggested.

    Now I think that it's a bit better.

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