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hi! i would like to monitoring the size of tablaspaces in my oracle. I have the query to show this values but i don't know to show in my web. The query is: $query = "select fs.tablespace_name, (df.totalspace - fs.freespace),fs.freespace, df.totalspace, round(100 * (fs.freespace / df.totalspace)) from (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) TotalSpace from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) df, (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) FreeSpace from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) fs where df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name"; I see the function "oci_connect" in php to establishes a connection to the Oracle server but my level of php is very low. Any body help me??? I would like to show in a different rows and columns my values for example: name_tamblespace | total_size | Used_% | free_size | free_size_% very thanks!
I have a row in mysql that the content is: insert into Link (Id_Link,Link) values (1,'//server/folder/documentum.doc'); I would like to make a link and I put this: <a href="file:///<?php echo $row['Link']; ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo $row['Link']; ?>"> the link as: file://///server/folder/documentum.doc That's right! why i can't open the DOC file directly with my Firefox?? If I copy this direction and put into the toolbar the file is open!
I have the solution! At first, I put: $valor = $_GET['id']; and the query: $queEmp = "select pkey, UPDATED, reporter, resolution, summary from `jsue` where pkey like '$valor'"; thanks!!!
Now, I see the element!!! I change this: <li><a href="lib/consultas.php?accion=E" onclick="load('lib/consultas.php?accion=E','consulta');return false;"> for: <li><a href="lib/consultas.php?accion=E" onclick="load('lib/consultas.php?accion=E[b]&id=<?php echo $row['pkey']; ?>[/b]','consulta');return false;"> if I put in case E: echo $_GET['id']; I see the element that i Clicked. but... i would like to insert a MySQl query: $queEmp = "select pkey, UPDATED, reporter, resolution, summary from `jiraissue` where pkey like $_GET['id']"; why did not run?
now, if i change this line: <li><a href="lib/consultas.php?accion=E" onclick="load('lib/consultas.php?accion=E','consulta');return false;"> and put: <li><a href="lib/consultas.php?accion=E[b]&<?php echo $row['pkey']; ?>[/b]" onclick="load('lib/consultas.php?accion=E','consulta');return false;"> I see the item of <li> name into the link but if i make a click, the echo don't give any result... help....
I have problems with my Autosuggest project. I don't know to detect which is the value that I click. In my index.php i have this: <div id="search-wrap"> Seach values:<br> <input name="search-q2" id="search-q2" type="text" onkeyup="javascript:autosuggest2()" value="write a value...."/> <br><br> </div> To search the values i have the file "seach_values.php" and i have this: <?php $searchq = strip_tags($_GET['q']); $getRecord_sql = "select pkey from TABLE where project = '10000' and pkey like '%".$searchq."%'"; $getRecord = mysql_query($getRecord_sql); if(strlen($searchq)>0){ echo '<ul>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getRecord)) { ?> <li><a href="lib/consultas.php?accion=E" onclick="load('lib/consultas.php?accion=E','consulta');return false;"> <?php echo $row['pkey']; ?> </a> </li> <?php }echo '</ul>'; } ?> This is correct, because i see the results when i write into my input box. But, when I click into one value (into <li>) the results all times are: "Query was empty" I put the case "E" from "consultas.php": case 'E': echo "<br>"; echo my value is....; echo "<br>"; echo $which is the value I clicked??????; echo "<br>";
I use this code, but if I put many times the code for my different servers the refresh of the page is very slow... Is it easy and possible accelerate my page?
did you know any tutorial, blog or any page to explain my question???
yeah! finally I put this code: <?php $str = exec("ping -n 1 -w 1", $input, $result); if ($result == 0){ echo "<img src=\"on.png\">"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"off.png\">"; } ?> It's run correctly, but i would like to insert this code into a javascript function because I insert many times this PHP and the page is very hard to load. I would like to insert a button: <input type="submit" onClick="para();"> and when I press this button, the javascript runs. Is it possible??
I change this code and I put this: IP: ( <?php $ping_ex = exec("ping -n 1", $ping_result, $pr); if (count($ping_result) > 1){ echo "<img src=\"on.png\">"; } else{ echo "<img src=\"off.png\">"; } ?> ) IP: ( <?php $ping_ex = exec("ping -n 1", $ping_result, $pr); if (count($ping_result) > 1){ echo "<img src=\"on.png\">"; } else{ echo "<img src=\"off.png\">"; } ?> ) In the first case the resulst are NO and the second case are YES. But... the result is YES in two cases. Why???
not's run. The result is: no!
I would like to make a simple monitoring. I make this: <?php $ip = $_SERVER['']; exec("ping -n 4 $ip 2>&1", $output, $retval); if ($retval != 0) { echo "no!"; } else { echo "yes!"; } ?> I use my internal IP: The result is: NO! why???
I would like to make a simple autosuggest but i don't understand why my code is not running. Help me please! here is the code: <?php require_once('db.php'); include('classes/stem.php'); include('classes/cleaner.php'); if( !empty ( $_POST['search'] ) ): $string = $_POST['search']; $stemmer = new Stemmer; $stemmed_string = $stemmer->stem ( $string ); $clean_string = new jSearchString(); $stemmed_string = $clean_string->parseString ( $stemmed_string ); $new_string = ''; foreach ( array_unique ( split ( " ",$stemmed_string ) ) as $array => $value ) { if(strlen($value) >= 3) { $new_string .= ''.$value.' '; } } $new_string = substr ( $new_string,0, ( strLen ( $new_string ) -1 ) ); if ( strlen ( $new_string ) > 3 ): $split_stemmed = split ( " ",$new_string ); mysql_select_db($database); $sql = "select pkey from jiraissue where project = '10040' and pkey like '%".$val."%'"; if($total>0){ echo '<ul>'; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query ) ){ echo '<li>'."\n"; echo $row['pkey']; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } ?>
hi! I see some webs with a similar style as wordpress.com. For example: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/ (see the "Top Tags Alphabetically" at the left the page) how can i make a small web with 3 or 4 categories? I have this pages: - index.html -- Programing ----- applescript ----- cocoa -- OS ----- windows ----- linux ----- mac In the index.html i see all the categories, but If i click into Windows I see only the posts of Windows. thanks!
If I put echo $search-q2; the result is 0. And, If I put echo $queEmp; i see a white page without results. With PHP is possible to give a variable of another PHP file?